We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Has Survivor Meta Truly Changed?

February 27th 2023

May 3rd 2023

October 24th 2023

December 13th 2023

April 21st 2024

May 9th 2024

July 28th 2024

August 26th 2024

September 15th 2024

I played 9 matches back-to-back and this were the perks being used.

I am asking as an entitled killer main what has truly changed in terms of survivor perk usage?

Do you notice on the killer side the variety of perks being used in comparison to the survivor side?

I used perks not on the meta list intentionally.



  • vol4r
    vol4r Member Posts: 251

    It doesn't change because if we get good perks it gets gutted quickly.

    BTW, you have a lot of killer rotations, wow. It's same few S tier killers for me everytime. xD

  • 1_TDSDarthWage
    1_TDSDarthWage Member Posts: 48

    When I played with an SWF Nurse, Blight, Spirit, and Huntress were most of my encounters as well because we won most of the matches we played.

    That is mostly what you see at the highest of mmr the best vs the best and nothing else because nothing else is capable of reaching the top%.

    It is very rare you see a lower tier killer at the top%.

    And if you get that solo then you are probably just better than me.

    I am a killer main after all lol.

    But like I told the other person:

    There are a lot of good perks being slept on, on the survivor side that is, its just no one ever uses them or even tries to go outside of what people call the best perks.

    4 people running the build I used in the screenshots would destroy most killers in the game if used properly.

  • 1_TDSDarthWage
    1_TDSDarthWage Member Posts: 48
    edited September 20

    As a killer main I do use the perks the killer came with, I make a build that makes the most sense and would be the most effective with at least one perk they come with or at least has synergy with the power the killer comes with.

    I think the community on both sides have kinda been brainwashed with all the meta talk instead of thinking for themselves but to each their own.

    I think on the killer side people that just throw the same build on every killer are just going based on what they are told instead of actually knowing what suits the killer they play the best and I think it is the same for the survivor side as well.

  • 1_TDSDarthWage
    1_TDSDarthWage Member Posts: 48
    edited September 20

    So, why not just use gen perks only on the survivors who come with gen perks?

    Why not use chase builds only on the survivors who come with chase perks?

    Using the same build on every survivor is just very stale to me personally.

    Like Rebecca use the Hyper Focus build for skill checks.

    Dwight use a gen build that increases gen speed.

    Lara Croft bring a build based on Finesse.

    Sable bring a build based on Generator charge reduction.

    Don't just use the same stuff on every survivor and call the game boring when you have other options.

    Some options might be better than others. If this game is truly a party game, then why do people only seem to care about bringing the best of the best? Sounds like a lot of competitive mindsets if you ask me.

    I play Dracula and I have two builds that feel right and make sense on him.

    1: Wretched Fate + Plaything + Pentimento + Dying Light.

    2: Human Greed + Franklin's + Weave Attunement + Hoarder.

    That is two different builds based on the perks the killer came with will these builds beat a top% coordinated 4 man SWF? No of course not but it can win a lot of matches and changes up gameplay.

    Just like on Freddy I use Game Afoot + Rancor + NWO + Remember Me + RPB + BB and I can keep up with SWF's but I based the build around at least one of the perks he came with and what he was intended to be played as.

    So far that is 3 different builds one for slowdown, one for information, and one for end game.

    It makes the game more fun when you are not just throwing PR + CI + DL and one other perk in every build slot on every killer.

    The more skilled killer players don't just rely on those perks every game for every killer because they have an understanding of how to play the specific killer.

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 1,759

    Survivors come with perks, why not make a build for each survivor based on the perks they came with?

    That would be an entirely different game. I'm not even sure it could feasibly done, but if it was they'd probably need to start over with DbD 2 if that was their idea.

    It might be a better game, though I imagine it would significantly magnify the balance issues.

    Everyone could say those perks are all the perks survivors have but what about the perks I used in all 9 matches?

    So I just got out of a thread with you where I mentioned it's unclear what your overall point is.

    Are you saying that BHVR should try to vary up the survivor meta more?

    Or are you saying that survivors are making a mistake by being over reliant on the so called meta perks?

    Or both?

  • Halloulle
    Halloulle Member Posts: 1,294

    For the absolute vast majority of perks "the best of the best" … is just really not even a handful of perks. Not equipping at least some of them is pretty much equal to intentionally throwing, stacking the deck against you to the point where it's near impossible to have fun (safe for if you go for a very specific niche build and just play until it works and that's fun to you even if you have to wait ten or fifteen matches for that to happen). That's why people use the same perks over and over again; in an attempt to not be miserable.

