The Skull Merchant Nerfs are fully intentional, and not likely to be changed post PTB

*in the context of talking about Skull merchant over-nerfs
This makes me insanely mad, these changes aren’t even to balance the killer, or to fix the issues, the changes are to straight up kill skull merchant until they can put out a rework in about 1-2 years. With this new information it’s likely that most skull merchant won’t get any changes post PTB, this is just to kill her so people will stop complaining, and they can push out a rework.
If they rework her fast enought, its bad but okish (i dont think killing a character is the way to go).
But bhvr needs like a generation to rework stuff, may be devs children will finish SM, Freddy and Mayers.
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yeah but, it’s BHVR… it’s been 4 years since any Freddy tweaks, almost 7 years since myers, and also like 3 years for twins (I’m not familiar so the year could be wrong)
It’s fine that it’s confirmed that skull merchant is getting a change, but it will not be soon at all, so to gut skull merchant, and to say “we’ll fix her don’t worry just wait a year or two and we will fix her” just seems kinda stupid
BTW her FIRST AND SECOND rework were supposed to fix these issues.1 -
They're aware how long it takes to make adjustments to things, especially with how they pump out content, and then do stuff like this. It's so strange to me.
Why not allocate your resources better for killer reworks? There's a lot of issues the game has, and they're only compounding it by putting things on the backburner constantly and nerfing things like this. I understand this is live service and all, but it's still a slap to the face to anyone who bought SM, those who think she deserved it or not.9 -
Destroy the game by leaving SM as is, or butcher her (temporarily) and make the game playable for everyone else. Wow, tough choice /s.
Since they have kind of proven that they only make things worse when they try to rework Killers, it is far better for the health of the game to remove the problematic elements. We don't have old MfT, and I had no problem going against that as Killer (partially because SB was my personal bane). We removed MfT since too many Killers had a problem going against it, just as most Survivors have a problem going against SM. If you want to reinstate MfT and keep SM, I'd join you in a burn the game to the ground kind of way, but in the meantime, maybe we should put out fires instead of starting more.
Sadly they will only allocate resources where money is. Survivors quitting the game due to a poorly designed Killer means less money coming in. Reworking an older Killer doesn't always work (see Twins), and you don't get the revenue for another sale since the playerbase already owns them. This is the most cost effective option (sadly), thus nerf SM.
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Except we aren't hemorrhaging players because of SM alone. If that were the case, DBD would be dead by now considering how long she's been an issue to the loudest haters of her.
Even steamcharts shows the usual ebb and flow DBD gets, slightly higher these days even after a huge uptick in March and the Anniversary. And that's just Steam alone.
I'm sure if they focused better on making SM fun for both sides earlier and more clearly to the community it wouldn't have been an issue with player retention. This goes for any killer rework they have planned, considering we're still waiting for Myers and Freddy.10 -
Yeah there are a lot of issues, but for many people SM is merely 'the straw that breaks the camel's back'. There are a lot of flaws with the game, but since they are independent enough they can largely be ignored when you don't reach that critical breaking point.
I think 2v8 is solely responsible for the returning players, but I've lost a 2nd IRL friend permanently to the game because the sum flaws are too great. He was off and on then came back for 2v8, played 2 weeks to a month, then hard quit (as in actually hard uninstalled the game, not even leaving it on the harddrive in a 'I might play it occasionally' kind of way).
I think this is the problem though, her past 8 reworks (hyperbole) all have been focused on being more fun for both sides, and they fail every time. Personally I think they are actually doing 2/4 required nerfs to her, alongside needlessly dropping 2 scans to 1. I think they could return to 2 scans if they remove auto-resets for Drones, and add sound cues/lullaby for her in stealth.
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Facts. 100%
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I've had friends quit over things in the game too, but they came back. Much like most who quit, it seems. Even I've taken extended breaks from time to time, it's natural to feel burnt out or overwhelmed at times due to additions/changes.
That is reflected in the steam charts as well, very clearly even. And stalling changes is the main reason we keep seeing this as well.
As far as her reworks, however, I'll give you that. They tend to keep dropping the ball on some things. Some killers have felt better with their adjustments and reworks, like Singularity and Sadako (to an extent. Personally I still think she needs a bit more tuning) while I think SM is just stuck with the stigma, unless drones get a COMPLETE overhaul on how they function.A strange thing I notice with this community is even when things are drastically changed, they stick to their stigmas of certain characters. Like frosty eyes = NOED, or all Dwights hide in lockers, or every Nea is toxic etc etc. I honestly believe SM will never escape that, either.
