You tryhard killers need to pick a different killer. Stop making the game boring and give us FUN!
Why is it always the same killers every damn surv game that I play? Its always chucky nurse spirit hillbilly wesker blight
Can't you play something else for a while? Why do you always have to play the same boring killer? I am sick of hearing weskers tr or hearing nurses shrieking the moment the match starts.
Have the devs buff other killers to the point of weaker killers being stronger, and you'll see more killers.
At higher ranks, weaker killers struggle, and stronger killers have a better chance at success. It's not rocket science21 -
Bruh people have their right to choose the killer they want to play.
What about you playing killers other than the killers you mentioned?
12 -
Probably because, unless I lose and get insulted for it in endgame chat, winning as any killer with any set up perks is apparently 'boring.' There's no winning, so why not choose the killer you like to play?
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The devs go out of their way to make sure alternative ways to play the game are not very viable.
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wait if you play as killer to give a fun time to the survivors, cool idea no? :D
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By fun you mean blinding the killer and teabagging at the exit gates? I'll pass. it's much more fun seeing you dangling from a rusty hook about to be sacrificed :D
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Ask it after next patch again, when 2 other killer will be pretty much dead.
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Your opponents, be it killers or survivors, aren't meant to be babysitters. They aren't there to entertain you.
Just FYI.
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Welp, they just gutted Skully so you can expect her players to switch to Nurse and Knight. So that should be fun I’m sure.
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how do people not like wesker? i can go against weskers only and will be the happiest dbd player out here.
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Rather play against wesker than nurse all the time tbh
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This 100%
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lmao i thought it was just me, but same i love wesker so much!! ive never really understood why hes so hated by some people...sadly i rarely get to play against him :'(
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Im playing pig. Guess im good?
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Sad but true.
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I can offer you a hard tunneling Pyramid Head, Doctor on The Game, Tombstone Piece Myers or basement Trapper. Do we have a deal?
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And if I play Knight, Plague, Legion, Skull Merchant, Clown, Hag, Pinhead, Pig, Singularity, Alien, Wraith, Doctor, or Trapper, survivors tell me not to play with braindead unfun game mechanics. And if I play Bubba they tell me I'm camping. And if I play Ghostface or Myers they DC when I gen grab them. And if I play Trickster they tell me not to play cringe. And god forbid I play something like Nemesis or Deathslinger or Twins, then they tell me to play a normal killer. So what does that leave me?
The list of killers that survivors actually want to play against can be summed up by a chorus of crickets. Maybe Demogorgon on a good day.
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And I would be happy to never see him again. Wanna trade?
You can have every Wesker I go against, if you give me something fun.
3 -
Ok. We'll give you Engineer Fang + Original Pain pinhead that tunnels you off hook
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Survivors constantly scream for every new killer to be nerfed into the dirt, and then wonder why they never get any killer variety. Not exactly the toughest dots to connect.
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Sounds more like MMR problem
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Sounds spicy. How about the face camping 99% tombstone piece Myers?
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Not fun, but better than Wesker.
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i'd love this trade. i'll give deathslingers, chuckies, trappers and skull merchants in return
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1 -
As long we are in agreement 🤝
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Nah. I'll trade you for a Basement camping leatherface though
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You know what? You're right! I'll stop playing Clown and play Skull Merchant for a few games before she get nuked. She seems fun! See you in the fog, Feerinz <3.
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I think they should honestly pin one Killer as a 'perfect' middle power Killer. Then every 3 months, buff the bottom 5 and nerf the top 5 to swap them to the opposite side of the 'perfect' middle power Killer. Eventually all Killers would collapse tier lists from being S-D to A-C, and every Killer will be much more playable.
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Simple. They nerf alt playstyles and perks that need to be used on weaker killers: Hemorrhage and mangled status effect changes, across the board nerfs to gen regression, increase in hook state time, bad add-ons, poor totem spawns. If those were better than you'd see more variety.