The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

Upcoming PTB - feedback

I'll give my thoughts on it, everyone is welcome to share theirs.

  • Finishing Mori - if the killer brings a Mori offering, they will be really incentivized to slug for the 4K , more than before, otherwise the last survivor might escape and then their Mori offering will be in vain. Also, no more multiple moris available unless using Devour Hope? I'm not really happy about this.
  • Corrective Action - 2 people running this perk and Hyperfocus can sit on the same gen and keep feeding each other to massively progress the gen (by failing each skill check, which means just AFK-ing, no skill involved) - this is a big problem
  • Blood Rush - I am really saddened by this perk change. So far, Blood Rush has been a really cool perk. It has had high requirements to activate, but it's been so satisfying when it did. Now such a fun perk is being made into a boring anti-tunnel perk. I never run Off the Record because I find it boring. Blood Rush though has been fun, required skill in terms of when to activate it, and if you can survive until then. It has a similar "rush" feeling that "Moment of Glory" gives. I don't want this perk to become boring and bland. I would love Blood Rush to keep its original function, but make it easier to activate
  • Distortion - this perk needed nerfing, because it led to bad situations for both the killer and the teammates. My focus though is on - why is a survivor perk that needed to be recharged getting nerfed, while Lightborn has no requirements and no activation/recharging system and is left untouched? Distortion has alway had a counterplay (especially with certain killers or perks), but Lightborn has not had it. You can't do anything against the perk. No counterplay at all. When will this get taken care of?
  • Lucky Star - lost a really cool and special function - I really hope you can keep the function of seeing teammates and gens
  • The Skull Merchant - I understand that you wanted to nerf her so she's not too much to go against, until you publish her rework in 2025. I just want to say that I agree with changes to invisible drone rays becoming visible, and toning down of the speed difference between her and survivors. I just think that changing 2 scan lines to 1 scan line is a really bad decision. This change is a massive nerf to her, making her useless. I would just like to ask you to keep her 2 lines. Good players play around them easily already.

Thank you for reading :)


  • OrangeBear
    OrangeBear Member Posts: 2,618

    Not liking this update very much.

    Finisher mori is great but it's embarrassing that it took 2 entire years from it's original PTB to be released as a literal basekit cypress mori.

    Changing the teamwork perks just allows swf to abuse them even more. Solo wont find much use out of these perks.

    Lucky star change is really bad. If you want to be silent in lockers just use Iron will. The 30 second effect from exiting is not very good. The removal of the aura is the worst part, that made the perk cool, now it's just niche and very boring.

    Genetic limits change seems overpowered, chase killers can use this perk to counter exhaustion perks almost completely.

    Leverage change is ok but i'd rather use gift of pain

    Skull merchant update is horrible, they nerfed her so bad.

    Every other change is ok but overall im feeling negative about this update

  • Valimure
    Valimure Member Posts: 83
    edited September 12

    I'm really just scratching my head at most of this update.

    I had the same thought with the Moris… it's just promoting a terrible playstyle and encouraging even more toxicity in the games as killers are basically never going to want to let the last survivor go now.

    Corrective Action is going to lead to even faster gen rushing.

    Distortion is being absolutely gutted and is nearly useless now. Let's think about this in terms of numbers: even if a killer ONLY has BBQ and Chili, in most matches you'd get 3 aura reading blocks vs their possible 11 aura reads. It's horribly unbalanced. Even lowering the charges to 2 would have been a better compromise, but as it stands now everyone is better off just removing Distortion and putting on either another gen rush perk or Off the Record. Just can't believe they're nerfing Distortion with no mention of any changes to Weave Attunement still.

    Leverage rework is another great perk to incentivize tunneling, though maybe it'll have the added benefit of at least making people stop healing right under the hook.

    Glad for the Skull Merchant nerfs though. Not sure how much they'll do to actually make people want to play against her, but it's good to see things at least being tried.

    Post edited by Valimure on
  • Ohyakno
    Ohyakno Member Posts: 991

    Distortion tokens regenerate. If the killer does not have stealth and only BBQ and lethal you are never going to run out of tokens. The only time I've ever, ever ran out tokens is vs full aura reading huntress. That's it. It's infinite aura denial vs most killers. That's problematic.

    Now is this change too far? Yeah probably. It could start with 2 tokens that replenish when you enter chase and still be very good.

  • Valimure
    Valimure Member Posts: 83

    I've run out of tokens plenty of times myself, but yes two tokens would have been fine. Lethal and BBQ is a combo designed to quickly snowball a match, it needs to have some counters.

  • Ohyakno
    Ohyakno Member Posts: 991

    Yeah, you get in lockers when you know BBQ is in play. Crouch behind your gen and count to six. I cannot be the only person that ran distortion when the tokens didn't regenerate, right? Knowing how to avoid BBQ was a big part of conserving tokens.

    I have no clue how you ran out of tokens vs most killers. Are you not taking chase? Even not being chased you can't run out.

  • TieBreaker
    TieBreaker Member Posts: 875

    The Distortion nerf makes aura reading builds insanely strong. For the most part, there is no counter now. I could see the perk working if there was only Barbeque and Chilli, but killers can stack aura perks/add-ons. So the perk saves you from one aura read, and then you get found immediately with the next.

    I can see what the devs were going for, but I think they went a bit too far with the changes.

  • GonnaBlameTheMovies
    GonnaBlameTheMovies Member Posts: 683

    Mori change in this form is not necessary and promotes a bad unfun playstyle. Plus nerfs the fun of bringing a Mori at all.

    I would rather we have one guaranteed Mori a game basekit, and every Mori offering allows one more. Plus the BP bonus. It better be a lot of friggin' BP or some massive Emblem points if this is how they're doing it.

    They better PTB this or the launch of this change patch is gonna be bad.

  • frictionless
    frictionless Member Posts: 8

    I feel like most of the perk changes are really solid. There's a clear trend towards wanting to make games dynamic and active rather than encouraging passive/slow playstyles, and turning around to give killers more tools to begin and effectively engage in chases after making proxy camping less effective feels like a really fair tradeoff, especially with how many more varied tools survivors are getting to play around killers too.

    Most of the killer changes are just really nonsensical, though. Skull Merchant is being turned into Freddy 2, they may as well disable her until the rework if they want to discourage playing her so badly — and it isn't just that the changes are bad, they've actively removed the parts of her kit that were dynamic and interesting and shunted her back towards the unhealthy playstyle that everybody hated. Haste for scans was interesting and incentivized gathering good information from around the map by rewarding you with map mobility that was rarely much of a factor in chase outside of the single stack for using drones to effectively zone, and drone disarming was pivotal in making her drones more of an active tool for forcing plays on loops instead of something that you just plop down on a gen you want to hold and walk away, which is basically its only use now. She was the only m1 killer with a really consistent ability to force survivors into lose-lose scenarios in chase by utilizing good macro and map knowledge and required that survivors play tactically and coordinate. What they're proposing is just a basic m1 killer with a free, very weak info perk.

    Billy mains are going to be very disappointed and it's bizarre for him to be the only nerf to an S tier killer we've seen in such a long time when he's barely in that bracket to begin with, especially one that just outright dampens all of the best aspects of his power without making it more directly skillful to use — if anything, better overdrive gave Billy a higher skill ceiling, and this is going to flatten out his play and make it more homogenous. And for the Twins… why? Just generally, who thinks they need an outright nerf?

  • Valimure
    Valimure Member Posts: 83

    BBQ is honestly the least of my concerns.

    We're living in the age of Weave Attunement and Human Greed now. There is legitimately no reason to bring Distortion at all because your single token is going to be wasted by just walking in the wrong spot.