The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

In what way does changing the Mori offerings benefit the players of the game?

I don't see Mori offerings in their current state to be overpowered by any means. Having these offerings means there's a little bit more interactivity in the match, a choice to do something a little bit different, you're just taking it away. If a survivor is on their last hook, how often do they get saved at that point anyways? Moris are , in my opinion at least, fun to look at with both roles. This change just takes a little bit of fun away from the match.

Think about all those little Ghostface moris for example, when he takes a little pic? How fun it is when there's another survivor there? Moments like that would be no more.


  • GonnaBlameTheMovies
    GonnaBlameTheMovies Member Posts: 683

    It doesn't. Nobody wants it and it's good we're yelling about this all over social media and here too. Let's hope to Entity the Devs actually listen and DON'T touch green or iri Moris.

  • Science_Guy
    Science_Guy Member Posts: 1,998
    edited September 19

    I'll be honest: I really don't think no more mori photobombs is a big deal, especially if it's a step towards introducing more mori variety. And considering that you can still just use Devour and Rancor if you really love that kind of thing, I'm surprised that the community seems so upset about this.

  • Ohyakno
    Ohyakno Member Posts: 991

    It's part of the ersatz culture of the game. We collectively get so few fun and goofy moments that the ones we do get are special.

    The 1/20 games you get Devour value and rancor don't make up for it.

  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 1,821

    Mori's are also helpful vs bully squads where if you managed to get someone on death hook, you can secure a kill instead of them just going down at a pallet for the 50th power struggle play of the match.

  • StereoGang
    StereoGang Member Posts: 93

    I don't think I have seen people complaining about the current itteration of moris. Since they no longer work after only 1 hook, they have been pretty niche, and I don't see them that often in game. Since they don't activate perks (pain res, pop, BBQ…), they are mostly detrimental than beneficial to the killer.

    They were effective against someone who had DS, but since that perk deactivate in endgame now, this is even more rare.

    With the exception of twitter, I don't think I have even see anyone here complaning about mori's, I have no idea why they want to change them…

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,132

    It doesn't benefit players. It takes away a lot of the fun. It also takes away a lot of player agency. Killers like having choice over who and when and where they mori. This change removes that. Survivors like being able to do things like spectate from the sidelines or photobomb or play the lute (I love playing the lute during a mori). This change removes that, too.

    If BHVR wants to make the Cypress mori offering basekit, that would be fine, the offering is rarely burned because it's so circumstantial. Making changes beyond that, though, is not a positive direction for the game. BHVR is making it complicated when keeping it simple would be so much better. It's not necessary to mess with the scenery, and it's really not a welcome change to alter Ebony and Ivory moris.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,385

    That is the point. It doesn't.

  • Drx4041
    Drx4041 Applicant Posts: 10

    This proposed mori change has me crying so much. I bring ebony moris all the time, and when I don't have them I bring devour hope. Problem being with Devour Hope I can lose it immediately. I love to try to kill all the survivors from time to time. The bloodpoints aren't even worth bringing the new mori offering.