anyone care about terrible killer game experience?

I really geet mad. Again, I regret learning Huntress, I spent hundreds of times on her but she's just terrible, bad at pallet loop and lacks mobility, which makes her easy to counter, she is also not good at most maps, these learning times is totally not worth it, I should just go nurse or surv.
Why can survs play relax and easily with these OP perks and SWF? Why survs can choose their playstyle but killers can't? If you make a mistake then you should pay for it, why I should send my advantages? Why I have to hook? Do you know carry sending free half of gens? Why I can't tunnel? Do you know most killers have no teleport and survs are genning at the other side of the map? Do you know if I don't kill someone out it would always be rough for me? Why survs are spoiled bad with these unreasonable perks and they can plunder my advantage for free? Why survs never get hard control but I have to careful for pallets, DS, flashlights, flashbang, and gen bomb? How can you require me to keep clam after taking these hard controls?
Play Freddy. That's a real bad killer. Huntress is pretty strong. She's probably among the top 10.
Her chase power is amazing and she can even hit you cross map, if she's really good. That's more than most killers have going for them.
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She lacks mobility so she's countered hard by genrush perks and most maps have tall obstacles and airwalls, all these makes her actually terrible.
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Huntress doesn't need any mobility. She has a ranged attack for crying out loud. You can hit people that are 10+ metres away from you and you can hit over many loops. Pallets have to be pre dropped against her and even then she can play around many of them with little trouble.
Even main tiles like jungle gyms, pallet gyms etc. aren't safe against her because one small mind game can result in a hit with a hatchet. The same goes for the shack, which most killers have trouble with.
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I think that average SoloQ experience would be more miserable than average Huntress experience tbf
How much time did you invest on learning Huntress?
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Not all the maps allow long-range throw, and low mobility causes low seeking efficiency and gen defense, thats why she is even not worth an A tier, but B at most. When I match a Huntress I laugh out.
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Play Billy !
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Huntress has one of the highest kill rates in the game (top five) and is consistently one of the top three most played killers. She’s relatively straight forward and the only counter play survivors have is tall walls. Given her insane hatchet hitboxes, that’s not even a guaranteed counter. She can catch you with a clip.
Post edited by EQWashu on16 -
You haven't gone against a sniping huntress then.
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You've actually come to the correct conclusion about her much MUCH faster than the majority of the people on these forums and throughout the community. She's generally accepted to be a B Tier killer by the people have a very good understanding of her. Ohtofu's last tier list video explains perfectly why she is B Tier.
I have countless hours on her as well and came to the same conclusion. 37 of the 53 maps are very bad for her. 7 indoor maps that entirely gut your power. Zero mobility so she can be looped forever at high wall loops and those small rock loops that should be unsafe for survivors but since you move so slow, vocalize your wind up of a hatchet AND drop to 77% (slowest speed in the game minus cooldowns) those loops force you to M1 at as well while being a 110 killer.
Pretty much nobody on here will agree with you or me though. The majority of people think she is in a fine spot because they don't play her enough to see all the flaws in her kit. I would encourage you to watch Comp DBD matches where she is used, she gets beaten very VERY badly and it's not even close.
Scott Jund who was also a very good Huntress main explained in a video why he gave up on her completely and switched to Wraith and you guess it. "Her lack of mobility and the devs obsession with throwing clutter in every single map has made playing her the most frustrating experience ever" Im paraphrasing but that was pretty much it.
I love her too much to ever give up on her so Ill just have to deal with the fact that the majority of the time, I'm at a severe disadvantage and that's just the way it will be.
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That's not true at all, all killers need mobility. And I'm sure you know she is in fact the LEAST mobile killer in the game. She moves at 77% when holding a hatchet, that means survivors move at 123% whenever she is trying to hit them. Not to mention vocalizing the fact that she is trying to use her power. Now try to land a hit at any loop with any kind of mind game. I would say 15-20% of tiles in this game you can't actually land a hatchet at unless the survivor makes a huge mistake because how slow she is. She doesn't need to be 110% still, nor does Slinger.
Huntress doesn't need any mobility. She has a ranged attack for crying out loud.
Trickster is 115%….. AND can land his power WAY more at WAY more loops. Yes he has to land 8 but still, he is 115% and 96% when holding knives with 15 seconds to land a knife. Meanwhile Huntress is 110% and 77% when holding a hatchet and if you miss you miss.
I'll remind you that even after the buffs she still in the bottom 10 for kill rates. One of the highest number of 4 man outs as well. All of this according to nightlightggs.
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Huntress sacrifices speed and mobility for a pretty damn strong ranged attack. She's meant to be THE Ranged Killer, particularly for long distance shots. That does not vibe with everyone.
I suck at her. I rarely play her. I find her interminably frustrating. I find her incredibly slow and dull, and hate the windup. But all this doesn't make her a bad Killer. It just makes her neither for me, nor you. Not every single Killer is for everyone, and that's 100% OK. You really don't need to be amazing at every single Killer to do well or have fun. I am also trash at Wesker, Artist, and Singularity, so I don't play them. But I am a pretty damn good Ghostface, Sadako, Dredge, and Myers, and even an OK Pinhead.
