i'm so sick of this light out game mode

idk why they chose to bring back the least favorite game mode ever. i understand it is situational, i can also accept they put limited time content behind gamemode exclusive challenges sure. but for fs stop touching my base game and my queue incentives just to get me to be a number for your failed game mode. I DON'T WANT TO. i want to play normal dbd but i will not because queue incentives are limited to 50%. i really hope you drop this scummy habit in the future, it happened during 2v8 as well for "statistical purposes".
I’m not a fan of the game mode and I just avoid it. The only issue is most of my friends love different game modes so I feel like I’m being anti-social refusing their invites or denying them bp incentives by sticking to main mode.
If anybody does enjoy it then of course that’s great for them but in my honest opinion, I don’t really find this game mode particularly fun.
But I’m also one of the very rare (maybe only??) players that also didn’t like 2 v 8 so don’t mind me lol
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I hate it too. They should just abandon light's out and try working on different modifiers or refining the popular ones.
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I don't like this game mode at all and I'm really annoyed that they've added limited licensed content that forces me to play it. More than anything, it hurts my eyes… but it's frustrating to play from both sides, and it removes the best part of the game (the chase) in favor of jumpscares that get old very quickly. And it doesn't help that certain killers have crazy synergies with the mode so of course all my survivor games are against them.
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I like Lights Out, but what I cannot stand is the fact Freddy isn't available… again.
I want to play my favorite killer. If I cannot do that, what is the point?
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just don’t play it ?
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Freddy Players getting the short end of the stick yet again 😮💨
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Nothing new, unfortunately. It is what has been happening for the past five years.
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just read the post fully?
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Yeah that’s bs honestly.
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You don't nave to play it once you're done with the tome.
I hate that the tomes are tied to the modes. Let people earn things if they don't wanna play the mode, why is that an issue?
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you're upset over getting only 50% max multiplier and refuse to play normal dbd over it because that dictates whether or not you want to play dbd? didn't know ppl played this game for the bp and not because you know, they enjoyed the game…
bit ironic. you don't like the mode but won't play normal dbd and thus will continue to be a data point for them despite your desire of not wanting to be one. mmkay
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thank you for your reply that at least addresses points i made. yes i care about bp, and more specifically i don't want to play survivor without the full 100% incentive because we have it like 70% of the time anyways, and killer queues are quite long in the daytime.
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What is making me fore pissed is it seems they did something to the BP incentives.
Since last Tuesday any side is not getting 100% even on usual times of the day.
Seems they split it between Light's Out and the normal queue.0 -
I don't know if them lowering the incentives on the regular game mode is enough to warrant feeling sick to your stomach to the point of throwing up, but I agree that it's frustrating to play without decent incentives in the regular mode. I don't like the Lights Out gamemode much either.
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So do DbD players NEED to constantly be complaining about something, or...?
It seems like every time I get notified about this site, it's somebody posting the most over the top, dramatic nothing complaints.
The BP don't actively affect the game. If you're only playing for them and not for the actual enjoyment of the game, and this new mode upsets you THIS much because you aren't getting your full BP...you aren't enjoying the game and need to step back.
Go play something else. Genuinely. I do not understand this communities refusal to just play other things when they aren't having fun with the current events or new killers that everyone is spamming.
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I can't tell if OP is being serious throughout the post. Yes Lights Out isn't all that fun compared to the other limited modes, but being mad for BP incentive being taken away? Sounds like you've only started playing DBD recently. BP incentive is a pretty recent thing, and if you're only playing because of that, then just drop the game. You definitely aren't enjoying it enough.
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I am absolutely loving the Lights Out mode.
Not because it's a fantastic game mode, or anything, but because it seems like people aren't quite so toxic in this mode as they are in the regular game.
Killers camp and tunnel less (although it does happen), and without perks both sides just run a standard chase instead of desperately trying to get their perks to proc.
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Just Make chaos shuffle 2 ffs
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you are both missing my point. i care about bps yes, but it obviously isn't the only thing i play dbd for. 50% bonus is not the end of the world, the thing that irks me is the fact they are trying to force us to play the game mode. they can put gamemode exclusive challenges and unlockables tied to them all they want, they can put 20000% bp incentive to the game mode as well, but why take ######### away from normal game mode to make people go play lights out? is it a nice thing? i'm genuinely surprised there is no other soul uncomfortable with this.
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I had 150% bonus yesterday playing survivor in normal mode
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they are completely broken then somehow lol, i get 100% and 200% bonuses for lights out mode and some people also said incentives are being very weird. i just hope it's not intentional and just bugged.
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I agree it sucks out loud, but the solution is not to play it. Seems simple enough.
I played it just enough to get the rewards then dropped it like a stone.
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Seems bugged. Normal mode gets the same queue incentives as always for me, and I've never seen above 100% incentive for Lights Out mode.
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I do think they are bugged. Or just having the second game mode has them jumping back and forth quite a bit
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i got lights out at 200%, it dropped to 100% and then 75%. seventy five percent, i have never seen it before anywhere.
i know i can just not play the mode, pleaseeee.
i followed the most straightforward path in its tome, got charms and everything and never planning to touch it, ever. thank god.
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WHAT?! I get like nothing for playing lights out mode, of course it has the BP "incentives". People can't bring offerings, idk what kind of matches you are all used to but me and my friends almost never go a match without seeing about 2 bloody party streamer type offerings in the normal mode. I'm not here to get pissy at you, but IF you need to be told this, play the mode you like, play normal mode, it pays way more BP. I didn't like it either, I finished the challenges and I'm not going back unless a friend needs to finish theirs while we play.
Idk how many people already said this, I'm not reading every comment.
Bonus: to anyone who noticed, yes this is the time my phone bothered me with a forum post from this place that broke me and made me sign up. AT LEAST maybe I can say something that actually helps the person having a bad time. Here's hoping.
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It's only here for a week, relax.