PS4 Performance: Still big problems

A lot of players on PS4/PS4 Pro still have issues after the latest changes.
For me, it's too blurry. It kind of works as survivor but as killer it's bad. A good view is so important for a killer, it can't the stay the way it currently is.
Besides the blurry view, I didn't really notice a big improvement performance-wise. It doesn't run smoothly and there still are performance lags.
Sorry to say it, but please devs, keep working on console performance. We aren't in a good spot yet.
Edit: I am on PS4 Pro. After the latest update 2.6.2, the view is for me back to normal again and not so blurry anymore. Performance lags still exist, of course, but I'm glad the view got better.
On the 1X the frame rate is FAR better than pre 2.6 (playing Trapper on Autohaven map last night felt like near 60fps) and it doesn't appear blurry to me at least.
There does seem to be some kind of slight "fish eye" thing going on though, the kind of thing you see when you increase FOV above 90 in other games.
The frame rate is gorgeous though so I'll take it, if they improve it even further it'll be interesting to see how the game runs on the 1X.
A lot of Playstation users are complaining about it being blurry though so something must be up with the Sony console version.
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They are not even remotely done with optimization, this was simply their first/second step (I think the new engine might have been the first step)
In the future, they might be able to optimize the game itself properly and give back the quality boost on consoles. For now, it's a step in the right direction.
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@blue4zion I know that it's not the final result. My problem is that it's kind of worse than before. I'd prefer to play the version from before the last patch and that is not a good thing.
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Yeah the killer view is horrid.
Just making sure you understood it's not done because a lot of people seem to think it is. Got me with the "Sorry to say it, but please devs, keep working on console performance. We aren't in a good spot yet."
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Its just as bad on the Xbox as it is on PlayStation, @Easylife. It seriously needs fixed on both.
Edit: At least it is on the original Xbox. I have not played on the X.
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I totally agree why make it unplayable horrible to say it will get better at some point soon because we know soon is never soon lol I want to play killer but it's too horrible I'm so lost 😞
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any comment from the devs?
is this just a first step of the optimization? will the visuals/graphics get better? i am not a programmer, but i really dont see the point. the game has a very simple design with now special effects (shooting, big explosing etc...)
and also, please fix the perk description. some are missing and some are in different language.
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I hope we do get a comment from the devs. Hopefully we aren't stuck with the graphics the way they are right now.
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@IronKnight55 Yes. I'd prefer to not wait one and a half months until the mid-chapter patch is released (or even longer). I can kind of deal with it as long as I play surv but killer is just not good enough. :(
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I have noticed a big difference while playing survivor. I love the change. As far as killer goes I played just a handful of games and like what I seen. No blurry screen. But I do run that perk that lets you have a wider view (can't think of the name at work right now). But that's just my opinion. With that said I can't wait for more upgrades.
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Only problem I have had is seeing survivor auras, they are pretty hard to spot now with both sides.
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Its also harder to sopt and keep track of survivors when playing killer because of the awful blurry and muddy textures. Survivors are now hiding out in the open because they know its harder to see them , lol.
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Update: Patch 2.6.2 has been released just some moments ago.
According to the patch notes, the bad resolution on PS4 Pro was a bug that has been fixed now.
I am not able to test it today anymore, but probably tomorrow. If you have played the game after this new patch, please let us know how it works for you!
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@NoShinyPony update? Hopefully good news 😬
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Damn I don't have a pro 😭 rude
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Oh mines version 1.57 🤞please be a fix 😬
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I don't play on the pro or 1X, so I am hoping the other consoles get a fix as well.
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There is a new update on ps version 1.57 any idea what it is?
0 - is the numbering/revision of BHVR and 1.57 is the numbering/revision of the Playstation Update System. It's the same update.
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Yes i know but what does the update fix?
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Yeah downloaded seems better visual wise been on very dark maps with survouirs bringing in bottles of mists lol but seems visually better than it was still getting loud chase music tho that over powers survouirs running or puking will keep trying different maps and killers to see if its a plague issues.
Well done devs tho played a few killer games and didn't struggle with visual aspects
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@escape_plan Besides what I mentioned already, a lot of small bugs have been fixed. (I'll not write everything down here. Please take a look at the patch notes yourself.)
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Thats good! I wonder if Xbox will get an update?
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Ok the missing perk description are now there.
but i still have a mix between english and german. My base language is german, but a few perks are still described in english. Devs pls check snd fix
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OK just played pig definitely sound is an huge issue am I the only person with this problem?
The chase music is so loud it's really hard to hear breathing movement and running of survouirs.Injured noises are so quiet unless I'm right up on them checked that survouirs was not running iron will.
Sound is a huge deal for mind games personally for me
But visually it's better
Anyone suffering these sound issues??
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@IronKnight55 I hope you can keep posting the xbox issues and have wonderful people like @tragicrocker and @NoShinyPony that kept posting threads keeping the topic going. I truly hope your problem is fixed as quickly as ours was