You may be happier on someone with less range but more mobility, or without a ranged power at all. I play Ghostface and Myers not because they are strong picks, but because they are fun picks. It could be, you should be going for fun instead of just wanting to win.
And if you do just wanna win, there's always Nurse or Blight, or even Spirit.
Post edited by GonnaBlameTheMovies on2 -
Kill rates are meaningless.
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Completely disagree. Huntress is easy to pick up and use efficiently. She’s newb friendly to anyone who has ever played a shooting game.
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Just get better. It's what I was told about survivor. So I ditched survivor and became a killer and surprisingly I'm much better. Go figure
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But if people give up, doesn't that inflate the kill rate? Same as nice killers letting survivors out the door deflate kill rates?
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Do you really want to open that particular can of worms? 77% while holding a hatchet is not her normal speed, so let's not pretend otherwise. Even then she wouldn't be the least mobile killer in the game. A stalking Myers is way slower. So I have no idea why that would even be relevant when it comes to mobility.
That math gives me a headache. This is not how it works. At all. 123%… try calculating anything further with that number and you'll see why it's off. If you want to calculate the survivor's speed relative speed to yours, then the formula is [Survivor speed] / [Your speed]. Meaning: 1 / 0.77 = 1.299 ~ 130%. That however is a pointless number since it doesn't tell you anything. Any useful calculation would use the 23% total speed difference.
Kill rates do not showcase balance. Freddy has a pretty high kill rate and Nurse's kill rate is always pretty low. What does that tell us? That Freddy is better than Nurse?
Huntress was already pretty good before her buffs and the game hasn't changed that much since.
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Kill rates also show that nurse is one of the worst killers in the game and needs buffs to bring her more in line with some of the more overpowered killers like…checks notes…
freddy and myers
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Sounds like bad luck or just skill issue. Huntress received tons of innecesary buffs lately, she was already doing great, now its even better. Practice more. Switch to survivor for a few matches and you will see what insufrible gameplay is, you will return to killer running as happy as a kid with a candy.
Tbh I dont understand why killer mains cant admit sometimes is OK to loose, sometimes you will have less experience or level than your oponent. Devs did a terrible TERRIBLE job making killer mains think they should win every game as a golden rule and if they loose god damn those ultra OP survivors, bad game design, nerf every item, make survivors appear with 2 hooks at the start of the game, etc etc6 -
Wait what!? I'm a avid huntress main and while some maps can be problems, I very rarely leave a match without at least a 2 k and play with no perks. In door maps you have to use gamesense as your biggest asset, until you learn where you can hit hatchets. Huntress needs no more buffs as of right now aside from 4.6ms( just kidding until hag gets it)
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Just interested, but what kind of mobility would you give Huntress?
Personally, I think she's in a good spot, maybe a little map-dependent. The only issue I have with her is that to open up more of her fun shots, her hatchet hitbox would have to be reduced, which isn't something most players want.
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About as much as letting people escape would affect her kill rate.
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I don’t believe her kill rates reflect that. I believe she is a killer that has a high skill floor but is known for being the strongest in the game, so inexperienced players who may have heard she is the strongest or see that her power is teleportation pick her believing they can cheese their way to victory with something broken or OP. Then, they see how technically demanding learning her power is so they lose a fair amount until they’re better. This may lower her kill rates. Additionally, matches with DCs do not count in kill rates but they are still matches she has been in. Disregarding them lowers her kill rate as it reduces the sample of overall matches she has which would make her kill rate appear lower than it truly is.
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You can't honestly say that kill rates are a useful stat, but then ignore one of them because it doesn't fit the narrative. Either stat is useful, or it isn't.
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Right, and we are not ignoring any part of her kill rates. I believe kill rates to be useful. But I also believe kill rates aren’t just aren’t flat numbers. They are nuanced, as evidenced by Nurse’s kill rate contradicting with her lethality. No one would suggest this killer is weak in skilled hands
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Yes I want to open that can of worms because you are objectively wrong in this instance. Please stop with that outdated Nurse strawman argument, which is literally the most disingenuous thing on the planet.
The stats clearly show Nurse has a low kill rate at low MMR and the Hhighest kill rate at high MMR. Freddy shows that he has a high kill rate at low MMR and one of the lowest at high MMR. However HUNTRESS has a low kill rate at Low AND High MMR according to official stats so nice try on that.
Huntress is holding a hatchet / reloading/ having downtime longer than Meyers is stalking, NOT TO MENTION she has to go RELOAD at poorly placed lockers. Dropping chase sometimes to do so.
If Huntress is holding a hatchet moving at 77% and the survivors default movement speed is 100% then yes absolutely for a fact a survivor mathematically is moving 23% faster. That’s raw math.I never once said she is bad, just that she is overrated and is actually B tier and not A tier. I would know, I main her. I am insane at her and have won several 1v8 matches with evidence. I know my killer. She is overrated and comp players with thousands of hours agree with me.
