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Mori Rework Proposal

ControllerFeedback Member Posts: 52
edited September 18 in 8.3.0 PTB Feedback

Since both the live iteration and PTB version of the mori system are unhealthy, and the PTB version is quite frankly more boring for everyone, here's a proposition:

  • Make it so moris can only be used on a survivor if all survivors are on death hook (or dead)
  • Keep the bloodpoint incentive for using a mori on a survivor, with the rarity affecting how many bloodpoints you get per mori'd survivor as on the PTB (except you can get even more bloodpoints if you manage to mori multiple survivors)
  • Basekit live cypress mori/the finisher mori would still be allowed without an offering, just without a bloodpoint incentive

Instead of (or including) the amount of bloodpoints, rarity could affect the number of survivors required to be on death hook/dead (or ideally just total hookstages to simplify things) before a mori is possible, as in Ebony would require less overall hooks (but still require the moriable survivor to be on death hook) than Ivory, which would require less than Cypress. I don't like the idea as much as simply requiring a full death stage/dead team, but In either case, the goal here is to make it so the killer can't just easily tunnel out and mori a survivor early in the match. Moris should be a reward for playing for hooks, not for making the other side frustrated and dead as fast as possible.

I don't think the finisher mori system is quite there in its current state, and I think moris could be a far more fun and healthy mechanic in the game with my proposed suggestions. Because of the PTB version's bloodpoint incentive and activation requirement, I foresee a bunch of slugging killers in the future, and no more photobomb or "oh sh*t they have a mori" moments. And that's just kinda lame.


  • Tazza
    Tazza Member Posts: 1

    I Feel like the change to the moris is a real stab in the stomache, I have been HOARDING my mf ebony memento moris just incase i wanna kill 4 people now all i get is a measly 30k for killing 1 survivor per match

  • GonnaBlameTheMovies
    GonnaBlameTheMovies Member Posts: 683

    No changes except point gain and Cypress basekit will ever be acceptable, Moris as they are in live are perfectly fine and healthy.

    Nobody wants the PTB version of a Memento Mori. It promotes slugging for the 4k. It buffs slugging and nerfs a fun aspect of the game most people on both sides enjoy and love. It removes tactics from the game. Please please please just make Cypress basekit, retire it, and then add BPs to green and Iri Moris alongside letting them mori multiple people per round. Don't make all Moris ONLY give BP, let us Mori as many people as we want. It would be a massive crying shame to waste all the effort the devs have worked on for the Mori animations this way, turning Moris into yet another sweat mechanic.

  • ControllerFeedback
    ControllerFeedback Member Posts: 52

    I feel like moris already are a sweat mechanic when used to tunnel. The PTB system just shifts the sweat to a particular type of player (the slug for the 4k type). Tying them to overall hook states would alleviate that issue a bit while still allowing some of the fun shenanigans that happen on live & still providing some tactical benefit for killers that play on the nicer side.

    Mori streaks would be pretty entertaining to watch ngl

  • GonnaBlameTheMovies
    GonnaBlameTheMovies Member Posts: 683

    I;d be 100% down for Mori streaks this way, I already prefer not to tunnel if I can help it and I use perks that facilitate not doing that, like Grim Embrace. Though, I really think it would be more rewarding if the Mori was unlocked at 4 individual hooks each on someone else. You still need to get them to death hook though.

  • Aceislife
    Aceislife Member Posts: 251

    Genuine question. In what way is the current Mori system "unhealthy" for the game?

  • ControllerFeedback
    ControllerFeedback Member Posts: 52

    Ebony and Ivory moris in particular are unhealthy in the way that they can be used to tunnel out survivors more efficiently with limited counterplay on the survivor side. Once on death hook, there's no pallet/flashlight/sabo saving against a mori, little shot at being given a chance to be picked up (either with perks or by others), no shot at being able to make use of wiggle-related perks, and so on.

    That's not to say there aren't options to delay the inevitable, but they're mostly tied to perks (outside of bodyblocking for the tunneled survivor, which can backfire tremendously).

  • AssortedSorting
    AssortedSorting Member Posts: 1,063
    edited September 18

    I wanted to argue about the "more than 1 Mori after 8 hook", but if the Mori system that they'll inevitably try to sell Moris for is introduced ($$$), having a "shuffle" would be cool.

