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Light's Out - Huge Middle Finger to Killers

Arbmos1998 Member Posts: 168
edited September 13 in Feedback and Suggestions

You really dislike killers don't you BHVR? Instead of stringing us along just come forward and tell us about how you feel because it's quite evident over today's patch note release and the drop of Light's Out 2.0 you really don't care If the killer player is having a good time or not.

Light's Out, the moment I read the notes of the changes made in this mode just screams "We want to ensure survivors are having the best fun interactive enjoyable time with this mode" even including the new feature of the Candelabra which again plays a part for survivor but does nothing for killer.

Why this mode is utterly garbage from killer perspective:
All generators start at 5% progress.
Why all? "so the survivors can hear where they are" okay but have you seen the aura of hooks for killer in this mode? Barely noticeable to the point of you are just guessing where it is until you just happen to pass a small bit of hook aura. All gens starting at 5% means at the very start of the game you are getting early kicks into maybe 2 or 3 at most but in doing so you are wasting massive time you could be using to find and chase someone and if all the survivors just happen to spawn next to each you can be sure a gen will go before you even manage to find someone.

Repair speed - 20% increase.
Seriously? So not only do you give a 5% complete right off the bat but throughout the whole match with 0 drawback they just get 20% repair bonus all game? BHVR you know full well a lot of killers resort to gen defense to combat against quick gens and it's why you have a habit of nerfing it every opportunity you can because you know they have a high use rate while not properly understanding why people use it. Find 2-3 people on a gen, Chase them off, kick the gen barely doing any damage to it at all, commit to a chase with one of them, first tile they arrive at that gen you just kicked got completed and maybe just maybe depending on if the person you are chasing is good or not you might get your first down. Then we have the hooking problem what I mentioned earlier.

11 chests can be found, with higher rarity loot
Which leads to finding toolboxes which will make gen speed even faster than what it already is.

Survivor and Killer sounds harder to hear:
BHVR your sound design is atrocious, for some reason on certain maps like Ormond or Eyrie the survivors just barely make no noise at all while running but now tied into this mode where vision (with intention) isn't the best but at the same time could you turn down the obnoxious chase music? It feels cheap losing someone in a chase not because they "juked" you or misdirected you but the fact that you lost them due to loud chase music.

Anti camp distance doubled:
I sure do love getting punished for survivors running in and out the radius of their teammate being hooked and I just happen to go in and out of it thus allowing the hooked person to just get off hook for free. "Just leave them and chase someone else" So that person hooked just gets unhooked anyways and I end up with the same outcome?

Endurance lasts for 60 seconds:
My god has this been obnoxious and I have a feeling if survivors give it good feedback it will soon make it's way into the next arsenal of perks survivors have at base. It is insanely common I'll hook someone, chase someone else, hook them (While the first person is getting unhooked), find the two healing, I hit the healer, down them, 1st hooked guy is hovering, I hit them ENDURANCE SAYS NOPE. It was so stupidly obvious the mechanic would get abused and it already is. It's a mechanic designed so weaker players have a chance but at the expense of it screws you over as killer if you have good momentum going. If this makes it's way into the base game. Yikes.

Survivor is still shown in the UI who is getting chased, healed, gen etc. For a mode that's supposed to be about being barebones you have no info you sure do get a lot just from the survivor UI. This completely takes away the potential "jumpscare aspect" if you see your teammate getting chased

Am I missing anything? BHVR it's crazy to me you create this supposedly "fun party game mode" but then only choose to give so much to one side and nothing on the other. I'm seeing 0 reason to play killer in this mode which unfortunately will just lead to long queues for survivor and potentially like what the 2v8 caused longer queues in the regular game mode. Would it have been so hard to maybe give killers a 10% pop at base for getting a hook? Maybe remove the endurance effect if you hit and hook someone else as at that point they are not getting tunneled? With how survivor got the Candelabra could you not have just created something interesting for killer as well? It just feels like to me killers have been massively shafted this event.


  • francesinhalover
    francesinhalover Member Posts: 15

    Not only that if survivors don't use candles the killer wont see them lol

    Enjoy the first few days while survivors aren't that clever. Because candles are USELESS