Darklord Wolf hug tech confirmed gone next patch

Really? Not Wesker but Wolf?
The hate for hug techs is just sad.
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got patch that skill out of the killer. Can't have killer having skill expression the ability.
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I honestly believe that it's because Wesker's hug tech is way harder to pull off, especially on controller, than the Wolf's.
Why rush in patching something that's not widespread enough to warrant big content creators making videos on it and blasting the forum?
In all seriousness though, it's only a matter of time, the fact that it's less reliable and can't be used on as many loops is likely part of the reason.
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Everybody was hug teching when the wesker swarm happened also you have that flipped
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Meh, even when Wesker was everywhere I didn't see a lot of hug techs outside of specific loops (mostly car loops and some main buildings) and 30% of Gideon for some reason.
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Good thing I didn't practice it.
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I want blights hug tech back to not get stuck on everything. He is unfun ever since they changed him.
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It's not as simple as waving a hand and saying "patched". The code for Wesker is most likely not the same as the code for the wolf pounce. They could be able to hug tech for two completely different reasons. I know Wesker is very tied to frame rate. I suspect it's very complicated because I can Wesker hug tech on Windows but not on Linux. Probably not a simple lift to fix it.
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Oh no, a obvious glitch on a killer that is still going to be pretty good when it's gone is getting removed, however will we manage
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what’s the difference in said “tech” and calling it a “exploit”?
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I been playing for 5 years and still don't know what hug tech means.
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For DBD words like Tech and Exploit and Toxic and Tunneling all pretty much have lost all meaning over the years.
For me, an exploit is something the devs themselves define as unintended and targeted for removal, and from time to time ban for still using after declaring it so.
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A tech is something that still has counterplay, CJ Tech is usually pretty telegraphed and you can hold off on kicking a pallet with a downed Survivor bit it or Hug Tech you can make a read that its coming and in some cases the pay off is massive.
Then you have exploits, things like the Potential Energy exploit that allowed you to complete gens WAY faster, or the Flashlight/Locker one where a Survivor could walk inside a locker (without actually being "inside" the locker) to avoid being hit. There is absolutely nothing the other side can do to prevent this or play around it.
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"tech" just means a specific method/strategy/technique for a specific situation. It's quite a broad term by definition.
Wolf Form will be pretty bad without it, honestly.
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When was this confirmed? Did I miss something?
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Why is everyone surprised that they are removing bugtech lmao
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Well it could be any number of reasons
It could be they feel better removing it early because weskers took a while to find so they are fine with it
It could just be an easier fix that requires small changes or only few lines of code
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It's not skill… It's a bug. If everyone is able to do it, is it really a skillful play? No
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What kind of a take is that? That's like saying everyone can use a killer's power, so there's no skill to playing any killer.
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When/Where was it confirmed? I looked everywhere.
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The one place I didn't look lol. Thank you!
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the mechanic is a tool for killer to use to get hits. it means that wolf now needs even more buffs.
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i mean weskers hug tech is very hard and situational. Even plays around fps and such . I can do 180 oni flicks and used to do hug techs but weskers is another level of difficult whoch is probably why it is not such an issue.
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would it somehow automatically be more skillful if the devs said "yep on purpose fr" or something? Anyone could do it at an entry level but that doesnt make it inherently unskilled. Any survivor can "loop" after hearing about how running in a circle is better than a straight line, but looping has a very high skill ceiling on both sides. I'd like to note that looping is also a completely unintended aspect of gameplay that formed from survivors realizing that killers larger hitboxes took longer to go around tiles; an unintended, even buggy side effect of an intended aspect of the game.
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Probably unintended, but it's not because some zeros and ones are wonky in the game's code. Hug tech is. Saying exploiting a bug in a code to use hug tech is skill, is like saying that it is skill for survivors to go a certain place in Swamp map where killer can't pick them up (which they luckily patched up)
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I don't think a bug where you can slide off of objects is comparable to a bug that makes you literally invincible and holds the game hostage.
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Both have faulty code
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if you need an exploit to be any good that's just sad
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Both nurse and dracula can go through vaults/pallets therefore they are the same :)
This is such a reductionist argument. Under this logic literally a bug that lets you use infinite oni power and a bug that lets you flick on punishment of the damned is the same, which is absurd to even state.
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I'll form an opinion when it's gone and we see if BHVR has thrown the wolf a bone.
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Yet is was the only thing that made wolf form somewhat viable and skillful. Dumbing things down like this will just lead to the disappearance of Dracula.
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ohh yeah, if you have a good macro knowledge and want to play a killer with increased skill ceiling, it's "sad" and you are considered "bad" player. Yall truly need a reality check
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if you need to abuse an exploit to play then you have no right to talk.
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I was expecting something like this. I didn't buy the killer yet and I probably never will. (The perks aren't worth it.)
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Considering how difficult it is to consistently perform the many Techs that Wesker has, Im going to really doubt this, since the only people consistently performing his Techs are Wesker one-tricks. Even when Wesker was popular, I RARELY saw anyone perform his Hug-Tech, what few times I did see it, it was easy to counter.
I really, really think people just die and instantly think it is a Hug-Tech instead of taking time to actually process how they died and how it could have been prevented.
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you understand that looping was unintended mechanic at first, right?
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Still a false equivalence either way. The severity of a bug can't just be blanket discounted like that.
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A lot of things in gaming are the result of unintended mechanics and ideas; some can make a game better, some can make a game worse, but it's really subjective, but the idea that "it's unintended and if you happen to stumble across it you are suddenly a bad person" is beyond stupid.
While we can voice our opinions for or against the Hug-Tech, the only opinion that matters is the developers', since they get the final say.
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i am not even against majority of the techs in the game, shift tech, CJ tech, moonwalking, hug techs, crouch tech, but people are vastly trying to present these as "illegal exploits" as another cope mechanism for failing to win the game. I literally had people call me a cheater many times because of 180s with Oni
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FOV "tech" and 360 "tech" would like to have a word with you.
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Then when are they fixing Wesker hug Tech and 180 degree Oni demon dash flicks
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"Looping was never intended. Please fix this exploit!!11"
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honestly at the end of the day these things are bugs and unintentional ways to play the game I totally support removing this stuff now
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I don't really have a strong stance on this tbh. There are a lot of these that have been in the game so long that they honestly stopped feeling out of place to me. Space Billy back in the day was a lot of fun, and I was upset at that being removed at the time. Oni flicks are still around, and I'll probably just stop playing him if those ever get removed tbh.
It isn't really unexpected to see Wolftech go though, it looks pretty goofy and makes for a lot of really weird hits. It's fun, but frustrating to be on the other end of. I'm ultimately indifferent to its removal.
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Honestly, I think they should just take the "tech" part out of the equation and make it so the wolf slides on environmental objects when pouncing. It makes sense for a wolf to be able to take corners quickly and I don't think it's completely unplayable for survivors.
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Post edited by Nun_So_Vile on1