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The Skull Merchant changes sets really bad precedent and should be unacceptable

Look, I hate SM as much as the next guy, but this whole situation is really disturbing

It's not only BHVR rewarding and encouraging survivors DC's and hook suicides ("Look guys, you don't like X killer? If you DC and suicide on 1st hook enough times, we'll nerf them to the ground"), but also making content many people payed money for or spent hundreds of hours leveling up unplayable for year+ (it was confirmed that her rework is coming either Q3 or Q4 2025) is just straight up unacceptable, period. At this point people should ask BHVR for refunds for their her and her skins ect.

Just nerf her slightly and let her be. We lived 1 year of current SM, we can survive for another year. I really hope that most of these changes won't make it to live because that will be really bad look for BHVR


  • CrossTheSholf
    CrossTheSholf Member Posts: 174


  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,648

    Skull Merchant currently is the top killer at average MMR, which is why her kill rate is so high, and why she gets the most complaints. She has the highest kill rate, even when BHVR removes games with DCs. That is the tier list that matters. The tier list that affects the majority of the players.

    Fake tier lists, based off of 6,000+ hour comp players, don't affect the majority of the games. In the majority of the games, people aren't playing against 6,000+ hour comp players, that can massively overperform on a killer. Instead, they are facing other average players, which currently are overperforming with Skull Merchant.

  • HandsomeJack_049
    HandsomeJack_049 Member Posts: 130

    We knew that SM was going to get hit with a nerf as far back as spring when the devs showed us their update towards the ideal 60% kill rate.

    However, in light of the devs own words on the matter, this nerf feels disingenuous; it's not really targeted towards addressing the serious flaws in SM kit so much as it's designed to force SM into a place where the majority of players avoid playing her until they can “maybe” fix her in 12+ months.

    I’m hoping that maybe they walk back some of these “changes” so that SM isn’t completely unviable until late 2025 (assuming that the reworked isn’t delayed, as is common with killer reworks.) However, when we look at history (Freddy, Legion, Hillbilly, etc.) it's unlikely that they walk any of these back.

  • ratcoffee
    ratcoffee Member Posts: 1,351

    I have this crazy theory that some DBD players think that the actual game of DBD is to make the opposing side as miserable as possible. This post would seem to perfectly support that theory - first of all because it argues in favor of keeping a thing that makes a lot of survivor players miserable, but second of all because it assumes that survivors make their own choices as part of some grand strategy to destroy things killers might like.

    Let me be clear. Survivors quit against skull merchant because they do not like playing against skull merchant. They do not quit against skill merchant because they kinda sorta dislike playing against skull merchant, but would normally be OK with toughing out a match against her, but because they need to try to fulfill the secret evil survivor cabals goal of nerfing her and making killer players miserable they have to quit; that's simply not how most people approach the game, and IMO the only way someone could come up with the idea of "they're trying to get her nerfed" is if you yourself think that way.

    Let me put it another way. Skerchant was reworked nearly a year ago. There was no reason to believe they would revisit her again, so it likely wouldn't be on anyone's mind to quit against her to force BHVR to rework her again so soon after one rework. It seems far more likely that they are quitting because they simply don't like her.

  • Orthane
    Orthane Member Posts: 421

    This is how I feel. I am a Skully main, and I have since her rework advocated for removing her Hinder from Claw Trapped Survivors because it simply isn't needed and creates frustration and situation where the Survivor literally cannot win no matter what they do. I will defend her Haste though, that is a hill I will die on because she has no other way to down a Survivor. Another thing I have wanted removed is her Stealth Mode, it's just like Hinder where it creates situations where a Survivor will get scanned and there's not really any way for them to know they were about to get scanned. Those 2 changes alone I guarantee would make her less frustrating to play against, remove her Hinder entirely, and remove Stealth Mode entirely, that's all they needed to do and those would be fair nerfs, not this absolute meat grinder they're putting her into.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,428

    Because that is not how you balance a game. If players hate skull merchant so much that they give up against her so often that she becomes by far the highest kill rate killer in the game. The answer isn't to just blanket nerf her. The answer is to find out what is unfun to play against, and nerf/rework that thing, and then buff other things to compensate. Especially since she isn't actually that strong of a killer.

  • MarbleThrone
    MarbleThrone Member Posts: 421

    It's not just disrespectful to the people who already played her a lot and have spent many bloodpoints on her (as well as shards or even auric cells for cosmetics), but also to any new player who is now, unknowingly, going to buy a faulty product. A product that did not just arrive broken, but was shipped broken.

    This deliberate nerf 'just in case' for some rework with an unacceptable ETA (second half 2025, and that's provided they even make that) is extremely bad practice. Major L on the part of the devs here.

  • Pelaan
    Pelaan Member Posts: 4

    These changes can't go live

  • Shinkiro
    Shinkiro Member Posts: 52

    No shes really not, shes a low pick rate mid tier killer at best. Her kill rate is massively inflated because people give up and go next on hook without even trying to play. And then those people who refuse to even try just whine endlessly due to their skill issues, irrational hate or poor mentality towards the game in general.

    The odds of even getting her are low to begin with, she it no where near popular enough to even begin to be an actual problem for people in any significant way whatsoever on a pure numbers and statistics level. I've played against her (and escaped) 5-6 times in 600 hours of survivor gameplay.