    Why not have surv specific builds? Well, because that basically tells a killer who to tunnel/target specifically. It would also leave quite a number of survivors with absolutely nothing going for them. You'd just see the same five or six survivors all the time.

    And as someone else has pointed out: The killer meta has to be more varied by definition - because killers have vastly different mechanics and add-ons. If a perk is used by all killers that generally means it's busted.

  • 1_TDSDarthWage
    1_TDSDarthWage Member Posts: 48

    Yeah, I felt like I could do the post a bit more justice by remaking the post.

    I think both BHVR and the community should vary up the survivor "meta"

    I think also that some people just hear this is the best of the best and it may not even fit a playstyle they are good at.

    Some are better than others in the chase.

    Some are better at stealth and gen rushing.

    Some are a jack of all trades.

    I think people are using what everyone says is the best instead of using what they are best at.

    I see survivors all the time who bring a full chase build and can't last 10 seconds in the chase.

    I see survivors who can bring gen perks and fail skill checks.

    I see people who can bring Kindred but can't coordinate a hook save.

    So why not bring a builds based on what you do best? Or a build based on a perk the specific survivor came with to get rid of staleness?

    There are a lot of slept on perks the survivors have that no one uses just because they are not considered a top 10 perk.

  • 1_TDSDarthWage
    1_TDSDarthWage Member Posts: 48

    I never told anyone what to do.

    I asked why no one does.

    I don't see how you call changing up playstyle a restriction.

    As for the comment you made about perks that work the best:

    I think that is very subjective… Most see Pain Resonance as a Top 5 Perk while I personally think it is a trash perk considering it is only good if you get good hook spawns and otherwise gets no value, but that is just me. Sometimes it works and sometimes you don't even get to use it but to each their own.

  • vol4r
    vol4r Member Posts: 251
    edited September 20

    I am playing with survivior builds recently, bringing no meta perks (I use only dead hard) and my escape rate is definitely lower. I can feel that.

    So yeah, people definitely will make their life better with stronger builds if they go against s tier's with best possible perks.

  • 1_TDSDarthWage
    1_TDSDarthWage Member Posts: 48

    As a killer main even I agree that Nurse, Blight, and Spirit need to be toned down for the health of the game.

    Killers can't have anything fun because of them, and survivors bring some bs as well because of them.

    I see the problems on both sides of the game I really do, I am not a biased killer main.

    But to be fair DH can do a lot for you.

    In my screenshots I did not get the scores on just doing gens I am not the best nor the worst survivor in chase, but I can do a little something if the game doesn't send me to Lampkin Lame. But I did get more escapes than deaths while being solo without chase perks.

  • Moonras2
    Moonras2 Member Posts: 372

    I may not agree with you on everything but I'm with you on some of this. I don't do it quite this way exactly but I do set my survivors up with their 3 originals plus whatever 4th perk I choose. Then I setup Bill with what is a meta build to me. That way if I have a few bad games I can just switch over. This is provided I don't just switch to killer.

    I remember way back in the day I would play survivor perkless but that was long before most of the changes and the MMR introduction.

    Most of my killers I setup with specific builds I feel suit that killer. One or two perks I may use on multiple killers.

  • For_The_People
    For_The_People Member Posts: 537

    I have to admit I am someone who pretty much uses the same build across all my mains (and most of my characters)

    I do sometimes swap in flashbang though.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,002

    I do actually!

    Huntress lullaby is rarely missing in my builds.

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 1,759

    I think both BHVR and the community should vary up the survivor "meta"

    On the survivor, true. I think there are a lot more valid perks and build styles than people go for. I pretty much always run Deja Vu, but I try to vary the rest of my build up.

    On BHVR's side. I think this is trickier. I suspect one of the reasons it has lasted so long is BHVR is overall happy with the balance level. The exhaustion perks work pretty well without being too strong (some arguments on lithe) - you can really only take 1 for the match, 2 in what feel more like meme builds. Bond does basically what it should. Iron Will just popped back in.

    Looking at deja and adrenaline. Each perk seems to serve a pretty core function, deja allows breaking 3 gens and adrenaline makes it more worthwhile to take riskier plays toward the end games. I think both of those are healthy.

    DS and Resilience. I've never understood why DS is so high compared to other anti-tunnel perks, maybe the new blood rush will change that up. Resilience seems to accomplish a good risk reward gameplay, but its not one I run so I don't have a strong opinion on its balance level.

    That leaves the big question of windows. Some people argue its essential for new players, some will say its a crutch, and some people say its the best perk in the game. Knocking this off the meta would be interesting as that would, by itself, one of the biggest overall changes to the game they could do.