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Skull merchant's haste is the most unique part of her kit. most killer gain burst haste in the form of abilities. skull merchant is only killer to give a small long, over-time haste boost as a killer. while i do think that bvhr weakening the killer for survivor to d/c is good idea, i don't think that entire removing out of her kit is good.
i agree. i dislike how resources wasted on skull merchant and not something like demogorgon, freddy or any other mediocre killer.
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She'll be in "a healthy place" for 1 side, because their definition of safety is them having more control in chase than the killer.
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on the topic of MFT, considering how absolutely powerful it was, it got an absolute slap on the wrist, it works on DH builds, and niche endurance builds, it just isn’t as game breaking as it was.
Skull merchant was given absolutely nothing to compensate her nerfs, no QoL, no minor buffs to other parts, just a flat out nerf, which is absolutely rare for BHVR, especially for a mid tier killer.(To be fair, they pulled this exact same thing with trickster, RIP buddy)
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To be fair, I think most people joke about the stereotypes more than truly think they comform to them. At the same time, because of the stereotype, it makes the instances of them leaning in or doing the polar opposite more memorable. So if Dwight is a giga-juicer, you are going to remember that one Dwight, or if you run into a 5 gen turbo-tunneling Blight, you are going to go "just another normal Blight main".
In my last 2 SM games (because those are the only 2 matches I've had against her in recent memory), they intentionally bledout for the 4K. They didn't bother to actually chase, or simply hook. They set up a drone-zone, and never leave it, then proceed to bleedout Surv 3 to kill Surv 4. This is kind of what they call "earning the hate". How even if the stereotype didn't exist, they would have created that stereotype on their own, from the actions within their matches.
Yeah the haste was kind of unique, but I think it was a relic of previous design iterations. I think it was fine when disarming permanently reduced the total trap number, as long as it was on the Survivor's shoulder. The only problem with that design, was that Survivors needed to be able to hack unlimited traps, even if they have a tracker already on their shoulder. They could tie the Haste to the total shouldered trap count, and SM couldn't replace the traps freely since 3-5 could be on a single Survivor (back at that version of her).
At the same time, every Killer has Haste in the form of Bloodlust, so it isn't really that special IMO.
I mean if you still think MfT is powerful, that is the greatest self-report to you being a turbo-tunneler, that I never thought I could even intentionally bait that out. To be clear, it wasn't intentional, just a happy coincidence.
SM was overtuned in 4 categories, while having more equivalent kit features than the comparable pieces. Stealth with no sound cues to beat out 5+ stealth Killers, traps auto-reseting which isn't even available for Hag, and an Iri add-on for Trapper, Hindered for a total of 60% compared to Freddy and Clowns ~45%, and Haste ranging from 3-7% (fairly easily obtained) compared to MfT's 3% with much more stringent conditions now. She didn't need a compensatory buff, when she had 4 better versions of sources' main feature.
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I never said MTF is still powerful, I’m just saying it was Uber powerful, and the change was a slap on the wrist and not an absolute blood bath gutting, I actively run MFT + DH (TBH, I only do cause I physically forced myself not to use cause I didn’t want to be seen as toxic, and I wanna see what I missed out) I am just saying, considering how strong it was, it was given a very generous nerf sadly I never see it anymore when I play killer. It wasn’t completely gutted, if you wanted to use old MFT you would have to dedicate a build around it.
I never said current MFT is even powerful or broken, I was bringing it up to show a semi recent example of a completely busted perk getting a proper rework instead of an absolute gutting with no upsides. Don’t try to turn my words into something the ad hominem me, I don’t like tunneling, it’s a boring playstyle for both sides.
That aside she considering how harsh her nerfs are, I feel a compensation is needed, at the very least some small quality of life changes.1 -
Lets say power scales from 'why does this even exist' - dogwater - bad - mediocre at best - weak - neutral - strong - nutty - crazy powerful - ultra strong - uber powerful - broken OP. If you are saying it got a slap on the wrist, that tells me it only dropped 1-2 steps. so if its was either uber powerful or broken OP, it only got dropped to ultra strong. I just find it absurd that it would be anywhere above neutral, so 'slap on the wrist' is your phrasing that led me to even go down this route.
Again the only 'harsh nerf' for SM IMO is the double scan line to 1. All others are bringing a multi-effect Killer below the more single-track Killer's effectiveness.
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I think the main issue is miscommunication and I think that stems from the tunneling and skill issue accusations, I got angry when typing that cause even though it’s not true, being seen as a tunneler is an insult
Though we are made up of experiences and thought, we are only other people’s perceptions and all that.
the comparison I was trying to make with MTF and Skull merchant was about their changes. If you think about it they are actually really similar, both require little to no skill, and you get massive value out of it.
