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To Devs - do you have any input on Aura Reading options?

Atticus_VII Member Posts: 5
edited September 18 in 8.3.0 PTB Feedback

After 8.3.0, there 29 killer perks that allow reading survivor auras. Across all killers, there's a total of 61 add-ons, so they have 90 total options they can choose to read survivor auras. Some as little as 3 seconds, some as much as 10 seconds. Drop an item? Aura is read. Walk next to a locker? Aura read. Drop a pallet? Aura read. Loop a killer and escape the chase? Aura read. Heal other survivors or yourself? Aura read. Get a good skill check on a generator, the MAIN OBJECTIVE of survivors to do? Aura read. Just load into a match and before you even take 1 step? AURA READ.

And as an avid Distortion user I can admit that regenerating tokens every 30 seconds was/is powerful, too much so, but the perk could certainly have been nerfed a number of different ways.

You could have A.) Taken away token regeneration and given 5 or 6 and once they're gone that's it, or

B.) Keep it at 3 tokens, still be able to regenerate either after 45 seconds or a minute, or

C.) Keep 3 tokens, but only regen a lost token after getting a safe unhook, escaping a chase, or doing a gen.

Personally, I like option 3 the best. You want more than one use out of Distortion? Contribute to the team.

Instead you overnerfed the only reliable perk that blocked Aura reading.

Yes, survivors still have the following:

Boon: Shadow Step
Off the Record
Sole Survivor

With Shadow Step, you have to be in its radius to get Aura reading blockage.

Off The Record only activates once you're unhooked and lasts for 80 seconds

Sole Survivor only starts activating once other survivors start dying.

And seeing anyone run those is rare.

Yes, doing a chase is a part of the game as well. I won't deny that, and while I'm not the best looper, it can be fun. But while there are multiple survivors good at looping, I see just as many, if not more so, struggle with it, especially new players.

Survivors have auras read for every little thing they do to the point it's ridiculous now. Survivors only have 14 perks to read auras, and 1 item that needs an add-on (dull/skeleton key) to read killer Aura.

There are 105 ways to read auras in the game between all perks and add-ons from both sides. Ridiculous.

I know this is a very hot topic right now, and there are multiple threads about this (including this one), but I've not seen any dev feedback or input on concerns and complaints from a sizeable portion of the playerbase. Of course, if I'm wrong, I welcome anyone to point it out and provide me with proper information.

Thank you.

Post edited by EQWashu on


  • Sandt1985
    Sandt1985 Member Posts: 297

    After gen regression got gutted, I figured aura reading would be next on the chopping block.

  • dwight444
    dwight444 Member Posts: 339

    well, people who play like rats and rely on perks like distortion are also not incentivized or inclined to get better at the game because they only want to understand dbd at the surface level, which is do gens and try to ensure your own survival

    distortion needs the nerf, even if you still intend to play like that at least you don't have this busted perk with 3 stacks of no aura reading which is 3 opportunities for the killer to pressure someone else and possibly the same person he just hooked because you're nowhere o be found

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,283

    I feel like distortion can still be good for perk identification, you just won't be able to completely ignore aura reading perks. If it activates after a hook, you know to find a locker next time.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,283

    Just wanted to comment... you said there was times you'd lose all 3 tokens within a minute and by that time you knew what the killer had. Don't you think this information alone is good for countering aura reading? If you've recognized the killer has Nurse's calling, then don't heal within the killer's terror radius for example rather than assume Distortion will let you completely ignore Nurse's calling.

  • CautionaryMary
    CautionaryMary Member Posts: 109

    Yes, I advocated for just an aura symbol in the bottom right hand screen (just like Dissolution is) just to notify the survivor that their aura was read.

    We can even take it a further step and just make it a general symbol, instead of let's say a Nowhere To Hide symbol to indicate the killer has Nowhere To Hide... To at least keep some form of guesswork or secrecy in terms of the killer's aura.

    Yes, you will have people pre-run from their original location or simply walk as they are aware their aura is red, but at this rate with the plethora of aura reading it's a necessity.

  • GillyBeannn
    GillyBeannn Member Posts: 554

    I do hope this gets put/considered in the PTB feedback.

  • DarKStaR350z
    DarKStaR350z Member Posts: 675

    I don’t know what options killer will have for effects on perks in future.

    Gen regression was complained about. Gen blocking was complained about. Healing slowdown was complained about. Screams were complained about with Ultimate Weapon, now aura reading; honestly what effects are left that you could use on perks and them be useful without complaints lol.

    I do love the look of the new Zanshin Tactics but it is a bit of a worry how good it might be on Pyramid Head and Unknown etc.

  • CautionaryMary
    CautionaryMary Member Posts: 109

    The fall from grace Nurse's Calling took as well. You hardly if ever come across it in regular game modes anymore.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,385

    And to think it was once part of the meta. Still think we should bring it back somehow.

  • 100PercentBPMain
    100PercentBPMain Member Posts: 800

    I kept that Nurses train rolling up til around the Sloppy nerfs. What's a guy gotta do to get some hemorrhage up in here?

