Haste Clown seems a bit too oppressive And Nemesis is also really boring now

Rokku_Rorru Member Posts: 1,561
edited September 2024 in Feedback and Suggestions

Hey while it's not really a 4v1 build, haste clown with any of the chase perks isn't really very fun to go against. Their seems little counterplay outside of bad map design, I think as more haste and m1 perks are added it could be something which continues to spiral out of control

I feel nemesis' buffs also miss the point, he should have had help in his 4v1 via the zombies or the like, the servers barely keep up with his hits they feel awful to go against also, do people internally even test this lol

Post edited by Rokku_Rorru on


  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257

    Nemesis changes limited to his tentacle are better option overall in my opinion. It is direct feedback for the killer (how he feels to play) yet because of slow early game, basic movement speed and additional hits, he can't really get too strong.

    If you focused on zombies, he won't really be that much better, his effectiveness will be random based on zombies.

    Also if zombies get too good/reliable, I think there is definitely chance for him to become most obnoxious killer in DBD. It would be highly annoying to deal with unless you got flashlight/one of few perks to deal with them.

  • Rokku_Rorru
    Rokku_Rorru Member Posts: 1,561

    Honestly I agree it feels better when playing as him, but on survivor PoV the sound doesnt play half the time when he preps it and the latency will show him hitting somewhere you never even touched (not drift tech, a desync atm), but as it stands he just spirals out of control in Late game and he is now even better at tunneling than before.

    It's mainly a thing where it must look fine on LAN but awful on higher latency, so they never pay attention nor refine it.

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257
    edited September 2024

    Well, sound in DBD is weird for both sides right now. I don't think that's Nemi issue.

    it stands he just spirals out of control in Late game and he is now even better at tunneling than before.

    Even at tier III he is neither best chase, or best tunneling killer.

    awful on higher latency

    Higher latency is terrible basically for any online game. Shooters are unplayable with high latency.

  • Rokku_Rorru
    Rokku_Rorru Member Posts: 1,561

    True, but I call it high latency at 40ms atm like I dont understand some of the hits maybe if I record it to show it, I'm not really being the most clear.

    With how quick he does chases on the smaller maps, it's a big issue, I'm mainly on about haste clown, haste perks on him are incredibly annoying.

    I feel killers should be getting QoL 4v1 changes like portals etc to help them get about when they dont have mobility that other killers have. Buffing the 1v1 makes someone who plays solo queue miserable: Legions addon reworks is one of those, where it debuffs those who mend alone, instead of the 2nd hit onwards… it ended up nerfing legion vs SWFs

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    haste clown is fun to play but he is not really good. admittedly, he is one of the best tunnelers in the game and with correct gen defence perks, He can tunnel fairely well. Haste clown loses to gen-rushing and poor map presence.

    Nemesis hindered is currently bugged. he can still be shift-w with his 3 health-states but he is not necessary stronger. He feels better to play because his kit feels more snappy/fast paced.

  • ppmd
    ppmd Member Posts: 122

    Agree with the OP. Making the 1v1 less interactive is not fun for survivors but it seems to be the point of most killer updates now. I hope they could focus a bit more on 4v1 if they feel the need to buff killers, rather than make them less interactive as a whole which is becoming increasingly common.

  • Ohyakno
    Ohyakno Member Posts: 1,206
    edited September 2024

    When there's 1v4 people complain relentlessly. Can't go do pinhead's box. Can't turn off sadako TVs. Hit and run is "boring". Anything that applies pressure to the team gets overwhelmingly negative feedback. So what do they have left? They made a lady that does traps and people hate her. They made a dude with minions and people hate him. There's only so many times you can make a killer that throws themselves or something at survivors to damage them. So what exactly do you expect them to do?

  • ppmd
    ppmd Member Posts: 122

    People complain about legion and he's fine. I can only speak for myself and the things I see from other survivors around me, but the chase aspect is what initially drew us to the game and it is being taken away every patch.

    There will be complaints about everything, but as long as this particular route is what is being taken to "balance" the game, then people like me and OP will not find it interesting or fun.

    If your last question isn't rhetorical, then for killers(since I kinda doubt you care what I have to say about survivor) they need to nerf the last few busted maps, remove syringe styptic bnp, rework toolboxes and not allow blood amber to be a thing(or make it shorter or like OoO I guess). They can also put the hook state timer back to 60 seconds, and once that is done we can start looking at buffing weaker killers. Ideally giving weaker killers a bit of information and a bit more mobility is better than just letting them win chases freely, but how this is implemented will depend on the killer and the constraints of things like budgets or legal agreements or community engagement.

