Why ever use Wolf form now?

WF just lost its skill expression hug techs with no buffs to WF meanwhile Bat Form got major buffs and can easily catchup lost ground with its insane speed while Vampire form is the perfect Anti loop
So i ask why use Wolf Form now?
They should remove the penalty for walking backwards in wolf form, so wolf form would be better at mindgaming loops.
The hugtech had to go though. It's not fair to only remove it on some killers and keep it on others.
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To me - any form of "hug techs" are just a blatant unintended bug. And pips deliberately using those - bug exploiting.
Always been like this. It's even been confirmed by the behavior: - It's not intended.
No offence to Lilith Omen (if you know who it is) - but this guy was using unintended bug on Blight for years, and didn't get punished for.
I also don't know why this obvious and very popular bug wasn't fixed for such a long time.
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This is how I feel about it as well, same with flick techs as well. You're technically not suppsoed to be able to force your camera to spin like that during an animation for extra momentum for an extra down.
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Simple. AWOOO
Hot take but wolf form losing its hug tech changed nothing about it. The hug tech was a placebo effect, it was never needed for wolf form to perform well. Clever Drac players are unphased by the change and his entire kit feels so much smoother to use after the patch.
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I like the feeling of playing him, sadly he's quite weak a lot of the time.
I'd love it if they buff him a bit, one thing that would be a nice change would be that I can control when I pounce the second time as long as it's in the duration. That way it would took away the cases where the second pounce is a split second to late, but I don't think it would be too strong.
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Wolf form definitely shouldn't have the speed hit on walking backwards, it's nearly impossible to mindgame as it is.
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Im fine that they removed that exploit. Having said that, if now the Wolf still feels useless, they can buff it without taking into account a possible exploit and give him a much better basekit.
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Nothing placebo about it. It was a useful tech that could give you hits you otherwise would have no way to get on certain straight tiles. Clear and straightforward.
But it needed to go, just like it needed to go on Blight. Getting hit by it, especially when you don't know about it just feels unfair and is definitely not a very beginner friendly thing. For sure his kit feels better after patch though, I like that they buffed bat form and that they're leaning into him transforming more in and out of his power during chase.
The only thing I wanna see now is remove the movement restrictions on wolf form so you can move backwards at full speed. That would make it really scary at mindgaming loops.
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i think it is more his scent orbs are too weak. they're not good tracking, they should work like Oni but also work when healthy and they don't give enough haste to help dracula vs high-wall loops. other than that, his vampire form and bat form are in amazing spot. he is fun to play and his abilities are fun to use.
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If you need to exploit a bug to get hits it says alot about your real skill level just saying.
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so survivors can pet you
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I like how people call abusing a bug "Skill" Expression. It's quite hilarious 😂.
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I pretty much only use the wolf form and never used the hug tech. I just love being the wolf and would like a werewolf killer at somepoint or another. I don't really care about hellfire or being a bat I understand it is optimal but I play this game for fun and not optimally.
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Bug exploit =/= skill expression
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Free pets and scritches
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I mean Hens and other very good content creators used the hugtech plenty when it was possible, I don't think using tech/glitch/exploits/bugs means you're a bad player. It just means you take advantage of everything within reason to gain an advantage. Also, I didn't use the hugtech myself. I think it's a good change, the current version is much healthier.
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i usually hit them as vamp then bat speed back to them nd get a quick down. wolf form i use but i think it actually makes me worse. the 3rd person can be used for mind games in weaker pallets. but a good player doesnt need that. breaking pallets immediately when they're dropped is nice too but then the cooldown is so unrewarding. i really like the idea of him but he just doesnt compare to huntress, blight, plague, ect. if they increase his speed slightly ease his pallet cooldown thing and give a more fun and better way to track seeing highlighted footprints for healthy survs seeing which way they go and stuff idk it'd be fun in my opinion
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For head rubs. Seriously
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Chucky has an intended hug tech, so does it also have to go?
They should have made hug tech a feature, blight feels so bad to play now and Dracula would probably also be more fun with it
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"Giving Dracula belly rubs now instantly opens the exit gates"