Distortion nerf



  • Langweilg
    Langweilg Member Posts: 1,771
    edited September 2024

    The only thing I disagree is that distortion plays a big part in this.

    About behavior moving to more chase oriented gameplay. Disagree, they constantly nerf all maps into trash for survivors, so you can‘t have longer chases anymore. Edit: They encourage hiding from the killer by making looping/chasing a bad choice and now that is gone too, so you are only a meatball to play with for killers.

  • RoastedGarlic
    RoastedGarlic Member Posts: 592

    maps are a whole other topic. I don't disagree that they need improvement. But to say you can't have long chases anymore is asinine. You absolutely can still have long chases they happen regularly enough that i would say your wrong overall.

  • Langweilg
    Langweilg Member Posts: 1,771
    edited September 2024

    On the newer/reworked maps I would say no overall (exception nostromo and singularity map). The old maps, that didn‘t get changed the last 2 years, are decent, but I‘m not talking about those.

  • RoastedGarlic
    RoastedGarlic Member Posts: 592

    there is only one map where i would agree with you and that is haddonfield, every other map you can absolutely run 5 gen chases.

  • Langweilg
    Langweilg Member Posts: 1,771
    edited September 2024

    Not really almost all the new/rewoked ones suck now. You can only get long chases there if the killer is really bad. Also rancid abattoir got gutted and there are a lot of other bad maps. Soon badham will get gutted and then next ones. Midwich got also made worse for survivors.

  • RoastedGarlic
    RoastedGarlic Member Posts: 592

    Just because you can't doesn't mean everyone else can't. The killer only needs to be bad if you're not very good.

  • Langweilg
    Langweilg Member Posts: 1,771
    edited September 2024

    I‘m not bad I always get the most sweaty killers, where it is simply not possible and if you want to play the game of assumptions then you are probably not in a high mmr.

  • RoastedGarlic
    RoastedGarlic Member Posts: 592

    I don't think you know how the mmr system even works based on this post. if you were high mmr you wouldn't be saying what you're saying.

  • Langweilg
    Langweilg Member Posts: 1,771
    edited September 2024

    I did never say I‘m in high mmr, but I said you aren‘t, because you don’t get killers who you can run for 5 gens in high mmr. People who come up with you are bad first, usually have no arguments. I‘m special, there is probably no one in the community with my mindset. Everything here are only opinions, wether something is right only depends on the perspective and how you see things.

  • doobiedo
    doobiedo Member Posts: 371
    edited September 2024

    Well I have a similar opinion at least on this one specific issue.

  • RoastedGarlic
    RoastedGarlic Member Posts: 592

    I pretty much main survivor these days. 5 gen chases aren't some mythical thing. I was just in a game with quaddi and alby the other day.

  • doobiedo
    doobiedo Member Posts: 371

    I was in a game with quaddi a while back too I don't assume that means I am as high mmr as them. 5 gen chases are extremely rare if the killer knows what they are doing at all.

  • RoastedGarlic
    RoastedGarlic Member Posts: 592
    edited September 2024

    I never said I was high mmr, my point has always been that mmr is a joke. You don't need to be high mmr to play with high mmr players. That is why I said he didn't know how mmr works and clearly you don't either. High mmr is something like only 2.5% of the player base and they need to match with people so they don't spend 30 minutes in a queue.

  • doobiedo
    doobiedo Member Posts: 371

    Okay but your 5 gen comment was just weird. I mean even for someone like Quaddi a 5 gen chase is rare but you talk about it like its something that happens all the time.

  • doobiedo
    doobiedo Member Posts: 371

    That's not entirely true. It will only match you with "everyone" if its taking too long to find people closer to your level because they prioritize speed of matchmaking.

  • RoastedGarlic
    RoastedGarlic Member Posts: 592
    edited September 2024

    lets play sometime since you seem to think rats aren't a problem at every stage of mmr I'm curious too see how good you actually are vs how good you think you are. its the only way were going to move forward at this point.

  • doobiedo
    doobiedo Member Posts: 371

    I'm not claiming I'm amazing at the game or something, I always figured I was in the middle of mmr somewhere. I just never noticed distortion users as such a big issue. I mean I definitely have useless teammates but most of the time they don't even have distortion. I mean it's possible I just haven't been paying attention I guess. Just seems to me that the heavy use of Distortion is more due to the ridiculous amount of aura perks in the game now. It's just strange that the mode in the game with less players has become the easy mode, and now they need even more wallhacks? I dunno I think if this update goes live as is it will end up causing more problems than it solves.

  • RoastedGarlic
    RoastedGarlic Member Posts: 592
    edited September 2024

    distortion will still be good, it will just require you to get into a chase. which is fair more than fair and balanced then how it works now. Hiding in a terror radius to recharge stacks isnt even balanced when you consider some killers have massive terror radius and others have little to no terror radius.