  • CautionaryMary
    CautionaryMary Member Posts: 109
    edited September 18

    I've always thought haemorrhage was a bit brutal to go against as it can make healing go so slow. I don't think they should have made it on a timer though, but I don't really know of a proper nerf that would have taken it down a level as it was quite heavily used — especially on hit and run characters, I'm guilty for using it on Wraith before its nerf.

    Like I've mentioned before, I think it was looked at due to the medkit and CoH nerf, it's just sad that Nurse's Calling tanked down when Sloppy got nerfed.

  • 100PercentBPMain
    100PercentBPMain Member Posts: 800

    That's mangled. Hemorrhage is the effect where if you successfully interrupt a heal, it starts to regress. I honestly wouldn't have cared if BHVR nuked Mangled

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,502

    Agree, way to much aura reading.

    Hiding was a big part of the game once. Gets more and more destroyed.

    I still guell kill rates will go up for new and normal players because they try to hide and often can not loop very good.

  • AssortedSorting
    AssortedSorting Member Posts: 1,058
    edited September 18

    You know, that'd actually be nice. And then Killer Instinct could be looked at as the "Infrequently used/obtained" type of Location information Perk.

    There's certainly paranoia to be had if your Aura gets read, you see some indication that it was read (I'm a proponent of having A foggy border to the screen and hearing Whispers).

    In chase it'll help you learn how to augment your playstyle, and at range and against stealth Killers you might just move off of the gen or get prepared to run.

    Though, Aura reads that function mostly for ranged Aura Reading might need to be pivoted to using Killer Instinct/having a minimum range/not showing your hand to the Survivor as that would work against that ranged read/disregard the time investment to travel a distance.

  • CautionaryMary
    CautionaryMary Member Posts: 109
    edited September 18

    Yeah, that's exactly what I'm talking about. It was frustrating as survivor to let's say you're unhooked, you go behind an object to heal, teammate is healing you — killer returns, interrupts the heal, it starts to regress quite fast, and that's a whole thing where it was just wasted time on the survivor team and Sloppy was quite excessive as it worked 100% of the time without any drawbacks, hence why it was used so much in general.

    It was a very strong and powerful perk, until obviously they put it on a timer. I don't like haemorrhage in general as it is quite oppressive, especially in high MMR games.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,188

    It's all about portion control. Some regression is fine. But players understandably felt like Pain Res+Eruption w/ Incapacitated+etc was too much regression and game delay. Some screaming is fine. Ultimate Weapon was absurd tracking.

    Players are fine with most mechanics in moderation.

  • Ohyakno
    Ohyakno Member Posts: 991

    This is impossible. Distortion has a duration of 12 seconds. So even if your aura were being read successively, over and over somehow, it would be a bare minimum of 36 seconds. The only way that's even possible is if what? Lethal, then someone gets hit and you're on a gen and gearhead gets procced several times and thats way past the first thirty seconds of the match. I have no idea why people feel the need to exaggerate like this. It only undermines your point.

    To the people complaining about aura reading: I'll tell you what is reading your aura. It's BBQ, nowhere to hide and lethal. That's pretty much it. I can always tell what perk is in play by the way the killer behaves.

    The problem with distortion is that it singlehandedly counters an entire suite of aura perks with no input from the survivor or killer and expects you to bring a game losing array of perks to counter it. BBQ and lethal? Not enough. Permanent aura block vs most of the cast. That's insane and pushes people away from those perks into ones with guaranteed value.

    I have no idea what people want at this point. No aura perks. No game stall. I expect bamboozle to be next on the chopping block. Let both sides have good perks to encourage variety.

  • Ohyakno
    Ohyakno Member Posts: 991

    Also while I'm at it it doesn't matter if there's ten or a million ways to read auras. A killer can only utilize six of them at a time and the only killer best served by that is huntress. Even then I think she'd be better off running pain res in a slot. For nearly every other member of the cast a full aura build is game losing.

  • Darcalus
    Darcalus Member Posts: 3

    Aura reading is absolutely out of control. Anymore when i hear the terror radius i make a beeline for the nearest pallet, and more often than not that's the correct decision.

  • Sandt1985
    Sandt1985 Member Posts: 297

    I'm genuinley curious about what perks survivors are okay with killers running? as you said, Gen regression was complained about. Gen blocking was complained about. Healing slowdown was complained about. Screams were complained about with Ultimate Weapon, now aura reading is on the chopping black. No matter what killers run, survivors hate it

    I'm really starting to think that survivors will only stop complaining if killers run no perks or addons, never use their power, and only chase survivors around loops untill being pallet stunned, and NEVER leave a survivor slugged on the ground for any reason.

  • CursedPerson
    CursedPerson Member Posts: 93

    Kind of sucks they gutted stealth options with the double whammy of predator and distortion nerf. It was fun while it lasted to try and use any combination of parental guidance, quick and quiet, dance with me, and deception. Instead of being rewarded for losing the killer he knows exactly where you are.