P100 SM main here with 3.5k ebony moris, WHAT THE-

Decrease to hindered penalty is bad, since that doesnt increase her skill ceiling. The DURATION should of been reduced to 3s, and the penalty kept at 10%.
Haste removal is unnecessary. Just keep it to combat W keying and predropping, unless you want to increase her action speed.
Scan line removal, why. Just why. That makes drones so easy to disarm. Make her disarm time massively reduced since now disarming and dodging drones is no longer a threat to survivors.
Drones being always in active zone is cool, i guess. Doesnt really do anything.
Scan line aura hiding does nothing.
This is a straight up execution of a character because people complained LMAO im going back to knight.
legit will probably never see a skull online again it’s 0 point of playing her she’s gonna be the worst killer in the game
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Legit the biggest killer nerf in this games history.
Billys overheat doesn't even come close.
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Looks like her oppressive playstyle was her undoing. Cest la vie.
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Good, now delete her as well.
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Shes already deleted LMAO.
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A glorious day for DBD.
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Everyone cheered.
I expect them to walk back the nerfs, but until then, good riddance
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There might still be a chance to play vs her, which is no good.
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they gave her no compensation like she was some s tier killer 😭
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Sorry SM mains but I could not be happier right now ;-;
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they will be missed (they won't)
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the nerfs are to much😬 just because survivors are crying BHVR is killing her
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That scanline nerf…….. I don't know what they thought they were cooking with that one.
The rest are whatever. Revert that one change and she'll be fine.
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Whats the point of hindered when bloodlust gives you +0.2m/s anyway.
Literally zero point of using her power.
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I'm so happy 😊
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Hell yea! I mean I'd rather she just be deleted from the game but I get that they can't do that.
This will do just fine, thank you devs.
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I can't believe they thought making it so she only has one scan line was a good idea. She's now an M1 only killer. RIP Skull Merchant if this goes live. You would be better off playing as Trapper. At least his power doesn't have a nerf where you can only get caught in a bear trap from one side but not the other.
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I knew they will nerf her for sure but this is even worse than I thought.
This is just awfull. Legion is better than her. ALL HER CHASE IS NOW 5% SLOW LMAO. That's her chase power that also can be countered and harder to trigger now, WOW. RIP.
D tier killer, welcome to Trapper and Freddy. I am never touching this killer if this comes to live.
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Christmas came early I guess.
Good riddance, she won't be missed.18 -
Really not surprised. Survivors refused to even attempt to learn to play against her so survivors get coddled by nerfing a mid-tier killer to garbage.
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I’m glad she got nerfed but… even I agree this was a bit much, she really didn’t feel as awful to play against as these nerfs would suggest, seems like overkill but idk
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you do realise how painful this feels for the innocent skull merchant mains right, imagine Huntress mains got to hear she only gets 2 hatchets now and throwing hatchets now has 15 second cooldown before she could throw another. And the reason for those changes would be that she has a high kill rate or winrate.
Let us cope in peace without some “Ermmmm, me and the gang all hate on skull merchant this is deserved. 🤓” statement thank you.
Not all of us are chess gamers that enjoy the suffering of others
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I think they went too far, this nerf is too much.
I can understand the fact that players still don't like her, because the same happened to Legion, but this is a bit extreme.
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it’s like they nerfed her to wait for her complete rework which doesn’t even make sense.
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Heh, it is a sad situation that feels very, very familiar. Welcome to my world, my friend.
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and my world 😢
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So she can still make you broken for wanting to loop? That and 10% hindered were just not fun.
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Yes, it is a pretty harsh nerf.
Considering she is the most obnoxious killer in the game and didn't have nearly enough counterplay, I think she completely deserved all of these changes.
Ideally, I'd like for her to get another rework but until that happens her power level needs to be brought down significantly.
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Everyone should be refunded with shards and AC if they gona leave her worthless F tier for year until rework.
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The changes were deserved.
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Nothing here actually enhances her counterplay, though, it just makes countering her unnecessary because her power doesn't actually do anything of note.
If the issue is with her counterplay, they should be changing things to make that counterplay more obvious without wiki surfing. The only good change here is drones permanently being in active mode, because that gives survivors more information to start the counterplay with.
Skull Merchant has quite a bit of counterplay, in general, the problem with her is that you kind of have to go look up numbers to understand exactly how it works, and that could be changed with in-game QoL additions.
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Yes, because executing something = balance and good. Next time when for example DS gets nerfed, it should last only 20 seconds, stun for 2 seconds and disable if someone starts to healing you or you pick a item. Fair, right? Killers would love it, deserved!