    This change makes it so every distortion will work the same against wesker and pig or ghostface.

    as a side note i don't care about distortion when I do play killer because I don't use aura perks. I typically use trail of torment, tinker, hex plaything and hysteria because I like scaring the crap out of people on killers that typically aren't stealth characters. The reactions in endgame when I get them are generally funny.

  • CautionaryMary
    CautionaryMary Member Posts: 556

    Why do you assume that every Distortion player doesn't take chase lol? I used to run Bond, Deja Vu, Distortion, and Sprint Burst on my Dwight back in the day and I would take chase for people off of hook even with Friends Til The End active where I'm obsession.

    Even if I'll get hooked and it transfers to someone else, I would always try to take protection hits for someone I saw on death hook because that's what a player does if they want their best chance of not being steamrolled in a game of Dead By Daylight.

    Yes, I've experienced people hiding when I'm actively in a chase near them but guess what? These same people don't help or take chase WITHOUT Distortion because it's solo-queue. If someone doesn't want to take chase, they don't need Distortion to outright prevent it. People will watch you be in chase and do nothing because they are randoms and will "rat" as you put it no matter what because put simply, randoms can be SELFISH.

  • HexHuntressThighs
    HexHuntressThighs Member Posts: 1,245

    It will change a lot, very drastically I might add. Because now the hiders will be found and forced to actually accept chase. And even if they go down instantly, it’s still sharing hooks and buying time.

    Huge win for solo queue survivors honestly.

  • RoastedGarlic
    RoastedGarlic Member Posts: 592

    i very much clearly stated in a previous post that I don't think they all do. I very clearly said the ones that do take chases etc aren't an issue and lets be honest this nerf won't effect them at all since they do take chases their perk will activate. New distortion is an anti aura chase perk for things that show aura during chase in which there are several, between perks like im all ears and the several addons like say huntresses glow hatchets.

    its disingenuous of you to say that I think every distortion user is the problem when I've said multiple times its only the rat players that are the issue and it will only be the rat players who are really effected by this nerf.

  • Pirscher
    Pirscher Member Posts: 650

    This nerf hasn't gone through yet - it is just a PTB suggestion.

    If the nerf goes through, that will give so much more power to aura-read-killers.. right now there are plenty of killers running all-out aura reading builds with aura-read perks and add-ons. They chew through the 3 Distortion tokens quite quickly and then after that point mind games from the survivor become completely void because the killer can just see you with a "wall hack"-like ability..

    I cannot recall seeing survivors once in solo queue only hiding with distortion.. maybe it is a particular mmr-bracket where that happens?

  • RoastedGarlic
    RoastedGarlic Member Posts: 592
    edited September 2024

    this has already been addressed in this post, it happens in all mmr brackets and the distortion change will only be weak for people who rat. if you take chase your distortion will activate, if that killer has aura reading perks in chase your distortion will activate more frequently. Distortion doesn't have a cooldown.

    example, killer brings im all ears and is chasing you. You fast vault your aura isn't seen because distortion works. The next time you fast vault your aura will still be hidden because you will be in chase and therefore distortion will activate. essentially if your in chase your distortion will constantly be activating more so than it would if you had 4 tokens and had to regain them by simply being in the terror radius. This change will make distortion even stronger for players who take chases and get involved in progressing the game forward.

    distortion also has a slightly longer duration. in some ways this is an acutal buff to distortion, but players are too short sighted to see it like that. It really makes me wonder why that is.

  • Pirscher
    Pirscher Member Posts: 650

    "This change will make distortion even stronger for players who take chases and get involved in progressing the game forward."

    Stealth play with stealth-distortion-gen-rushing is also quite good at progressing the game forward - it catches the killer off-guard many times whilst they are not being spoon-fed ez-pz survivors wall hackz

    I guess we just have to let this all run its course.. after this it will only be a matter of time before the devs address the wall hacks.. once upon a time aura reading was not a thing - go back to the roots?

  • squbax
    squbax Member Posts: 1,526

    Wdym aura reading was not a thing lmao, I habe played since release date and aura reading was always there, genuinly what are you talking about.

  • RoastedGarlic
    RoastedGarlic Member Posts: 592

    i doubt it there are too many aura perks in general for both survivor and killer to get rid of them. Poised changes are looking awesome btw.

  • CautionaryMary
    CautionaryMary Member Posts: 556

    You stated that your hatred for the perk comes from the game starting at a 3v1. I wonder why at the start you mentioned that it's a 3v1 and I have never in my life of playing this game seen a Distortion user actively do nothing but wait until all their teammates are dead just to get hatch.

