Favorite Map? Why?
Hi everyone, I hope you’re all doing well today. I was wondering, what are some of your favorite maps? What is it about them that you enjoy? The story? The lighting? Gameplay? Main building? The offerings themselves? Let’s discuss!
I massively enjoy the Swamp Maps, always have. For some reason I've consistently done very well on them over the years, in either role. I love playing around the little boat for instance, and the angled sides are fun to me. They used to be so much larger, and hatch spawns there are still crazy.
Ages ago they had early renderings of a village-tyoe version that I hope someday is added in. Maybe when that realm gets its graphical update.
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Hey JPL! The swamps are cool huh? The swamp maps always intimidate me, I don’t even know why haha. Oh wait, maybe it has something to do with all the cannibal cages.
I like the angled sides too. Awesome map pick. Great taste! 😊
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i hope you're doing well too!!!! my favorite map is midwich, simply because im a huge silent hill fan and i love the look of the map...the hidden chest in the clock tower is still so cool to me after all this time, and that body that falls out of the locker in that one room has scared me so many times!!
there's so many cool details and the atmosphere is just so creepy, it really makes the match feel more tense and well…more like a horror game! tbh i dont always enjoy actually *playing* on this map, sometimes i get a little disoriented, but im happy every time i get it, i know it'll be an interesting and spooky match :D
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I've always been very partial towards the Pale Rose. Couldn't really tell you why, though.
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Wow I felt transported back to the level after reading what you wrote! It really is a magical map in a creepy way isn’t it? I smiled reading about the locker body jump scare lol. The caged bodies that scream and spasm are particularly disturbing.
That was fun to read. Thanks for sharing 😊
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Maybe nostalgy of old dbd style.
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I think I'm one of the only people that actually likes Toba Landing. Aesthetically, the map is beautiful, and gameplay wise, I always felt it was fairly balanced. I wish they kept some of the foliage from the PTB, but that's really my only gripe with it.
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There’s so much to look at, so many little details. I agree it’s beautiful. And terrifying too. It was the people in the walls that took my breath away the first time I saw them.
I’m glad to see that this map came up as a favorite. Thanks for sharing 😊
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Probably Midwich or Meat Plant.
- Multi-floors (as Nurse)
- Easy to hide (as Blendette)
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Love me some Toba, I feel it's the most accommodating for everybody.
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I love Gas Haven solely because ringing the bell at main makes my Goldfish brain happy.
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Reading these comments makes me very sad we never got a Trickster map, as the city background for that chapter looked AMAZING
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I enjoy hawking laboratory only win I'm playing pinhead. don't know why but my matches always.are quite easier on that particular map
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I sympathize with you. Hopefully one day!
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They’re not the most popular maps for many and my reasons are nothing to do with balance etc - but I do love facing a myers on haddonfield!
I quite like the swamp too (for booning reasons lol).
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I really like Tobalanding because it looks very unique and cool (the futuristic birds and flora are wonderful). The map also has these fly traps that you can use as an info tool or the ramps that make the map more unique and special in a good way. Lastly, in my opinion, it is a very balanced map because survivors can and have good safeties but no big bs like other maps have. The map also has good line of sight blockers but is also open and a fair size without any strong three gens.
I like this map from the ascetic and balanced aspect.
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Hi! 😊 I fall for theming too. Always lol
And how could I ever forget your Boon: Exponential Lisa Garland?
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Waaiiiit a minute… the fly traps are motion detectors?!
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yes I do like facing quite a few killers on their ‘home’ patch!
haha you know my Lisa loves her Boon exponential!
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besides bad rng with window setups I’ve always liked lerys
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Midwich and Disturbed ward are our favorites. We like silent hill and theres been a special place in our cold dark hearts for the asylum since we started (probably cause all the fun/funny kyf shenanigans happened there)
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I always get a little excited whenever I go to Gideon's Meat Plant, I just like that maps for all the little Easter eggs, the efficient paths between the 2 floors and the sneaky paths you can take... I do wish basement has a second spawn location, but I just have fun at Gideon's, win or lose.
Though the maps I tend to play well regardless of side are Coal Tower, Groaning Storehouse and Thompsons House. Something about those maps just fits my playstyle.