For MTF’s case they were changed, however they were given the compensation of being able to activate while exhausted, which before they couldn’t. This allowed true MTF heads (if you have a better name for that please let me know, I genuinely have fallen in love with DH + MFT in recent weeks) to still use a version of MTF, which requires a lot of set up. The point I’m making is, despite how Uber powerful it was, it was given a generous rework.
“Slap on the wrist” was a bad way of wording it, I’m sorry to provoke you
For Skull merchant, it was straight up nerfs, it doesn’t feel well thought out as it doesn’t touch any of her problematic aspects, it was just straight up nerfs, she got Freddied which is why I feel angry, they did promise a rework, but leaving her in an unplayable state for atleast 1-2 years feels very weird…
Again I’m sorry I provoked with my poor wording, I don’t think current MTF is meta, but it is VERY fun to use.0 -
My main thing with MfT is DH is on the Killer to fail, not the Survivor to succeed. That to me basically means you don't (normally) get actual MfT value. SM can force Drone scans or an M1, which guarantees her to get Haste (and Hindered) value or a free hit. That's how I see the difference between those. One requires the opponent to fail, and the other can be forced upon the opponent. That's why I likened it to old MfT, where it was guaranteed on injury, aka forced upon the opponent just like drone scans.
As I've said for SM, other than the scan lines they are actually nerfing the things that isn't liked about her current iteration. Although I can understand not liking the wait for a rework that will likely fail like the last 9/10 reworks they've done (SM, SM, Onryo, Onryo, Freddy, Twins, with Billy probably being the only good rework). She currently is such a terror though because too many people are hard DCing against her because the DC penalty is actually preferable to playing out that match.
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They are technically fixing an issue, as the issue is dull merchant's core design. It can't be salvaged so a complete rework is necessary and leaving her in her current state so she can continue to ruin trials with her trash design is not an option.
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you see I wanna make it clear that the main issue is that these are holdover nerfs, unlike with most killers we have a confirmation that skull merchant is going to get reworked, unfortunately that’s one to two years from now, make no mistake this is a gutting. They want to render skull merchant to an unplayable state so people will stop complaining and focus on a rework (that’s likely gonna fail AGAIN)
The only people who will continue to play skull merchant are likely people who will try to get a rise, or make others miserable, this change fails at doing anything healthy0 -
where was it said? I believe to you, just wanna see it with my own eyes, if there is a VOD
upd. I found it. Well… Poor Skull Merchant enjoyersPost edited by jokere98 on0 -
- Yes, these are holdover nerfs
- Yes, this is a gutting
- No, this is not to make her unplayable
- The goal is to make her less frustrating to play against in the meantime until her rework
Skull Merchant will still be playable. You will enjoy her less, though.
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unplayable may be a stretch, there isn’t a killer that isn’t “unplayable” as you can play as any killer except demo for 2 years, but what I’m trying to say on playability is that she will be very, very bad, it’s not hyperbole to say she will be around D tier, cause doing all that to only apply a 5% hinder simply isn’t worth it when there are better killers
I’m not even an avid skull merchant player, I dropped her around 4 months ago cause I wanted to try other play styles. I’m kinda inbetween doctor, and spirit in terms of killers I currently enjoy.
I am very vocal about skull merchant cause
- I used to main her, and dealing with so much of negative reactions is what drove me to stop playing her
- This is a very long pattern of behavior of messing up balancing and not listening to community feedback. There has been so many victims in recent time to poor balancing, twins, trickster, knight, all have taken severe changes that make the killer worse to play, leading to changes being reversed, or just staple on nerfs. I don’t like the direct they have taken their reworks, so to gut skull merchant for the promise of another failed rework feels very disheartening.
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I mean SM is in such a bad state right now, I don't remember a single match where I was pleasantly surprised the SM wasn't a jerk or a Survivor DCed or any reason to think that match wasn't a complete and total waste of my time. That basically means a SM pick is near 100% sabotaging any Survivor chance of enjoyment, so the SM pick was intentional BM. Even other Killers that many people dislike can't reach that level of hatred. This is a medical procedure for the health of the game, so I can't blame them for doing it. I can blame them for ever thinking an area denial Killer in the heights of 6.1 gen kick perks was a good idea.
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I understand how you feel, don't get me wrong. She's going to be garbage tier, and that sucks for all the SM enjoyers. Unfortunately, this is a case of the few vs the many. She's not even picked frequently enough to warrant such heavy-handed nerfs. They could get away with just removing the haste, and she'd be better to play against.
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I've personally probably only played against a SM like 10 times since her release. I had exactly one enjoyable match against SM, and even that turned sour. They faked farming then betrayed us.