    How is the game actively progressing? Did the killer bring Lethal Pursuer, BBQ and Chili, Friends Til The End, Nowhere To Hide, or whatever other perk that can cause a snowball effect to occur? You're being disingenuous by claiming that there's some hidden cabal of Distortion users going around ruining games crouching in some corner with some evil plan of getting hatch each game. 💀

    Distortion, whether you hated it or not kept aura perks in check — it made a killer think to themselves if they wanted to bring an aura perk or not. This change doesn't affect me directly as I proactively use different builds regardless so I'll adapt, but Behavior trying to make this game a chase game while gutting maps, their loops, chase potential AND stealth gameplay isn't the way to go.

  • Sandt1985
    Sandt1985 Member Posts: 433

    Distortion absolutely needed a nerf. A single perk should not shut down an entire category of killer perks and addons

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,700

    I don't think that's the point, because Distortion isn't going to do that. People can just sit in lockers if they want to never be found. Distortion just allows them to help the team without getting a large neon sign slapped on their back that says 'KILL ME NOW'.

  • RoastedGarlic
    RoastedGarlic Member Posts: 592

    they already hide in lockers as well.

    if your doing it at the expense of your own team who are not using distortion, you're actively punishing them and that is why this perk needs this much needed healthy change. Do you understand yet? You will never improve your chase game if all you do is avoid avoid avoid.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,700

    they already hide in lockers as well.

    Then I assume you understand that the Distortion nerf is completely pointless, yes?

  • RoastedGarlic
    RoastedGarlic Member Posts: 592

    it absolutely isn't pointless what complete and total disingenuous argument, that has already been covered in this topic.

  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,845

    I believe the issue was both.

    Hiding in lockers, getting stacks in the killer's TR, and leaving to drop/pickup items to avoid crows and move to another locker while distortion kept you hidden.

    The Distortion change is healthier this way, forcing survivors to actually assist in a match. If they want to hide in lockers all game, they now have SOME risk other than completely being under the radar.

  • CautionaryMary
    CautionaryMary Member Posts: 556
    edited September 2024

    I never understood the argument that when a Distortion player loads into the game that they're harming the rest of the team by not being found with Lethal Pursuer. If the perk was so strong, why didn't other people put the perk on as well? If people complained that they're found first, why not use a perk that countered LP?

    As I said many times, you can be a good looper and have Distortion on. I never understood the fascination of people who play killer and feel like they need no counterplay to survivors having their aura being red. This game is built around having counterplay to readily used perks in the game and punishing people for using the perk because (some people rat, rare situations) is not a good change. If anything, I'm hoping that after this nerf — Behavior will look at aura reading and the amounts of it that they've created in the game. It's exhausting having your aura being red constantly and having to be in chase, especially with how strong tunneling a survivor out at the beginning is.

    I've seen killers (Otzdarva included) play with Friends Til The End and tunnel a survivor off of hook because they get no value out of a snowball and exposing of other survivors because the obsession was a Distortion user.

  • RoastedGarlic
    RoastedGarlic Member Posts: 592

    whats exhausting is having that teammate who hasn't been chased or hooked all match because they're just hide the instant the terror radius shows up while everyone is on deathhook.

    take your share of the chases, stop forcing everyone else to carry you through the game.

  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,845

    And I agree as far as locker hopping is concerned, that should be addressed.

    However, it still doesn't fix stealth players who aren't using lockers as well. As long as you're in a TR, you're immune to aura reads. And killer doesn't proc aura as often as people claim. If a killer is burning all your stacks, it's usually from perks like Weave Attunement (which makes distortion useless itself) and Gearhead, which requires actually doing gens.

    However, I think aura read creep is being overly complained about. The only perk that can grant basically infinite aura read is WA, which we know is getting changed soon. Survivors also have a ton of aura read perks, I personally run Wiretap+Repressed Alliance to give me a ton of value out of it, or blood amber key+OoO, Alert, Troubleshooter for tons of it and do extremely well. Despite what survivors think, killers can't get constant aura value even if they run full aura read builds, and if they do they lose pressure in gen defense or chase depending on the killer.

  • CautionaryMary
    CautionaryMary Member Posts: 556

    And if we go down that route, I'll be happy to have the bloodlust and speed boost reduced reverted from 6.1.0. Many maps have been gutted to have unsafe pallets that are not mindgameable. 😊

    On the contrary, I don't mind having the game be chase oriented but Behavior has not been consistent on what they want this game to be. If they want it to be chase oriented, they need to make more loops not just be a simple 50/50, let me go around this short end and hit the survivor as they're vaulting a pallet. I would love that because I like to have chase in the game, regardless aura reading needs to be looked at and what do you know? They create Zanshin Tactics which defeats the mindgame dynamic by allowing a killer to see where a survivor goes (their aura) when a dropped pallet is used during chase.