    Basically: I think BHVR is trying to vary things up somewhat by buffing some of the less used perks to make them more appealing, but this is made more difficult by them, seemingly, being happy with how the game plays out on the survivor side with the meta perks.

    I think people are using what everyone says is the best instead of using what they are best at.

    True. I'm not sure how it could be changed, but yes, I agree with this.

    So why not bring a builds based on what you do best? Or a build based on a perk the specific survivor came with to get rid of staleness?

    Generally agree, but if you wanted to get better at something, you'd probably need to bring the perks to actually practice it.

  • ratcoffee
    ratcoffee Member Posts: 1,400

    Because survivor mechanics and survivor characters are completely decoupled. The only differences between survivors is aesthetics, so people play as characters that match what they aesthetically like. The moment survivors start having abilities that can be complimented by perks, the same way killers can pick perks that enhane their power or shore up weak spots, then you might have a point.

  • “Why does everyone have to use the same perks on every survivor?”

    Because unfortunately those perks are the most consistent ones. Just like how killers use the same perks that guarantee value. No one wants to sit there and use something like flip flop when you might get value out of it in 1/20 games

  • Laurie268
    Laurie268 Member Posts: 575

    After the iron will buff, I’m back to running the old DH/DS/UB/IW because they’re still the best perks for escaping imo. Unbreakable is the only perk I sometimes swap out for something else so for me almost nothing has changed since 2020

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,503

    Does it really matter? I've always avoided meta perks and purposely don't play any in the top 10 - I even play perkless at times when I'm in the mood - but there's alot of rubbish survivor perks that even I have no desire to touch. Let people play what they want to play. There's no separate queue for competitive and casual players (Chaos Shuffle is probably the closest we'll get to splitting the two groups, since very competitive folk are unlikely to enjoy that mode) so we have to learn to live with each other.

  • Grimlet09
    Grimlet09 Member Posts: 77

    i dont play killer very much but when i do i always see perks like those. i am very new i just got the game this summer are these perks really that common?

    i wish more perks were better so we didnt always see the same perks for so many years. y dont they do something like change some of the gen persk and make them do more than only gens? or make some boons into invcoations? i like sables perks and i think there shoudl be more invocaton perks. the spider one and boons are fun to use. :)

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  • tjt85
    tjt85 Member Posts: 876

    So you play well with terrible off meta perks and escape most games. Good for you, I guess?

    I need all the help I can get, so I think I'll stick with Sprint Burst and Resilience, thanks.

    I think the meta is looking stale whichever side you look at. The top ten perks are all pretty much the same on both sides and appear to have stayed that way for months.

  • 1_TDSDarthWage
    1_TDSDarthWage Member Posts: 48

    I love being tunneled especially when you force the killer to stop tunneling you or lose the game for trying to tunnel you.

  • 1_TDSDarthWage
    1_TDSDarthWage Member Posts: 48

    Thank you I am soo glad to finally see someone admit it.

  • 1_TDSDarthWage
    1_TDSDarthWage Member Posts: 48

    "Terrible off meta perks"?

    My Hyper Focus build is far from terrible lol you get a full team of this with toolboxes and the match will be over in 3-5 minutes vs most of the killer roster.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,882

    It is still a casual game. SBMM just means more balanced matches. That is more fun whether or not you want to play competitively.

  • tjt85
    tjt85 Member Posts: 876

    It's a terrible perk if you can't hit great skill checks and Stake Out is only good if you get a Wesker. Besides, you don't get to pick what your team brings into a trial as a solo player, so it doesn't matter how good the build might be for a SWFs kitted out with the best tool boxes.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,882
    edited September 20

    Your comment is right and fair. However, there is a disparity here. Of the top 10 survivor perks, 6 have been in the game since launch (Resilience, Adrenaline, Iron Will, Deja Vu, Sprint Burst, Bond). Deja Vu has had meaningful buffs in the past couple years, but the others are similar to how they've always been. Now let's look at the other 4 in terms of their release date:

    Windows of Opportunity (June 2018; buffed to its current state in October 2021)

    Lithe (May 2017)

    Dead Hard (July 2017)

    Decisive Strike (October 2016)

    The meta itself has shifted a bit as a result of broader game changes, changes to other formerly meta perks, etc., but survivors haven't had any strong new perks that weren't subsequently nerfed into oblivion in a long, long time.

