Wolf form is now obsolete

8.2.2 gave Dracula some deserved buffs, but due to them it made the Wolf form obsolete, I'm not talking about the hug tech being gone, I'm talking about how you can just play him like The Spirit now.
Only use dracula to damage and bat to catch up / roam around the map, the wolf form currently is only maybe decent at tall wall loops, otherwise you will never use it.
It is kinda sad, but the mediocre punces just cannot compete with going at 6.5m/s (even tho blind) and switching into Dracula and firing his Hellfire right after damaging someone.
What's wrong with playing Dracula like Spirit? All they did was make Bat better which is what people asked for, saying Bat was mediocre.
What's wrong with arguably the most overpowered form being nerfed a little? Wolf Form will still be fine and viable.
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I'm not saying anything is wrong, just saying that the Wolf form kinda became obsolete because both other forms are now way better than it, at least I think that's the case.
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I already played him this way (when the situation is perfect for it anyway). The shapeshift cooldown in particular is a huuuuuuge change. At least hellfire's windup should be audible again.
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I do believe this is the intended playstyle yes.
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The bat will remain as the worst form. It doesn't matter how much faster it is, that thing gets fat-shamed while colliding with every door and corner making any use beyond teleportation unfeasible. You can even be stunned with a pallet while in bat form.
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Pounce is weaker overall yes, but wolf form still has significant uses outside of pounce, and isn't entirely replaced by the bat → vampire playstyle. Don't underestimate the power of a 3rd person short killer that also gets haste for free and can fake a power startup for (basically) free.
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What did you expect OP? The so called "tech" people winge about was a bug/exploit. People being upset on not being able to abuse an exploit is really ridiculous..
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I love you! XD
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Not sure if that's a compliment but ok. I mean it's really hard to sympathize with op because because while I get the whole "survivorshave their exploits as well" argument (I've never knew of or used any) it was removed for a reason so it feels silly to cry about it.
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Wolf was always overrated and Bat always underrated. It drives me nuts seeing Draculas stay in wolf form
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wolf form was obsolete before and wasn't in good spot even with slide tech. so in some sense, nothing changed. wolf form needed buffs but it got none in this update.
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I feel like any more serious buffs would break him into powercreep killer that just outcasts most killers.
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It was indeed a compliment. :)
Cry because you can't use anymore something that wasn't intended (and thus stopping you from gaining an advantage) is exactly my opinion as well.4 -
Glad you agree. Abusing bugs to gain an advantage over someone shows that they probably didn't have that much skill anyways. Now that the bug is fixed we can hopefully start getting more fixes on track to being addressed.
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Agreed entirely.
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Wolf won't be fine, and certainly not viable. He can't catch survivors in that form.
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Funny you say that because I had several matches against Dracula's who had no problem downing survivors in wolf form
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I'm sorry but judging by some of your other takes, you're more competitive. Most people are not. Most of us are casuals. Your statement just doesn't hold water for that reason… also because, Drac was never truly viable at comp level. But he certainly is at the pubs level where more people play.
I do believe your opinion is moot here.
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I think the changes to shape-shifting's cooldown might end up being reverted. It allows Dracula to use bat way too aggressively that results in 50/50s at any window or dropped pallet. Also it's even easier to fly right ontop of a survivor and then transform right next to them, making an M1 or hellfire follow up pretty simple.
In my opinion, Dracula is now overall stronger (not nessecarily bad!) but in a more problematic way and with 1/3 of his kit not having much use anymore.
Post edited by Smiss on5 -
Yeah I don't see this cooldown change sticking. Even the 6 m/s → 6.5 m/s change is questionable.
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Having him zooming across the map in bat form is ridiculous.
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Dracula is in the perfect spot right now. His wolf form feels great. We summoned Awoonation on my stream just a bit ago with some nasty pounces. Honestly, didn't even need the hug tech, just a skilled hand. Bat and the rest of his kit are in the perfect spot. Transform feels great now and actually encourages a switch stance playstyle similar to Ullr (IYKYK). True to the title The Dark Lord. Best killer with the most refreshing gameplay they have released in a very long time. It's a breathe of fresh air.
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I mean I already played him like his before, but I switch mostly from bat to wolf because I like this form more for open fields and small loops. I only switch from bat to vampire if I have a bigger loop and I can use to punish palette drops or vaults.
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Try one game as Spirit and then one game as Bat.
Bat is way worse for tracking survivors by sound.
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Honestly if bat had better (or same) tracking as Spirit there would be literally no reason to play Spirit anyways…
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Not really, bat can't attack asap and has worse movement (turn rate). Also easily visible with huge lullaby.
Weird sound system is simply annoying to me.
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Dracula is my favorite killer they've released in a very long time. I'm an enormous Castlevania fan and his kit clicks with me perfectly. I was so happy that a character I anticipated so much ended up also being one I adored playing as and against. I have funneled every blood point I've gotten since I prestiged Trevor to 3 into trying to get Dracula to prestige 100.
I am skeptical about the change to the cooldown of shapeshift. 5 seconds felt great. I don't mind a bat movespeed buff, but I feel like it's too easy for him to stay on top of survivors now since he can swap forms so quickly and freely. I feel like wolf form is a much healthier design for countering survivors who just hold W. It does just enough to keep survivors honest and encourage them to stay near structures and loops, the fun part of the game. The ability to so rapidly hit a survivor, shift to bat, get back on top of them, then shift back might be a bit too much for him to still be enjoyable to play against.
I felt like he was perfect before. Even without hug tech, he felt like a solid killer who floated somewhere between the bottom of A tier and the top of B tier, which as far as I'm concerned is the area they should be shooting for. Not too strong, not too weak.