  • I'm not entirely sure why a Killer being better now is "boring", don't you want more challenge as Survivor?

  • HPhoenix
    HPhoenix Member Posts: 647

    Clown main here.

    While haste clown might be oppressive, we still lack map pressure. Even with a good haste build, you'll eventually bump into a really good teams that know what they are doing. Don't forget that we lose to pre-dropped pallets, W key gamers and large maps. I been running STBFL, Rapid, Pain res (Or pop/Surge) Corr (Or deadlock), and I STILL lose games. The most I can get with that build is 2K at most.

    So the tips I can give you are these:

    -If you notice that he's running haste and hear his heart beat, run away and make distance if he's heading your way and find the strongest loop within your vicinity.

    -We HATE pre-dropping Andies, and once they do, they just hold W or make it to another strong loop.

    Otherwise, I wish you luck vs haste clowns out there! <3.

  • Rokku_Rorru
    Rokku_Rorru Member Posts: 1,561
    edited September 2024

    So challenge isn't a bad thing, there just isn't much interaction between the two of them, there is no challenge in constantly being forced to take hits because of overbuffed killer powers.

    1v1 is becoming more and more miserable in the game, I'd rather killers get more to help in the 1v4. The chase is the whole reason I play the game, and gradually it's getting more and more taken away from it, now I'm not saying these killers are the worst for it but it's pretty bad in some cases. I'm just giving some feedback as to how it feels to go against them rn.

    Thank you for the tips, I try not to be close when he gets close but there are times I play with newer friends to the game and you can't help at all due to the slows, I am a vigil user and the only counter right now I can come up with is dark theory for them.

    This is why I'm saying them focusing on the 1v1 patch after patch is the most irritating thing as both a killer and a survivor, as I feel it misses the point. 4v1 should be the focus, map pressure, rewarding good play. Built in Corrupt or the like just more to help killers early game thats not a PERK.

    1v1 buffs tunneling, it buffs everything people are complaining about right now, and it makes the game more inaccessible and unforgiving to learn for newer players.

    People here might not see it playing only killer, but as someone who plays both the 4v1 is what needs attention right now, and perks should not be the only answer to that.

  • ChainsLogic
    ChainsLogic Member Posts: 151

    Clown is in a decent place now, a low B tier killer. You just aren't that good at the game is all, and it's fine, but killers need to be actually able to somewhat deal with 4 survivors, since it's a 1v4 game. Instead of trying to ask for nerfs for "haste" Clown (haste bottles are literally part of his power) try getting better at the game.

  • Rokku_Rorru
    Rokku_Rorru Member Posts: 1,561

    I'm not asking for nerfs, I'm asking to make him fun to go against, and for him to be fun to play too for those who enjoy them. People in here have mentioned they struggle with gens etc and the 1v1 is the only place he excels. I didn't state I was dying to him, I Just think the way we are going with current killer balance isn't not the right call, I feel Dracula is a better example of what a killer should be rn.

  • ChainsLogic
    ChainsLogic Member Posts: 151

    So you say "haste" Clown seems a bit too op, but also that you don't die to him or ask for any nerfs. Even though your title and this comment conflict each other, let's say I believe you (I don't) and move on to address your other concern. You say he's unfun to play against, but in a game with such varied killer designs, I think you'll just have to accept that some killers won't be fun to play against for you personally.

  • That's all fair enough, and thanks for the nuanced response though I still strongly disagree that Killers are "overbuffed" now. If they really are too strong, BHVR can adjust them so they aren't overperforming too much beyond 60%. In fact it's likely that a good range is somewhere between 55-65%, which is where most Killers seem to be standing right now. Those that are further from the 60% are being adjusted while those overperforming - like Skurchent and Billy - are once more up for changes. BHVR's done a great job trying to keep things adjusted so no one side has too much power - I actually think many complaints from Survs stem more from being boosted for a long time, and not being able to freely win without certain things anymore to help them. It may be healthier in the long-run for everyone to be at a more chill MMR.

    I think that actual discussion is sorely lacking in this community. Thanks for adding, not subtracting. :)