Exaustion perk variety !?

so as we know sprint burst and lithe dominate the exaustion perk slot . Dead hard and balanced are also good but have their pre requirements which balances them out. I was thinking they could change the exaustion cooldown based on usage rate . So make sprint burst and lithe 50 or 60 seconds exaustion in t3. To compensate they could lower the cooldown for some lesser used exaustion like making overcome and dramaturgy 30 seconds ( they require you to be healthy ). Toughts ?
i just see the same 2 to 3 exaustions every match and this could slightly help bring more variety while maintaining all of them viable.
Exhaustion perks are lame anyways. They need to do something cool like allow you to grab onto a killer from behind that's carrying a survivor to slow them down by like 10-15% and give it a 2 minute exhaustion. Something that is actually more interesting than a brainless hold W to gain instant value.
But Drama could have a shorter cooldown considering it exposes you sometimes. And smash hit and BGP have a 20 second cooldown
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As some one who uses Dramaturgy, and have seen people use Dramaturgy in the correct way, having a 20 second cooldown would deadass make it overpowered. Were talking about a sudo OG Dead Hard which would be available every chase, and youd be able to easily cycle out the Exposed outside of chase since you cant get the same effect twice in a row. Hell the exposed doesnt even matter 90% of the time unless you use it as a desperate attempt of reaching some place if youre in a really bad position, in which case you should wait right before you get hit so you can get the speed burst.
Its such a slept on perk its insane, making it even stronger would be even more insane
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honestly I kinda wish balanced landing had a 20 second cooldown due to the set up nature of it but it might be overtuned with vigil