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NonHooking playstyle is now the only way the killer side can win

Member Posts: 63

Now hooking is actually a punishment for killers themselves instead of to survs, it's a wasting-time strategy as it's impossible to tunnel. Killers need to knock anyone out of the game asap and obv hooking can not achieve this, if you hit down and hook 1 at a time, then you are sending free wins. You could not take KnockOut but you have to play Bleed playstype.


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  • Member Posts: 63

    No, as Pop and PainRes get nerfed hard, normal walking killers are not able to hook someone and then kick the gen fast, unless ur have transport ability, but even that hooking still wastes you 10+ sec which is half a gen totally, in the match to high-rank survs, hooking is actually wasting killer's time. If you can't tunnel, you hooks 6-7 times but not killed anyone, then you are just sending free wins. Why you people just cant accept something new and right?

  • Member Posts: 1,845

    Pain res doesn't require you to kick the gen post hook. You can make that argument with Pop, but not pain res.

    And this is a pretty good example of why hooks should have been the metric for how a match goes over kills. The idea that getting a bunch of hooks, regardless of not killing, meaning you lose makes no sense. So I do agree with that, somewhat.

  • Member Posts: 63

    Pain res is also nerfed hard that if it works on a far gen then it won't stop finishing repair. Most killers take it cuz there's not better choice. The metric of a match is only how many you killed cuz if you get 8 hooks but 0 kill surv will tbag and type "noob" on you,

  • Member Posts: 63

    The fact is that many skilled killer streamers are learning this playstyle cuz the unhealthly hooking mechanic, the fact proves all.

  • Member Posts: 448
    edited September 2024

    it's the new position from forum killers for explaining why they slug

  • Member Posts: 769

    I've been winning pretty consistently without slugging or tunneling. The game remains fun for me in that way.

    I really do think it's a skill issue if this playstyle is the only way you think you can win. I also think its extremely scummy to do so. Plus, I think only "pro" toxic streamers wouod actually believe this when most genuinely good killers, streamer or not, aren't struggling with this. If they lose, it's purely for different reasons with hooks not being one of them. That's also under the assumption that every team everyone is going against is a 4 stack swf playing like their getting a cash prize which isn't the case obviously.

  • Member Posts: 776
    edited September 2024

    The only time I ever have to do this is if they let me do it, do it to themselves by playing in a way where slugging is the counter, or it's a total accident and I lose someone in the grass. Most Killers can't even DO this effectively anyway against an average, half decent Survivor, and it's fittingly rare to find in my Survivor matches. If I can win rounds hooking normally as Killers like Legion and Myers, at 1300 hours (a noob compared to most people here), then I think you will be fine hooking as any other Killer, too. It's not that hard.

    Permit yourself to occasionally fail.

  • Member Posts: 706

    Have to say, I disagree... Slugging can be useful but to say hooking is a punishment for killers and tunneling doesn't work just isn't true. I have no problem tunneling out first survivor. Been running lethal pursuer, get first hook pretty quick then chase them again when they get unhooked. When 1st survivor is out might tunnel out second survivor or pressure the map depending on the situation. When it's 2 v 1 it's pretty much over.

  • Member Posts: 5,105

    Stepping in with a reminder to everyone to keep the discussion civil and respectful, please. This is not only about being civil towards others, but comments and opinions as well. Thank you.

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    i don't use pop on any killer that isn't just super sonic speed like Blight or Xenomorph. time sink to kick gens is too high for most killers.

    And this is a pretty good example of why hooks should have been the metric for how a match goes over kills. The idea that getting a bunch of hooks, regardless of not killing, meaning you lose makes no sense. So I do agree with that, somewhat.

    It does make sense. as strange as it sounds, the current version of dbd uses tunnel as skill-metric to how well you play killer. There should be more rewards for spreading hooks but there isn't which is why we have so much tunneling and not enough chase-me survivor fun. BVHR is working on anti-tunnel and anti-proxy camp mechanics and hopefully working on some spread-hook incentives for killer which they have some… in the form of perks like pain res, grim embrace, gift of pain, hex:plaything etc. The unfortunate part is that i wish didn't to equip killer perks to gain said benefit.

  • Member Posts: 1,845

    Pop's pretty decent on any killer with mobile abilities. Sadako, Dredge, Unknown, Dracula, even got good value from Spirit when I tried it on her.

    I am personally glad that spreading hooks is something stronger perks incentivize, but I do agree something in the base game needs to be added to further incentivize it away from tunneling.

  • Member Posts: 9,513
    edited September 2024

    i only use it on xeno and blight. you could use it on dredge, wraith, Sadako, Freddy, billy. It is just that i find more value from using Agitation+Gift of pain for mangled on wraith and Dredge then kicking gens. Sadako and Freddy, I don't play anymore. uninteresting killers at the moment for me. Billy, I like playing chase-heavy builds on him.

  • Member Posts: 679

    Its definitely not the only viable way to win. Plenty of gen/hook orientated builds or aura builds that are very strong.

    Slugging is however an extremely effective way to win on almost any killer. Using a build like undying, third seal, infectious fright & knock out to slug for the 4 down before hooking renders a significant amount of perks completely useless for survivors. It's kind of a race though to see if they can cleanse the totems before all getting downed. It's not a style of play that's recommended though unless you don't mind receiving a ton of abuse in end game chat. If you don't care then it's a very viable strat.

  • Member Posts: 776
    edited September 2024

    I wish Killers got some form of minor slowdown whenever a Survivor was hooked basekit. That would both incentivize hooking and punish needless slugging.

    As for holding gens down, I do not favor kicking much, I prefer to lock them down midgame. I personally for the Killers I like to play use the combo of Surge and Thrilling Tremors if not sweating too hard, or Grim Embrace and Thrilling Tremors if I want to push very hard. These are both non-meta options that are decent enough, allow more chases, and don't really work if you tunnel slug and camp from the word go. I might run Pain Res on some KiIlers but it is generally my only gen perk if so, and on others I will only run Grim.

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