  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,845

    Distortion still saves you from NTH once every chase after this change, so situations like that can still work fine unless the Myers decides to come back before the gen is done because he couldn't find anyone else.

    And BBQ still has a range requirement? You can be near the hook and the aura read doesn't work on you. And misdirection is still going to be good because:

    1. Chase doesn't end that abruptly, perks like QnQ and Deception/Head On will still work. Especially since it involves lockers.
    2. Not every killer is going to jump on that perk. Plus it does have a generous cooldown that if you outlast it, you're winning in chase and buying your team time to do gens.
  • CautionaryMary
    CautionaryMary Member Posts: 556

    Yes, that's the argument that is being presented. BBQ and Chili has counterplay without Distortion as you can simply hide in a locker. The amount of aura reading in the game makes it so that every single action a survivor does causes aura reading and sometimes there is genuinely no counterplay.

    Back before all of this aura reading, survivors had downtime to do things. Nowadays, you have x perk allows aura reading which causes continuous chase after chase after chase. It's gotten to the point where we have survivor fatigue because no matter what it is —Behavior has killed chase gameplay (terrible map reworks, gen spread being easier to monitor, and 6.1.0 changes to chase) while killing stealth gameplay by allowing no counterplay to aura reading. Even one of the map variations of Ormond was murked given that by the construction vehicle, there is no pallet, and there is no lockers anymore which makes the survivor have to run to find a locker much harder if you're doing that generator specifically to counter BBQ and Chili — it's a hot ass mess. It would be nice to have changes to the dreadful gen spawns as well, maybe I can actually drop Deja Vu from my build by then. 😂

  • LadyOwO
    LadyOwO Member Posts: 390
    edited September 2024

    Everyone just needs to start running Boon:Shadow Step now in place of distortion

  • CautionaryMary
    CautionaryMary Member Posts: 556

    Right, maybe we'll see a return to form for Circle of Healing and Shadowstep. 💀😂

  • Attckcat
    Attckcat Member Posts: 64

    The people that are just going to hide and play for hatch are going to do that no matter what perks they use, that's a gameplay issue that needs to be addressed, not nerfing perks that slightly defend against the massive lazy killer enabling aura perk meta.

  • Attckcat
    Attckcat Member Posts: 64

    Even with Distortion the easiest counter to FTTE is hiding in a locker when the survivor gets picked up. If the obsession ISN'T locker hopping when FTTE is in play that's basically throwing.

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,617
    edited September 2024

    The proposed Distortion change is a terrible change. First of all, if someone is running an aura reading build they'll have LP equipped more often than not. That means that Distortion will be inactive from the start of the match with the first use being ineffectual.

    The proposed change isn't happening in a vacuum either. Zanshin Tactics will be tried a lot and anytime it is the supposed recharge will be used as soon as a survivor drops a pallet rendering the perk even more ineffectual.

    The proposed change does nothing for people who won't participate either. People will just hide in lockers if they're making a hatch play and saying that not having Distortion will let them be spotted when switching lockers is not rooted in reality as lockers spawn close together and there are clumps of two or three lockers.

    I don't believe the 'Distortion is OP' discourse either. Any perks effectiveness has to be measured in terms of 'does this provide an advantage that's far more substantial than any other perk'. I don't see or know of any data that suggests Distortion provides more of an effect than an Exhaustion perk or gen repair, etc. I also don't see that many players who play more than a modicum of survivor complaining about it; the main complaints seem to come from mainly one-sided Killer players who don't like counter play to aura reading perks (and some of whom have talked about 'survivor hand holding' while complaining about having to find Survivors without aura reading perks and don't realize the irony in those statements -- not really relevant; just a peeve of mine). If Distortion were so incredibly effective I would have expected to see an increase in Discordance, Surveillance and Spies in the Shadows which counter Distortion and provide additional info to boot but I don't.

    The proposed change also doesn't address the issues with two Survivors both going for hatch plays that is essentially holding the game hostage by not trying to complete the match and is super frustrating for Killer players in that situation. Locker switching is commonly used and as lockers hide auras that makes Distortion irrelevant in that situation.

    The supposed lack of progress situation you're trying to discuss and the hiding issue can be addressed by a single change that has nothing to do with Distortion; give idle crows to players that haven't healed, worked on a gen or been in a chase for x minutes. That would be a better change. As it is the proposed nerf to Distortion does nothing but render stealth gameplay unfeasible (and it is a legitimate playstyle that people to do enjoy), doesn't actually fix any issues and just gives us another garbage perk to scroll past when choosing our load out.