What I Dislike About The Newer Map/Tile Reworks

HorrorFanOnPS4 Member Posts: 15
edited September 2024 in Feedback and Suggestions

I have played a few games as survivor and killer and I noticed one thing about the newer map and tile reworks, too much clutter and dead zones. On the newer map reworks they moved the main buildings closer to the middle of the maps but in doing so seemed like the maps shrunk. A good example of this is Mount Ormond Resort, where the main building is in the middle but at the expense of the map seeming smaller with a full on dead zone in the one corner. The other thing I dislike is the added clutter onto the maps. When I'd be playing survivor I would be trying to loop the killer and there would be just some random rocks or trees placed in front of the tile I would be trying to get too, often even running into them and either getting hit or downed due to me concentrating on the killer's position. The added clutter is bad for ranged killers such, especially Hillbilly. Some of the newer tiles just seem to be placed there just to have something added to the map, when they could add something that isn't to powerful to be looped around. That's just my opinion, but what do you think about some of the newer map/tile reworks?


  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    I think the clutter is good, it provides LOS blockers for Stealth Killers who need the most help.

    I do agree with deadzones though. Farm is notoriously bad for having 2-3 pallets on 50% of the map, and 1 or 2 of them can be the 2m tent pallet that is useless against 90% of Killers. I should have to earn my deadzones as Killer, not be granted them for free from garbage mapgen.

  • ppmd
    ppmd Member Posts: 122

    Some clutter is good for both sides, as it helps with stealth on either end and can help give some counterplay to ranged powers for survivors. If there is too much it's not healthy and most maps don't have too much imo.

    Dead zones and weak tiles I have to 100% agree though, it's becoming way too common and needs to be addressed.

  • WitchWalpurga
    WitchWalpurga Member Posts: 128

    don't forget the new Coldwind spawns without a cowtree :D…

  • SoGo
    SoGo Member Posts: 1,999

    I can't wrap my head around removing the fog.

    If anything, there should be more of it.