Skull merchant is now the worst killer in the game officially

they gutted her 😞
memento mori were also gutted, such a huge nerf for mori users 😨
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Shes not. I've gone up against good SM. What they do is place drones in high traffic areas where it's hard to hack her drones. Initiate chase and basically bait the survivor to run into all your drones. Claw trapped and downed. Simple. I dislike how people complain about changes, but don't try to adapt to them. She's still gonna be brain dead when it comes to getting value from her power. You place a drone. If not hacked, survivor runs into it. Bam scanned.
She was a pain to go against. Now, there's just more counter play for survivor. and I also play SM when I feel like killer games aren't going my way with my normal picks. I use the same strat, and there's nothing the survivors can do about it cause they can't hack my drones lol. Nothing is going to change except the haste. Which really needed to go. Wasn't fair if she chases you and is faster cause your other teammates got scanned.
Hope you use this strat. Have a good day.
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nice, dbd got more enjoyable then
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Freddy Kruger would like a word with you
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You misspelled "Freddy".
SM is bad but a Freddy is a special case…
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I thought I had convinced ya he is not the worst, my friend.
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I dunno really, the fact that they're removing one whole scanline from the drones is just going to make her complete ass to play ass because that's basically half the drone's coverage gone. The only way they can make it work is if they majorly increase the rotation speed on the scanline for it to work since now with the proposed changes, you kinda get nothing out of scanning survivors for the first two times.
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You can convince me of many things but Freddy is a tragic story and I can't place him anywhere else than at the very bottom.
I find it much easier to believe that the 3 Freddy mains out there are just so good at the game. 😘
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This forum in a nutshell:
Survivors: Happy skull merchant is now also nerfed so hard, that noone will ever pick her and I'll never see her again
Also survivors: Opening thread why they only go up against the same 4 killers all the time.
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Good thing I just run Rancor on Ghostface instead of use Moris… Sigh. :(
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7 Freddy mains, if I recall correctly. But I wouldn't be surprised if the number has changed since last time.
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Aww I'm so sad, anyways…
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She's like half a killer now, bro. She actually has nothing going for her. She already had plenty of counterplay, and like you said she now has more.
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i will glady have a slight less variety of killers :3, there is no excuse for how unfun skull merchant is.
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I think they also forgot that Trapper exists too…
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Even though I heavily dislike SM because she is a mess, this was too much even for her.
At the very least, roll back the Drone nerfs. No one asked for those.
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R.I.P Skull Merchant, hopefully you'll be more enjoyable in your next life.
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Okay as someone who plays Trapper you have to stop saying "X killer is the worst killer in the game" every time they get a nerf
No killer will ever be as bad as Trapper is except arguably Freddy.You cannot compare a killer who(even with the proposed changes) will still be able to go undetectable at will, injure survivors across obstacles, hit and run without hitting, potentially instadown with two taps, etc. and who starts with her power in hand at the start and doesn't even have to go and collect it to a killer who has to pick his power up off the ground every time.
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You must hate trapper
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Mmm no Skull Merchant takes the cake now. A purely M1 killer with no way to realistically injure, pressure, or down survivors outside of an M1 and being slightly shorter than trapper.
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Not good. People that enjoy her got punished. What if your characters got destroyed this hard? Would you be happy? Nerfing a killer this bad just to see them vanish from matches is such awful practice. Just take a look at Freddy.
Post edited by radiantHero23 on9 -
The practise seems very familiar though. Nerfing a killer so much without compensation that they vanish from matches, making them less of a "problem". I very much dislike this.
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You'll still be able to tag people. 3 lock on stacks will still injure. As well as being able to sneak up on people with undetectable. Trapper is still leagues below where ptb skully will be. I say that as someone who mains Trapper
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This content has been removed.
Nerfing her movement speed was enough. They went overkill
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her undetectable so short tho, 10 secs and requires you do destroy and put a drone down again.
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True, but I am not sure if this is what happened to Freddy.
Back then I was against the idea of nerfing him because it wouldn't fix his actual problem, which was and still is the fact he's uninspired and simply not an interesting killer. But his reworked power really wasn't healthy for the game. Spamming Dream Snares and getting your Dream World slowdown for free with Jump Rope and Swing Chains wasn't fun for anyone involved.
But now, with Skull Merchant? Now it looks like she will be bad until the rework to minimize the number of complaints.
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that’s why I say we should all start playing perkless addonless offeringless trapper every game and comply with every complaint survivors make about our play styles, so no tunneling camping gen protecting or anything that could be considered “unfun” for survivors. Just to see how long it takes for people to complain the game is boring.
If we give them what they want all the time they will get bored of having everything, and having nothing to achieve.
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This is an overall W from devs. Very good news.
If you enjoyed her or mained her, thats on you. She's by far one if not the most boring killer to face. I don't feel bad at all.
Hopefully she never gets reworked or revived from this state and she disappears into the void. Awful killer design.
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I agree with this my friend 💯!
Also! So good to see you! ☺️
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Good to see ya, friend!
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Seeing the Drones rotate with only one Scan Line is going to look so stupid.
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can’t look goofier than finess on a pallet, that look goofy as hell
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You will NOT be injuring anyone with lock on with new skully lol. If you get a lock on injure it will be from the worst noob survivors imaginable
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Why not? What part of this makes it impossible?
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They shouldn't be nerfing anything unless it actually needs to be and she doesn't need to be. Period.
Acting like your dislike of her makes it fine to just gut her and leave people who like her in the dust is ######### toxic as hell.1 -
Everything. ONE beam? Do you know how easy it is to dodge one singular beam?
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ignore those empty comments, I hate the UI here.
Laser tagging on live uses one beam. Really only one beam even hits the survivor on live anyway.0 -
A kill rate inflated by idiots who refuse to learn to play against her choosing to suicide on hook or throw the game instead. With that in mind is that really a healthy way to decide what needs nerfed and what doesn't? Absolutely not. If survivors can just throw games to inflate kill rates to get killers nerfed that sets a TERRIBLE precedent don't you think? Or are you alright with it this time cause it is SM?
She isn't an overpowered character. You and everyone who has already made up your minds just refuse to learn.1 -
I actually like that look 👀 lol
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Yeah but you dont laser tag all 3 beams you only use that strat if they already have 2, VERY rarely do you use it if they have just 1 and laser tagging is one of if not the most complained about current SM strat
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There is literally nothing she does that other killers cant do better or even easier. There is NO reason for her, especially now, to have the level of hate that she does and the hate is going to forever be ingrained no matter how fine she is (As proven by her current state).
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I still find it crazy that there's people who are casually hand-waving over the fact that the proposed changes will leave Skull Merchant with half her power gone and somehow she'll be okay because of it.
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Same here…tho I think if this was any other killer there would be more outrage but bc its SM ppl don't care.
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The Entity beat her stash of Drones really hard with a hammer and it broke half of the sensors :(
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If you get tagged my a drone that only emits one single beam at the speed the scan goes you are either catatonic or your computer froze, no human player that can react to whats happening will let such a slow and telegraphed attack hit them. And that is WITH the killer chasing them, if someone gets tagged by ptb metchant outside of chase, thats just....LMAO
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People get tagged by one beam on live