With distortion being nerfed in the near future.
do you expect boon shadow step to be used more?
It's bad change. They should instead make it that you have 3 tokens but you recharge them by being in chase. Instead of hidding in TR you have to be in chase for a while to get your tokens back.
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I don't think so. There are other perks that are simply better even if they don't fill the same niche.
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I maintain that every Boon except for Illumination are extremely good and underused. Shadow Step is easily one of the best boon perks so I hope people start running it more along with Exponential.
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In general, no.
I mean, the terrified, hide and seek blendette could technically just do the same thing in a shadow step boon. These are the players people have been insisting are "the reason distortion is a problem" and "survivors will be better off if distortion is nerfed". But that's not going to affect this tiny minority.
The players who run distortion because they're sick of being found first and tunneled out of the game are the vast majority, and shadow step doesn't fix that problem. At best, they'll use up their only token on lethal pursuer or weave attunement and just be screwed the rest of the game. Doesn't matter if you have one stack of distortion when the killer goes immediately back to hook for you.
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should be opposite. you only recharge tokens outside chase like stake out and diversion. that way, you stop procing tokens 24/7 vs like cigar box clown and other add-on like it. rat poison, so on.
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Great change for the perk - forces a survivor to not play as passively.
Also - I don't agree with needing to be in Terror Radius for it to work because stealth killers counter the perk.
This is actually a buff against Mirror Myers because realistically in a chase you won't ever be caught by him and you'll always be able to get a token back versus him.
If you don't like the change use Off The Record or Shadow Step.
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Recharging in chase means it rewards killer engagement, and also serves as anti-tunnel, because what were you doing right before you got hooked? Being chased.
Recharging out of chase means the Distortion user is even more incentivised to just hide and scurry away while all their teammates die for them.
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Distortion is useless as anti tunnel. OTR is simply, objectively better, since it gives endurance, makes you silent, lasts longer than 12 seconds, and consumes all aura reading during the duration, not just the first instance.
And that's on the off chance that the killer doesn't stay near or return to the hook. Distortion does nothing if the killer is there to watch your feet hit the ground when you're unhooked.
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Good change. Overtuned perk that was more of a hinderance to solo Q anyway.
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Off the Record only works off an unhook though, Distortion will be more versatile. It's a trade off, instead of one being objectively better like current Distortion.
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Maybe. I'd be surprised, boons are generally still bad and are reliant on teammates, map, and gen spread despite their effects being rather nice. I personally expect to see more Object of Obsession, and the hiders will just resort to lockers with distortion at the start to counter Lethal Pursuer.
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it is stealth perk. it is design to hide away from aura perks. not engage with the killer.
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Its not designed to be the only stealth perk worth running and cause the killer to inadvertently tunnel your teammates.
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If you haven't been hooked, then why are you worried about anti tunnel?
If you have been hooked, OTR is better in every conceivable way.
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yes. that is how stealth perks work. loss of aggro on you is increase aggro to rest of the team unless of course, everyone plays stealthy then killer has trouble finding people. that is why in my opinion, the way to use stealth perk is to take aggro early and then disappear because killer wants find people on death hook but stealth perk denies that ability. just watch out for tunnelling off-hook. it is pseudo soft-anti tunnel perk. you make killer spread hooks indirectly.
In any case, i don't think distortion is going to get used so they finally killed another survivor perk which is pretty rare. Like iron will, it might get revived one day since that what dev tend to do with survivor perks. they're never truly dead.
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Do you understand what "versatile" means?
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will it be perma active in an unbroken chase or deactivate after the first proc until the chase is broken and started again?
i'd go for something like this as well but honestly, good riddance.
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Some hate just to hate. I have never seen anyone hiding in the corner with Distortion. It makes no sense since the killer can't see you there is no reason to hide. If you can blunt killer aura reading (esp Lethal Pursuer, which is completely OP for map traversal killers) you can efficiently do gens.