Post edited by HexHuntressThighs on2 -
Realistically I would keep it simple and make her 115% normally and 85% when holding hatchets. The counter play for her would be literally the exact same except it would speed the pace up. So instead of getting 5 loops out of a small rock loop she is forced to M1 at you would only get 4 loops.
This would help an insane amount on indoor maps by giving her a reliable M1 backup option and make getting to poorly placed lockers faster on outdoor maps.
This would also have the effect of making M1s seem more appealing which would actually be a detriment and if Huntress’s relied on M1s too much it would cost them more games.
I think it would be super dope if she could run through trees like the predator from predator huntings grounds lol but that would never happen and probably be way to strong lmao.
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you don’t like the stats because they don’t fit your “killers are weak and oppressed and survivors are super op” Narrative
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So you truly believe then that nurse is one of the worst killers in the game, and needs buffs so she could be more in line with some of the more overpowered killers like freddy?
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You shouldnt be focused whether the killer is strong or not, but more if you enjoy playing them.
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See thats the truth of it, yet people still don't like that. Where does it leave us?
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The sad state we are in right now…
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I think killer experience is the cared one survivor not so much.
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nope but I don’t believe killers are these oppressed helpless bots like how you think.
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It leaves me with Freddy, who is weak and hasn't been enjoyable to play since July of 2019.
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A killer who lacks mobility in exchange for one of the strongest chase abilities in the game which can potentially hit you across the map is a damn good trade. There's a reason she's remained on the higher end of tierlists for years now.
Post edited by Shroompy on6 -
Like you, I find Huntress tricky. However, that's not down to her being a bad Killer. She's very effective in the right hands, and my difficulty at managing to hit consistently is down to my ability with her and perhaps lack of practice.
People perform better with different Killers. For me, Oni, Executioner and Trapper are my big winners. Other players may not enjoy these or struggle with them. It's just down to what style people enjoy.
Try not to blame the Killer, and focus more on either a). Learning to use them better, or b) stick to Killers you enjoy better. Improvement comes from understanding your shortcomings and working on them.
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Huntress isn't the best killer in the game. She isn't even the fifth. Decent survivors can dodge hatchets and many maps are bad for her.
What she is is enjoyable to play.
I find throwing hatchets kind of cathartic.
I need to point out that in expert's hands, she is deadly. I'm often amazed by Huntress plays from CoconutRTS or Rayoxium, among many other streamers.
Killer is hard (so is survivor in solo-queue) you have to keep at it (and play survivor regularly) to improve.
I wasn't even close of being an OK killer before maybe the 1000 hours mark.
If you want a killer with the highest potential, there is of course the Nurse.
She is however not easy to play (hence her abysmal kill-rate compared to the heavy hitters: most can't play her properly).
But if you have the game-sense and know all the maps by heart, you can get great results. (And still get your backside kicked by good survivors in a team and/or other Nurse players who know her weaknesses and tricks and how to exploit them.)
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Well…gotta admit you got us in a box here X)
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Skull Merchant and Pig also have high kill rates, and they're both 3x nerfed M1 trash. Hillbilly and Unknown have more hitbox issues than her.
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>Why I can't tunnel?
Hey, I have good news about the argument you didn't think through all the way…
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bro this is the problem. ur not good with her that's on u. i hit insane shots and get 4k's at the highest level mmr u can. ur missing ur hatchet throws or not taking any when u need to. u have to play unpredictable.
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This is why I don't really believe that seeing Doctor or Ghostie's low Kill rates means anything either. Both do just fine in reality and are decently balanced, needing few changes.
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I can tell you exactly why people don't believe in "Killer is fine and strong enough if you have fun" anymore.
It's because of tierlists. It's deadass beause of the stupid friggin' comp tierlists that come from fighting games - something DBD decidedly IS NOT - that people INSIST mean anything because the big names made them popular.
Tierlisting Killers has always been a scourge on the game's community, because it falsely implies some Killers can never be good while others can never be bad. The truth is, everyone has different potential on different Killers. And that's OK. It really comes down to how well you can use that kit. I have seen comp Nurses smoked by groups like Team Eternal, and comp Ghostfaces destroy groups like Team Eternal. And Comp DBD is dead anyway so who really cares? Play who makes you happy and you do well with. Skill is the factor, RNG and perks are the factor. Strength of Killer power functionally means NOTHING for the vast majority of people who all play pubs.
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Situationally speaking, Huntress can struggle on certain indoor maps and faces the regular pitfalls of being a 110% speed killer without no movement abilities, but honestly, I still think she was kinda fine with 5 hatchets. I've simply never struggled with her, and I haven't met many survivors who'd call facing a good Huntress easy. She's just fine where she is imo
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Honestly i'd blame that more on sheeple mentality than the fact that people make tier lists. People who don't think for themselves and must believe what [insert big name] said are…something…but can't exactly blame that load of problems on tier lists existing. They're literally other peoples thoughts right? Its people thats the problem since its them that take it to seriously.
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When I first tried huntress, I sucked, hard. I like Nemesis though. I spent time learning how to use the tenticle and trained my eyes to the center of the screen. Now huntress isn't half bad. I'm not making across map hits, but I can down people in chase no problem. Honestly, you just aren't ready for her, or you need practice.