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That one vecna perk.

Vant remember the name, but the one where the item on the ground reveals aura. The one change I'd like to see is the aura of said dropped item being revealed at least to the person that dropped it. That way we know what area to at least try to avoid so the killer doesn't get infinite wallhacks. I don't see this perk much, but when I do, I hate not being able to even have the ability to get away from the item because I become monkey brained in chase
I think everyone should see the Aura of the Item. Because the counterplay is currently really bad, since you have to perform some way of triangulation to find out where the Item is. So even if you want to bring it to the edge of the map (which is still a HUGE value for the Killer), you first have to find it and you cannot possibly keep track where every Survivor got hit and might have dropped it due to Franklins.
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tbh i think the aura reveal per item should just have a fixed time and not infinite duration until picked up.
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weave attunement?
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My buddy got slapped in the Corn, and despite knowing where that was roughly I still couldn't find the needle in the haysack.
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You need to make a poetry book
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I think just straight up showing the aura is way too strong and essentially kills the perk combo, which is already only ran on M1 killers which are not strong.
A possible change would be to make the perk de-buff icon of Weave Attunement on the bottom right of the survivor screen to fill up 'red' the closer they are to the dropped item that is revealing their aura, similar to old spine-chill that filled up with red gradually as the killer moved closer to you. I think this is the best way to address this synergy as revealing the aura of dropped items will just completely kill the combo.
This way a survivor is able to counter 2/4 killer perks by investing a little bit of time (which is justified since it is half of the killer's loadout) while not getting screwed just because they played solo Q.
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You could always run Distortion or Object, or play safe.
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i find counter-play extremely simple. it is same counter-play as franklin demise. vs franklin only, you drop item on gen. vs weave, you drop it away from main traversal points in the map. all of this can be done in first 60 seconds of the match.
Plunderes instinct shows auras of items. it is just that nobody to equip it. SWF doesn't have any problems vs the perk because they can tell where item is dropped.
BVHR will just turn the perk into human-greed level of bad then you don't need to learn how to counter it because the perk will provide low value.
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because there is icon when your in weave attunement area…. and survivor have ability to manually drop items…
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It just needs to be reworked to not work off Franklin's is all prooblem solved and their should be a timer say 15 seconds for wall hack not infinate