Favorite lobby music?

The Castlevania DBD theme is sick and I've found myself idling in the lobby jamming to it more than once. Absolutely epic; the composers nailed this one, and the survivor theme is excellent too.
It got me wondering… what's everyone's favorite themes over the years? Particular licenses and how they meshed their own motifs with DBD's Dies Irae? Silent Hill and Resident Evil both went super hard in that regard.
I've long been a fan of the Twins theme, it's so haunting and pretty locked behind a killer I'm terrible at playing, but the one I really miss is the Dead By Daylight Attack on Titan collab a few years back.
All Hallows' Eve, of course:
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Favorite?… Oh that’s so difficult. Castlevania is very hard to beat, it’s known for its music. But…
The All-Kill Trickster menu music scares me. But in a good way. Ha I’m getting chills just thinking about it.
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one day they'll bring it back
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They did once, if I am not mistaken.
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Fear of the Dark.
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Yeah you're right, 2022. Think I was taking a break during that one.
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Oooh… I was never here for this one. That is deliciously eerie. Love the grindy twanging and the three-note descent after the first Dies Irae. Thank you for sharing this piece of the past!
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DBD's default theme.
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I play Cheryl sometimes just to listen to her lobby music. On the flipside, I usually mute my TV when I play a Resident Evil survivor. Their lobby music makes me uncomfortable for some reason.
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The old anniversary menu music which was a dbdified happy birthday
Whoops misread the post this said lobby music lol
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Lara Croft's theme by far is my favorite. It's so badass and suits her perfectly, and it sounds amazing, it's probably the best theme they've made in my opinion.
Dead By Daylight Tomb Raider Survivor Menu Theme (youtube.com)
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Either one works! Most of the menu musics are also the killer's lobby music, and the ones that aren't are all the more precious because they disappear when they're gone. That's another one I never got the chance to hear!
All-Kill's theme was such a bop. Jammy and ominous in equal measure. And the lobby it came with… I'm still sad we didn't get a map like that, all neon signs and dark alleys.
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No problem, my friend! Glad you liked it!
Unfortunately, I wasn't around for it in 2017. I first heard it watching videos from Freddy's release, and I did get to hear it in-game when they brought it back. I have another piece of the past to share with ya, and this one is really special to me.
The Winter theme, the one I heard when I first booted up this game:
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I love the lobby music for basically every event, especially Bone Chill and Masquerade. I also like the Castlevania version. I like Iron Maiden a lot, so I liked that they used Fear of the Dark as well for that collaboration. It was cool!
In terms of lobby music, I actually like Sable's weird vibey music, Cheryl's theme, and the Resident Evil music for lobby music. On Killer side I like Ghostface's eerie thrumming paranoid lobby music, Spirit's flutes, Oni's battle-like theme, Deathslinger's theme, Nurse's and Huntress', and Hillbilly's strange twangy distorted guitars. I also lowkey sort of like Xenomorph's very alien-sounding warbly theme.
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The Tombraider theme is pretty good imo
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Clowns theme will always be my favourite.
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Dang, that winter theme is fantastic. Brilliant how they used church bells as an instrument, and that slow drumbeat is ominous as all hell. …I'm honestly getting genocide route Undertale vibes, though that may be as much the wintry backdrop as it is the slow heartbeat of death they've got going on in the background. What a time to have joined.
The one I heard when I first loaded into DBD was Lunar New Year 2021. Not one I have an especial lot of thoughts about, but I remember being confused when the event ended and the music changed back to the true DBD theme.
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All Kill still wins for the aesthetic and music.
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I mean, Silent Hill is just never being beaten I'm afraid. Akira Yamaoka himself remixing everything was insane, but the Silent Hill lobby music is just too good. Michel F April collabing with Akira Yamaoka was the best things to happen to DBD music and this is a hill I am willing to die on.
I may be biased because I main Pyramid Head, but I've never actually played a Silent Hill game (yet). And I mean - just listen. It speaks for itself.
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Gotta love this one.
Another one of my favourites is Knight's menu theme, it has an unparalleled vibe. Super menacing.
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Honestly I still miss the little breakdown they had on the PTB version of the menu theme…
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Oh, you mean official lobby theme? My mistake. 😭Definitely Fear of the Dark 💯
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all kill map based on the lobby when 😭
Yeah. I'm not gonna fight you on that (silent) hill. I walk up to your hill and pay my respects. The Silent Hill DBD theme is legendary. The hollow, windy flute over that same kind of grindy, dirge-like drumbeat… the vibes are immaculate.
Thanks for the link, I needed some good BGM and that's one of my favorites for good reason.
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If it's BGM you're after may I present the full Akira Yamaoka remix
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wow when was this?? This sounds amazing!!!
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…Excuse me. Why isn't this in the game.
I'd never heard these and now I'm stricken with a powerful yearning. Double-edged sword. But my respect for Akira Yamaoka just shot up off the charts. You don't often see that kind of genuine enthusiasm or investment in collaborations.
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Can’t go wrong with this!!
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fun fact, i made a custom dbd x silent hill 3ds theme using this song because i was that sad it wasnt used in-game lol
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The All Hallows' Eve was a Halloween event in 2017!
It added the theme you just heard, a new lobby background that looked amazing, two new items for survivors (Will O' Wisp and All Hallows' Eve Lunchbox), a new headpiece for the Nurse (Sally of the Lantern) and, after a few days, the release of the Nightmare on Elm Street Chapter!
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It’d be great to have some of these come around again! So much great stuff I feel I’ve missed!!
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Laura Croft's theme really grew on me and i just love it now
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Wall Maria and All Kill are nice
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Steve and Nancy should have this too...