  • GonnaBlameTheMovies
    GonnaBlameTheMovies Member Posts: 683

    And locking the ONLY ability to get a Mori for free behind a four man slug while unfairly nerfing all Memento Moris is healthier because…?

    Memento Moris are fine, they're not toxic and NOT "mostly used to tunnel out Survivors more efficiently". Tell me you never run Moris without saying you never run Moris. This change will be unhealthy. Worse than someone tunnelling for a Mori with Iri by far.

  • ControllerFeedback
    ControllerFeedback Member Posts: 52

    There wouldn't be a reason to 4 man slug without a mori offering other than pure spite due to the lack of a bloodpoint incentive.

  • GonnaBlameTheMovies
    GonnaBlameTheMovies Member Posts: 683

    Then surely the answer is let us keep green and iri Moris, but offer points for Moris in general and the basekit Mori. There. Now the Moris are no longer out of spite. :)

  • Aceislife
    Aceislife Member Posts: 251

    Tunnel more efficiently? This isn't 2021 anymore, you can't mori after 1 hook. It's 2 hooks, and once you would normally go down after 2 hooks, how likely is it that you would be saved? How many seconds do you think a mori buys compared to picking up the survivor and walking them to the hook?

  • ControllerFeedback
    ControllerFeedback Member Posts: 52
    edited September 19

    If they have DS and haven't used it, if they go down in a pallet, in an open area with teammates that have flashlights, or if someone's saboing? A decent chunk of time. It's more about the nullification of risks (and player interaction) that come with a pick up than saving time.

    I can tolerate the mori system as-is, and the amount of time they've spent screwing with the finisher system only to completely miss the mark twice is unfortunate. But if BHVR's hellbent on changing it, this is an alternative that would probably be a better way to do things.

  • Aceislife
    Aceislife Member Posts: 251

    Moris dont eliminate that completely hence the first two downs, before and after the first hook. Everyone in the game can also expect the mori since even survivors will see if the offering is hidden at the start. I dont think moris are significant enough to need a nerf.

  • AssortedSorting
    AssortedSorting Member Posts: 1,063
    edited September 20

    Making it so that all Survivors must be on death Hook IMO is somewhat limiting and makes the concept of a Mori less free-form, but probably good for an initial take on the base-kit mechanic. Ideally they could leverage the Obsession mechanic now being applied as a basic feature: Maybe the Obsession can be Moried of Deathhook under less strict conditions: After 6 Hooks the Obsession can be Killed by your hand while on Deathhook (once, or maybe this is the method to get 4 Mori's base-kit? Obsession swapping and going for 8 Hooks?) as a basic feature. Might also give being the Obsession a bit more "oh no" from a survivor perspective.

    Keeping the Cypress method of Mori would still get you some sweaty instances where a Killer will still tunnel out and have an option. Unironically also meaning that they have more "variety" in their kills as they have some hook kills and a Mori. Overall not being rote 4 Hooks or 4 Mori's. This might still actually become a meta method of obtaining a Mori considering SBMM. Not against having this option as it makes the base-mori system feel more adaptable. But eventually I would like to see some changes regarding how slugging works.

    Ivory and Ebony being BP bonuses would be a good thing.

    Hmm, instead of 8 Hooks unlocks Mori for Deathhook Survivors, why not:
    After 8 Hooks (or 6 Hooks), you can Mori your Obsession while they are on Deathhook (but also allowing Obsession swapping to be synergistic with this). AND keeping the Cypress "You may kill the last Survivor by your hand" as a basic feature too.

  • Grimlet09
    Grimlet09 Member Posts: 9

    wait is it tru moris are going away? :(

  • ControllerFeedback
    ControllerFeedback Member Posts: 52

    I feel tying it to the obsession encroaches on Rancor's territory a little too much, even if they don't have the same exact activation conditions.

  • AssortedSorting
    AssortedSorting Member Posts: 1,063
    edited September 20

    Rancor has no Hook requirement and makes them Exposed while giving you their location.

    Also, the Obsession effect being in the base-game should have something for killers benefit to make hooks and kills a bit more interesting, and not just being an obfuscation tool regarding DS.