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why change Zanshins when it did something no other perk did?

TheResidentEvil Member Posts: 24
edited September 18 in 8.3.0 PTB Feedback

I understand Zanshins didn't have that high of a pick rate but it was a really comfy perk on killers like Trapper, Clown, and Doctor! If they really wanted to buff it they could've atleast added something as a secondary effect instead of reworking it as a whole. Now I feel it's lost its identity which is the worst thing that can happen when making a change in the game (remeber the Twins PTB fiasco lol). What are your guys' thoughts?


  • TheResidentEvil
    TheResidentEvil Member Posts: 24


  • caipt
    caipt Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 563

    It was one of the worst killer perks in the game. the killer has no use for the info it provides because the killer is either always there when the pallet goes down or cant do much to prevent a survivor from chaining to a tile the perk reveals.

  • Royval
    Royval Member Posts: 495

    it was very outdated lol

  • TheResidentEvil
    TheResidentEvil Member Posts: 24

    how it is in the PTB is undoubtedly stronger for sure, it's just a shame to see something unique go away when there are already a few aura perks that do similar things (weave, I'm All Ears, etc). Thank you for your guys' input! <3

  • Dominoinator
    Dominoinator Member Posts: 2

    I completely agree with OP, I made an account here just to post about it. I care much less about getting the new effect and much more about not losing the old effect. If new Zanshin were its own perk, I don't think I would mind. But losing the ability to see pallets and windows through walls really destroys my strategy when I play as Artist. If they remove the current Zanshin effect from the game, I doubt it would ever be added in again and that would be unfortunate. We would have yet one more survivor revealing aura perk and one less unique perk.

  • SkeletonDance
    SkeletonDance Member Posts: 293

    They could always re add this effect to a new zanshin

  • GonnaBlameTheMovies
    GonnaBlameTheMovies Member Posts: 683

    Because it was bad and outdated for 95% of Killers, why would you ever need to know auras of pallets and windows on MOST Killers?