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They took the nuclear route and gutted the worst designed Killer in the game whose literal design was “my teammate gave them haste and screwed me in chase with no fault of my own.”
Would it have been better to rework her into someone great? Sure. That’s a lot of work though. So nerf her into obscurity. Tools of Torment really was the worst chapter in the history of DBD and it shows lol
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And anyone can try tell me BHVR is killer sided now...
Try to match this one.
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actually just made Freddy 2.0
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She will be worse than Freddy imo.
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That girl is a headache in general, but god, this is too much. The drone nerfs are not needed at all.
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Considering this is what actually happened to MFT and in these same patch notes distortion, it sounds like you're completely on board with all of these changes.
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I think just removing the Broken status effect from her kit would be enough until her rework. She wouldn't be so annoying and would not gain free hits from the other side of the map.
I understand what the devs intention since most of the community just rage quits against her, but i also understand people upset after investing sometime into her.
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It was to be expected, most of time you ended in bot matches with multiple disconnections. It's easier to force pleople stop using a killer than to make her fun for everyone, they already failed with the first rework. The problem has always been the area denial concept, even if the drones are incredibly weak the killer will still be hated.
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that is how BVHR does changes. they make sure that killer doesn't take any skill counter and that you as KILLER cannot change outcome of said changes (I.e Out-skill changes). So everything about these change seems right on track. it is why you shouldn't get too attached to killers, especially ones that survivor dislike playing vs or ones that are deemed too powerful by community. you'll get some unpleasant surprises and reality checks.
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I mean, this is a very silly thing to say. Outside of maybe the nerfs Freddy got post-rework, can you point to a single other killer that got changed like this?
BHVR are actually fairly good at this overall, which is what makes these set of changes so baffling and annoying to see. Hell, even with Skull Merchant specifically, the most recent rework was an incredible success giving both killer and survivor skill expression and interactivity with the power.
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BHVR are actually fairly good at this overall, which is what makes these set of changes so baffling and annoying to see. Hell, even with Skull Merchant specifically, the most recent rework was an incredible success giving both killer and survivor skill expression and interactivity with the power.
I agree. unfortunately a lot of player d/c vs her and BVHR cares about d/c and survivor fun.
I mean, this is a very silly thing to say. Outside of maybe the nerfs Freddy got post-rework, can you point to a single other killer that got changed like this?
Yes. Legion.
To some degree, billy, Deathslinger and Freddy post-changes, Sadako maybe?. it is nothing new.
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Legion? What? Legion's most recent changes were buffs, and very good ones at that. What changes are you referring to there? Surely not their initial post-launch rework?
Billy is a good old example of overkill, but it wasn't really gutting to the point we're seeing here. Still, I'll acknowledge I forgot about Overheat, mostly because I forgot to specify that I'm referring to the last few years of balancing rather than the game's whole lifespan.
Deathslinger is a great example of them not doing this. Deathslinger's changes were aimed at actual problems and maintained plenty of his skill expression and identity. While I have a slight problem with the TR change specifically, the rest is exactly the kind of changes they SHOULD be giving Merchant here- reasonable changes aimed at the things that are actually problematic about the kit, rather than just taking a sledgehammer to the basic gameplay and neutering the power completely. They also actually buffed Slinger to compensate, which they haven't really done here.
Already acknowledged Freddy so nothing to add there.
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They know how to destroy a killer. Pretty good job so far.
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I would have 100% been fine with 1-2 small tweaks they butchered her
Legit just audible footstep sounds within ~20m so she can start chases closer but not get free gen grabs and maybe allow stacks to decay after X seconds of not getting a stack.
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I think the nerfs were pretty extreme, but I can understand why they happened. It's always tough when a character you love gets changed, especially for those who are really attached to them. However, BHVR is a business, and if a significant majority of players are unhappy with a character, it's important for them to take that seriously. Everyone has different opinions on what’s difficult to counter or what’s OP but when a large group of players agrees on something, it doesn’t make sense to ignore it in favor of a small minority. Just like we don't balance the game around SWF or Nurse because they represent a minority of players, the same principle applies here. Most players found this character's playstyles and counters very unforgiving and/or frustrating. While the majority isn’t always right, dismissing their concerns as invalid or insulting them for feeling that way comes across as out of touch and a bit arrogant, like saying, "I don't care what everyone else thinks; I'm right, and they're wrong."
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I'm not sure. The bottom is heavily contested. She has to compete with the likes of Freddy, Myers and Trapper. But she's definitely down there with them.
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these changes were definitely done to tide over complaints until a rework comes
not the first time they’ve done this I think