Did you find Unknown changes kinda meh?

I mean SM nerf is trash and agree with this. But Unknown Changes is also weird
- [NEW] HUD update to display Teleport cooldown & Hallucination spawn time.
- [CHANGE] Movement speed now decreases sooner when charging your Power.
- [CHANGE] Increased teleport recovery speed by 15%.
- [CHANGE] Adjustments to Blurry Photo and Vanishing Box Add-Ons.
- [CHANGE] Improved visual and audio feedback when using UVX.
I mean Teleport is already strongest part of his kit. And UVX feels clunky and unrewarding sometimes. But devs decide to buff teleports and nerf UVX (movement speed decrease give more time for survivors to dodge and also cleanse it). Also they decide to change Vanishing Box for some reason (Unknown addons is already kinda meh and they choose to nerf the strong one). What do you think?
And yes i known that Unknown doesnt have gender. But i prefer to call this killer him/his (maybe cause i like his default skin the most)
The only think that hard to understand what they mean by improved visual when using UVX
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In the Dev note they stated that the Unknown is in a solid spot and he's well liked by the players so there wasn't much work to do.
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I'm completely okay with Vanishing Box being nerfed, they either could've nerfed it like they are or they could've made it more expensive (make it a purple addon and move Homemade Mask down to green maybe?). It was a little too powerful for a green addon. A lot of his other weaker addons need some changes too though.
I'm not sure I'm a fan of the charge movement speed change, we'll have to see how it is on the PTB but I didn't feel like there was anything wrong with it especially since being able to tap your power to delay hallucination spawns is a pretty important part of his kit.
Blurry Photo becoming partial-basekit is good.
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Would’ve been happy if they made Vanishing Box Ultra Rare instead, removed the downside from Captured by the Dark, and moved the OSS report to be a Purple addon instead.
They didn’t do that and really the only decent one was HUD change and Blurry Photo base kit. Kinda mid but it’s whatever.
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The problem is UVX can feel more clunky even than now. And his teleport is already good. Thats what im talking they buff strong part of his kit and nerf a "situational" part of his kit . Lets hope imroved visual would be actually helpfull. Also what kind of addon not irl is worth now? (i am beginner to learn him and except vanishing box and 2 irl addons any other feel kinda meh or situational)
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Yeah, I agree with that. I don't think UVX needed any nerfs.
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The issue where the teleport can give more hits than the UVX in some stances will remain, but at least i'm happy they didn't made drastic changes to his kit. Its better to have the current Unknown than having him changed so much to be a problem in the game.
Edit: Also, faking his power was a great part of his gameplay, specially since you cannot shoot at your feet, so you need to fake whenever the survivor throws himself at you. Lets how he will be in the PTB.
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They nerfed him.
Slower while activating power, less movement recovery when teleporting overall (they will give you 15% and nerf the 50% bonus so the total will most likely be less than the addon alone), his two best addons are getting nerfed as well.
He gets UI for his power which is what he should have allready, so that's cool but still overall a nerf. Not a fan of these changes.