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Because people will always hate her because its a meme to hate her. It has nothing to do with her power and everything to do with 'SKULL MERCHANT BAD!' she could have no power and only M1 and people would still say shes OP and needs to be removed
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I'm really confident in saying that even if every single nerf they have planned makes it to Live ppl will continue to "give up" against her. The hate ppl have for SM runs so deep that even when she is the worst killer in the game they still give up against her just so they don't have to play the game against her.
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Listen, as much as I have been defending skull merchant, you must admit her problem is somewhat problematic. Her changes are way to overboard, but I still think her power was still a bit much.
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And diseboweling her instead of kill switching her was a bit much
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well, for starters she isn't breaking the game in any way to suggest kill switching her…
I imagine the outcry would be worse if they straight up removed her from the game, literally, til she got reworked
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I already promised to start playing her out of spite
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I honestly cannot understand why people jump to this conclusion.
It's not as though it's just hate for the sake of hate, and it's not like people aren't aware of the changes made because of the chess merchant playstyle. Skull Merchant's power just isn't fun to engage with, she has really strong anti-loop, and her kit is just bloated making it hard to explain how to counter her.
If you had to explain a whole bunch of different mechanics, and how to counter them for just one killer to someone who's still relatively fresh to dbd, they'd probably question how they're supposed to keep track of all that.
Skull Merchant is flawed by design, and thus far bhvr has not managed to get it right. You'll always have a minority who rage quit and immediately forfeit, but you can get that with any killer they don't like. Hopefully the rework changes her for the better, since it's important that survivors find her fun to play against just as killers find her fun to play as.
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Yes I agree she flawed I'm not arguing that but what you and many other don't get is that these heavy nerfs isn't going to make her any better to go against. She still going to be boring to face and I still think ppl will DC based on that along.
Once again all these nerfs are aim to do it to make the killer garbage so no one wants to play her. Honestly I'm would be fine with that if the rework took a max of 6 months to complete but that's not going to happen. The devs will take 2 or more years to rework her just like they did with twins, and Freddy. I'm complaining bc I think the devs are in the wrong here and should find better solutions to fix there games and not take the easy way out. But hey if you want to continue to drink the devs kool aid, by all means keep drinking. I for one will not and demand them to do better, and be better. Get thier damn priorities straight and actually do things in a reasonable time frame.
Also I do believe ppl hate SM just because she SM. Ppl hated her before her PTB came out for many dumb reasons. Sex bait, failed predator, she wasn't a cyborg, and the list keeps going.
Post edited by BlackRose89 on1 -
I disagree. A killer that's boring to play against is infinitely better than a killer that is frustrating to play against. I believe that the changes they're making, heavy-handed though they may be, will make SM less frustrating to play against. Boring, perhaps, but you'd be hard-pressed to find someone who'll turn their nose up at a free win even if it's boring.
If the nerfs are, like you say, to make nobody want to play the killer then there's already no need for that since almost nobody plays SM anyway. I understand why you're frustrated, and your complaints are valid, but it's very clear that the devs want SM to be in a healthier spot for both sides. I'm not drinking the devs kool-aid, I'm just seeing it for what it is.
If you want to demand that the devs do better, then by all means do that, but don't hide it behind this guise that people just hate SM for no reason when the hate is justified. It's not just the 3-gen stalemate that was a problem, contrary to popular belief. The whole lock-on mechanic was poorly thought-out, and poorly executed. Drones that act as area denial and anti-loop, with a mechanic that leaves survivors broken after accumulating 3 stacks of being scanned. A radar that doubles as stealth and tracking.
Then there was the whole idea of hacking the drones to disable them only for SM to recall them and just place them back down again. With all that, it's easy to see how SM was destined to be hated.
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A bit much? How? She did nothing that other killers didn't do better and to be effective you needed to work overtime which wouldn't even work all the time like some killers who require the same level of multi tasking.
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Exactly. Ik Im a broken record but every time I've argued in favor of her I get people telling me that "SHE NEEDS TO GO! NO KILLER SHOULD BE ABLE TO 3 GEN AND HOLD THE MATCH HOSTAGE!" And its so annoying because it shows they have literally no idea what they're even talking about
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I honestly believe ppl's hate for SM is so blinding that they even forget she can't 3 gen anymore. I think ppl just hate the name now more than anything. Part of me believes that even if the devs some how completely rework her power into something different ppl would still hate her just because of her past, lore, fact she wasn't a cyborg, not predator, or to sexy for DBD....
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now that these changes have come to be able to publicly test, I can confidently say these changes are very bad