So... Castlevania DLC was a flop?

Just asking because since I've started to play DbD the release week of a new killer makes more than 90% of the matches be with that killer. It's been this way since they added Sadako (my first PTB was hers also) and was like this until Vecna, but the first day of Castlevania I barely saw any Draculas or Trevors (more Trevors than Draculas for sure).
Also I'm too damn biased to notice something like that because I love this franchise, so everything in it is a win.
Well, Dominance could also work on Pentimento totems, Hellfire could be less cluncky and have the option to flick it and Dracula's add-ons could be better (I'm literally using Alucard Shield as a countermeasure because aside from the Sylph Feather the other add-ons don't make THAT much of a difference), but the rest is awesome.
I have played Dracula quite a lot, but I will definitely drop him, because of hugtech fix.
I think Trevor is ugly and if I was honest about his looks, I would probably get banned.
I instantly bought Alucard tho and have him as side main after Jeff…
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He's my new co-main with Wesker.
Love these guys so much to pick up just one of them. :)
Playing him like crazy now because I want to improve.
When I saw Trevor would have his CoD appearance I've decided to co-main him with Ash because this is his best design, but then came the Alucard skin, so Ash will be benched now. :P0 -
this happened in the past with the ring chapter being revealed early it kinda just destroys really any new chapter launch hype
And honestly I haven’t seen Dracula that much either
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The bump in player numbers on release day on steam was underwhelming.
That's probably also the feeling that most players have about this DLC.
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Hellfire could be less cluncky and have the option to flick it
Please no, it's actually one of the best feeling powers on controller because it comes out instantly. It just requires a different type of flick.
If they want to give it a camera lock or something sure. But the last thing it needs is to feel like Nemesis/Xeno/Huntress etc.8 -
I've seen a lot of Dracula's myself, but barring a few examples of cracked players day 1, they tend to get smashed... myself included.
He is quite tricky to play, and not very prosperous for casual play. He seems quite inaccessible on console, I've not had this much trouble getting going with a killer on console since Deathslinger before all his buffs. Like you can do things, but its very easy to miss... and 1 miss quickly turns into 2, turns into 3, and before you know it you're losing the game.
Hug tech being removed likely means PC players will be not much better off than me and struggle too unless they're cracked.
My evidence is purely anecdotal, but I've not seen more than 2k on Dracula 80% of the time.
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Have to agree that indeed he's not for casuals.
I play on PC with a controller. It's a shame characters being ignored because people want to play using bugs :(I mean you can sort of flick the wolf's pounce and it helps A LOT to get hits.
Would be awesome if Hellfire could do the same thing. I keep casting it and when a surv dodges it my reflexes makes the camera follow them to no use XD.Crap. :(
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That's why you don't aim directly at the survivor the entire time. You aim a little bit away from them, then flick & click in one motion. I dunno how that feels on MnK but to me it feels perfect on controller.
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OR you do what I do with Wesker.
Wait for the surv to pass on the center of the screen (because they'll keep running sideways to try to avoid the power like when you hit a cockroach with bug spray) and then BAM! You fire!1 -
because people want to play using bugs
I mean, they can just let him slide by default... Bug makes him actually decent.
Wolf is going to be quite weak after they "fix" him imo.
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If this would become a feature (which will probably not) I would have no complaints.
Wolf for me is pretty good to gain distance and the pounce works like a weaker version of Wesker's power, so I'm pretty familiar on how to make it work on loops. :)
Since the Bat can't see blood and the damn noise is too loud for the Dracula player I avoid using it to track survs mid chase because I could end up losing them for some of their shenanigans. :P0 -
Nope, Dracula is very popular and chapter skins as well.
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I really enjoy both default Dracula and Trevor, can't wait for the bloody versions
Alucard is nice but I enjoy more Trevor and his high boots (also when are the bloody parts coming for legendary surv ?)
As a controller player on PC, the bounce attack with the wolf is kinda difficult, I sometimes miss even at point blank lmao
And sometimes I screw up with the buttons, I wanna shift from batform to wolf worm and instead i shift to default or the other way around^^
But overall, Dracula is pretty good to play, I enjoy Dark Devotion or Unforeseen on wolf form, I've never had this much grabs from generators before^^
My biggest regret is no Castlevania map :/
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Changing forms is easy if you remember this: if you're Bat or Wolf the other animal form will be always LT/L2 and Vampire RT/R2.
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Ha ha I know, it's just that sometimes during the heat of a chase or when i discover a survivor in batform, I press the wrong button and I get punished
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I think he's the worst designed killer in the game . I have more fun playing F Tier killers than Dracula.
I don't understand how anyone can main him or defend how bad his gameplay is. Each to their own I suppose.
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I hate Bat sound so much. It's very funny how much worse tracking with Bat is compare to Spirit.
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I have seen Dracula quite a bit. The Alucard skin is very popular. I wouldn't call it a flop.
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since I've started to play DbD the release week of a new killer makes more than 90% of the matches be with that killer
The last time this statement has been factual was Wesker, 2 years ago.
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ersonally idk anything about Castlevania but obviously understand who Dracula is in general. With that said, I only bought the DLC this week cause I wanted to try Trevor's perks but don't care for him as a survivor or his design, same goes for Dracula.
from my experience, Castlevania is not something that has ever came up in conversation, mention or just in general irl - like I've just never heard or seen anything about it. I have to imagine it's a niche interest and not mainstream like say Halloween or Stranger Things are.
I'm sure some dbd players were excited but there's probably a larger majority that didn't care one way or the other. Yay, new characters and perks but who cares about the license type of thing. That's my guess though
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He just received a buff today.
Shapeshift cooldown reduced by HALF (it was 5s and now is 2,5s).
This is probably to mitigate this issue (transforming into the wrong form in the heat of the hunt).Wolf's Hugh Tech removed in today's hotfix.
Konami is the one to blame for this.
Castlevania is stucked in a limbo for more than a decade now. :(
It's awesome that DbD and Castlevania got a collab, but now we need a Castlevania collab with Castlevania.1 -
I will give him few games, but most likely return to my mains again.
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i suspect he will be 2% -1.5% killer. maybe i am wrong but that is my guess.