SM: Why devs are not honest to us?

If you want everyone to stop playing her, just tell us. Is this seriously balance patch notes for SM or more like "lets make sure Survivors stop leaving games because her power is bad"? This is execution, one sided, biased. Word "balance" is the last thing I would use.



  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,610

    Skull Merchant is one of the few characters where I think their design is so bad that regardless of what BHVR does, they will always leave people disappointed.

    • If they cater to the people who like her, the killrates will only go up since more people will just give up. Her design is not fun to go against for most players.
    • If they cater to the people who dont like her, nobody will play her since she will get gutted and made awful.

    I think they should pull a Freddy at this point and do a completely rework since she is just that poorly designed. I know BHVR said that they would never do something like that again but I genuinely think it would be for the best here.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,960

    This is basically the Freddy approach. The killer is problematic and broken in some ways (although in SM's case not overpowered), so we nerf them in every aspect and put them right at the bottom. That way nobody will play them anymore and the problems disappear.

    I'm not saying that's their actual goal but it does have that effect. As much as I hate SM, this is ridiculous. She won't quite rival Freddy for the bottom of the barrel killer but this is really bad.

  • FrenchBagels
    FrenchBagels Member Posts: 196

    can you explain how to counterplay the solo queue teammate injuring themselves out of chase to a drone and then you, who is actually in chase, loses because the SM with the giga-haste build magically skates to your location ignoring most loops?

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,749
    edited September 2024

    predropping and giving a free m1 when you are about to get scanned. you can't even clear your path to pre run because it's meaningless. what else? stop acting like this killer's gameplay and countering it is some superior ability. it's braindead dull gameplay with "counterplays" that is giving free hits or run for your life until she catches up with 10% hinder.

  • FrenchBagels
    FrenchBagels Member Posts: 196

    Sounds like you don’t have an argument to her bad game design and you’re asking people to look up a Pixelbush video when you know for a fact her entire kit was designed to be detrimental to solo queue, somehow more so than Twins.

  • Rigbeta
    Rigbeta Member Posts: 217

    And THAT would be fine. Make her Hacked Drones unable to be recalled while we're at it.
    That is a completely valid concept.

  • FrenchBagels
    FrenchBagels Member Posts: 196

    Literally dodging the argument. You’re deliberately avoiding the concept that solo queue is harmed because of how SM’s kit functions. You CAN learn counterplay to the drones, but it does not apply to anything outside of SWF. I’m not even trolling you, I literally just outlined a scenario where Skull Merchant’s haste is extremely flawed and is harmful since the “counterplay” is out of your control. I’m being critical of you refusing to explain the counterplay because THAT’S AN ARGUMENT.

  • Rigbeta
    Rigbeta Member Posts: 217

    The constant upending of perks is a problem, I agree. I don't think perks should make or break a character, but the problem is that Survivors are just skin so they literally ARE their perks and thus do actually need to have solid designs and synergy to compare against perks + powers that Killers have.
    And I also find all the Aura perks with the additional changes (Like Predator being an Aura perk in the new ptb) to be frustrating.
    I play a great deal of solo queue myself, so I know that there is a lot to handle and deal with.
    But perks can always be changed. They are gutting the core parts of Killer characters. I know a PTB is just a test, but the idea that this could completely disintegrate a character's ability to properly function against high level players is just miserable.

  • Bookern
    Bookern Member Posts: 372

    These changes are gonna ruin her but devs will push the changes to live anyway

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    i love your attitude. i wish more player were like you and less of this d/c entitlement stuff. I agree.

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 2,233

    That's great, so just because you find a playstyle boring, that means the people who enjoy them just don't matter? 

    That's just life. Companies adapt to the desires of the largest numbers of their customers. I'm sure we've all had an experience were a restaurant or something similar dropped an item we really liked because no one else was buying it.

    Some people like Skull Merchant. Lots of people hate her. BHVR has to deal with the reality of how their customers behave, not how they might want them to behave in an ideal world.

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,610
    edited September 2024

    But I still suck it up and utilize what I know to counter him… …But then I get thrown into a game where people decide "this is boring" and give up, instead of taking a challenge head on and actually trying to learn HOW to counter a situation.

    Hey. Guess what. I do the same.

    For some reason people have gotten this idea in their head that if someone dislikes a Killer that they automatically "just go next" when in reality not everyone does that, if you went through my post history, youd know that I think people who do it are beyond cringe.

    I even stated that I know how to counter her, and I find her to around average to weak in terms of strength, I said this in my original comment. I also hold the opinion that her power is boring and uninspired, and I hold this idea since I thought the Skull Merchant would be so much more than what they ended up being.

    That's great, so just because you find a playstyle boring, that means that people who enjoy them just dont matter?

    When 3-Gen Skull Merchant was a thing, people would use a similar argument to defend 3- Gen Skull Merchant. Funny thing is, there are people who did enjoy running in circles for literal hours just defending Generators, but that got removed, what about them...

    Does a character having playstyles that people like quantify them remaining the same even if it is unhealthy for the general playerbase?

    I liked Blight's Hug-Tech, I found it fun to use and fun to against, but it got removed… even though I liked it a lot. While I had the capacity to counter it, a majority of the playerbase did not… and while I still dislike that it is gone, I have the understand of WHY it was changed, and Ive come to accept it as it is.

    DBD, at its core, is a casual game, BHVR is always going to cater to the casual audience, and if BHVR is seeing that they are struggling too much, they are going to changes things to address that.

    Which brings me back to the question above. And I dont ask this to drag you down, moreso because I was insight into your stance, think of it as the modern DBD "Trolley Problem".

    None of this is to say your opinions dont matter. Im just voicing my opinions, and regardless of what I say, it should not take away from your opinion. I implore all players to make their feelings known about the game, since being vocal can lead to positive change, if you love Skull Merchant's design, I encourage you to make Forums Posts and spread your opinion around about the PTB changes.

  • ays12151
    ays12151 Member Posts: 678

    To be fair most of Skull Merchants players just summoned these changes. Shull Merchants players usually play with boring playstyle (usually 3 Gen) that requires almost zero skill and that's why people hate to play against her. After the Update Skull Merchant will need to rotate with her drone to acutally apply the effect on the Survivor. I know she is nerfed to the ground, BHVR can add some buffs for her, but with 1 Scan Line she is more skillfull to play as, right?

  • IamFran
    IamFran Member Posts: 1,619
    edited September 2024

    The problem of the devs is not providing the full information and instead providing it in random responses in Reddit. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    You can consider the current nerf a soft kill switch.

  • BurnedTerrormisu
    BurnedTerrormisu Member Posts: 301

    As a soloQ suvivor i would have changed only the following things:

    • suvivors could destroy the drones but it takes 4 times as long as disable them. so survivors can choose between disable the drone short time and completly destroy them depending on the situation.
    • no more overlapping drones aka, spamming the area
    • base SM can no more recall drones if the is outside the drone radius. with an add on this feature can be re enabled.

    rest could stay untouched.