    It's a different story for killer. Only 1 of the top 10 perks has been around since launch (NOED), and it's down at 9th on the list. Let's look at the release dates for the remaining perks:

    Pain Resonance (November 2021)

    Pop Goes the Weasel (June 2018)

    Corrupt Intervention (March 2019)

    Barbecue & Chili (September 2017)

    Lethal Pursuer (June 2021)

    Nowhere to Hide (November 2022)

    Surge (September 2019)

    Bamboozle (June 2018)

    Deadlock (September 2021)

    The meta is a bit stale for killers too, but especially when you consider that it takes some time for the playerbase to unlock new characters and perks to the point of them showing up on this chart (i.e. don't sweat the lack of 2023/2024 stuff so much), there's really no comparison. Just about every single year there's been a perk or two good enough to enter the top 10 in usage.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,793

    To be fair, the original iterations of perks such as Circle of Healing and Made for This were just as ridiculous as Undying was and, like Undying, they had to be changed. This isn't killer-exclusive, friend, it never has been.

    As for Reassurance, it may not have been as strong as other perks, but from what I've seen I don't think its PTB version was healthy for the game. If there were complaints about it, I believe they were justified.

    That is true, but I'm just pointing out the fact that this behavior is not exclusive to killers, both sides can and sometimes do complain when a new meta perk releases.

    If you ask me I like the Old DBD meta, we could have that in the game and I would be okay with it.

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 1,919

    To be fair, dbd probably could get away with a lot of the old meta with some of these base changes that have been made over the years

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 2,918

    The PTB version of Reassurance wasn’t really overwhelming though. Killer mains said survivors would use it to hold each other hostage. And I say killer mains specifically because survivors were generally pretty happy with it as it punished camping. Anyway that is why it was nerfed.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,793
    edited September 20

    DBD could get away with almost everything in the old DBD, imho.

    This is subjective, of course, but I just think it was a better game.

    Well, all I know from it I read here and in the wiki, I wasn't around for that PTB. But from what I have seen, it did not seem healthy for the game.

  • 100PercentBPMain
    100PercentBPMain Member Posts: 883

    Variety is in such a great spot that there's nothing you really need as Survivor, so why not just run WoO or Bond and call it a day?

    I enjoy being able to run whatever these days, unlike when I started in 2021. Not taking BT was basically considered selfish and soft throwing

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,793

    Just out of curiosity: how far back, my friends, would you three be willing to go, if you had to?

    Like, the game will be reverted, there is no other option. Which version do you choose?

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 1,919

    Depends on if we can take things from now back with us. If we couldn't we'd say around when demo came out in general (exact times vary between us from undetectable upgrade on yr 3 to pyramid head release but we agree that after demo the spark started to fade for us with periodic relights)

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,793

    Stranger Things release? Honestly not a bad choice. My beloved Freddy had already been ruined, unfortunately, but everything else was still pretty good!

    I would choose Freddy's release, of course. It has everything I could possibly want!

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,164

    This is so backwards. When was the last time a new killer released, and the killer meta changed as a result? Knight, with Nowhere to hide, which was like 7 killers ago? It'll change is response to a killer perk nerf, but that's more a case of "What's the next least bad thing we can use?" as opposed to survivor who are like, "Oh, we lost broken Buckle-Up/For The People. Time to swap DS/Unbreakable back in." The survivor meta is 7 years old because it's never failed them before and hasn't been changed really at all. The "killer meta" is still gen defence after 7 years, out of desperation, and you can see that in how people think Pop/Pain Res is adequate gen defence, when it's really not and they're better off using chase or endgame perks.

    If killers are trying to get it nerfed, more often than not it's because it's broken. Windows and Distortion, I agree to disagree with them getting nerfed. But the rest of the stuff which is just guaranteed health states, extra chases, uncounterable blinds and stuns, etc, needs to go. I'd say the Belmont perk that gives you a pseudo-instaheal off of 2 chest searches is one of the healthiest survivor perks in a long time, because the reward is huge, but it involves risk and time waste, and isn't just free like everything else. Even Inner Strength and Overzealous, at least they had to break totems. Wire Tap, Blast Mine, Flashbang, you just get from doing your objective, they have no telltale, and theoretically can be used infinitely. Nothing on the flip side, on killer, comes close to that stuff.

    So I'll gladly take new and interesting survivor meta perks, but the old ones have to go because apparently with their current design they can never be bad. They're still being used despite some nerfs. And you could say that for the killer side, except that they do nowhere near what they used to as a result of their respective nerfs. Get hit by DS, basically a 4th chase to kill the same 1 survivor, even when not tunneling. Get hit by Pop, doesn't even regress the gen 1 piston, whereas before it at least did 1 and lasted 15 seconds longer.