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Do Haddie mains even play the game?

Half of DBD twitter is people crying about Haddie not having more cosmetics (the other half crying that they don't win every game of DBD) but I don't think I've ever seen a Haddie in game.

Do Haddie mains actual play or did they make a career out of complaining on twitter?

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  • Member Posts: 1,013

    Personal Experience, seen a handful of then. But that's not saying much. The complaint is she don't get enough "GOOD" outfits/cosmetics, which is why there's just a handful out there. Vicious Cycle I guess?

  • Member Posts: 6,030

    I see some people who genuinely enjoy her, but her cosmetics are terrible especially her hair. but i think some people only like her because others dont

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    Are there Haddie mains out there? I thought players generally disliked the character.

  • Member Posts: 31

    I used to play with some Haddie mains and I play haddie too, but killers hates haddie which will makes them be toxic (not everyone but it's very often) against them that's why haddie main do not play her (I guess)

  • Member Posts: 345

    I play Haddie (and pretty much Haddie alone) because I enjoy her lore and how nice she fits into the setting. I can't exactly say what can make her more popular — because people are incredibly shallow and would rather go after pretty, but meaningless and poorly explained things dangled in front of them like keys in front of toddlers than care about something beyond that.

    However, while I enjoy her cosmetics, I feel like there is an opportunity to do more storytelling through her cosmetics: not about just her life, but also her experiences in the Fog. For instance, there could have been cosmetics that add more scars to her or give her some mystical tattoos to show that she spent a while in the Fog and what she went through. Maybe show cosmetics demonstrating her leaning into her mystic abilities in order to survive. The same could have (and should have been done for Vittorio), but in his case it always boils down to "handsome silver daddy found new duds, now he is somehow even more handsome".

    But, well, why try to develop characters when you can just push out more sexy goth girl skins?

  • Member Posts: 3,007

    Now that you've reminded me of that cosmetic, it's going to be really funny if Bedsheet Ghost Dredge is one of the community contest winners, considering what's on Haddie's shirt.

  • Member Posts: 1,870

    Fun fact: A Haddie skin got into the final selection, but they couldn’t contact the artist, so it got removed.

  • Member Posts: 1,280
    edited September 2024

    They do not. Most of the people complaining about X, Y, or Z character being “mistreated” or “not receiving enough cosmetics” aren’t actually interested in buying or playing that character. They just pretend they are.

    Which is why those characters don’t receive as much cosmetics. Because there simply isn’t a real demand for them.

  • Member Posts: 6,094

    I'm pretty sure alot don't play her. She simply provides a convenient excuse for them to rail against survivors like Feng, Mikaela, and Sable, who get alot of cosmetics. Because they're not wrong when they say "they get too many and poor Haddie gets barely anything," no one can argue with that, but they also arent necessarily saying that they play Haddie and will buy any cosmetics she does get.

  • Member Posts: 1,911

    I saw her a fair amount when there was that period where they were giving her a lot of skins. But then they stopped giving her skins and the amount of players decreased :(

  • Member Posts: 3,007

    Gabriel has it worse for cosmetics than Haddie does. At least Haddie has a handful of outfits that don't look hideous.

  • Member Posts: 6,226

    I mean, I main Jane and I feel reasonably justified in complaining about Mikaela/Sable oversaturation, even though Jane is much better off in the cosmetics department than some of DBD's most neglected children. That Character You Forgot About mains do exist, we're just not a sizeable enough wallet demographic to influence anything, which is presumably where the complaints started… and a lot of people bandwagoned onto the message to virtue-signal. Which was great for signal boosting, but not for convincing BHVR that actually making Haddie outfits was worthwhile after they tried it once or twice and got very little for it.

    Gabe hurts me. It's like they keep trying to push "the survivor from the future!" onto everything he gets, with fifteen exclamation points, and it invariably turns out wacky. Or it's a linked set. I desperately want him to win the survivor cosmetic contest because it's something that actually looks good.

  • Member Posts: 3,007

    I'm fine with Gabriel having futuristic outfits, the problem is their future fashion design is bad. They keep overcomplicating it or choosing the most tacky ideas. It's like they're taking notes from The Fifth Element instead of… any other movie. Even Star Wars and Star Trek didn't dress this silly. Give me a slightly fancy boilersuit, that's all.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,492
    edited September 2024

    I like Haddie's diver cosmetic a lot. It's one of the few (only?) times I think the backpack accessory is a good addition. I don't play her much if ever, though. And I see another person playing her maybe once a month or so. She's rare. Probably the rarest female survivor, at least in my matches.

    BHVR is like any other business: they make what sells. The complainers are like people walking into a clothing store and going, "Ohmigod, they're neglecting itchy burlap bellbottoms, why aren't they catering to people who like those?" Well, the answer would be because the item doesn't bring in enough money. Digital cosmetics don't have stock issues, but they still require man hours, and those aren't free. People's wages need to be paid. If you have your people waste time designing cosmetics that barely sell when there are other characters whose cosmetics sell a crapton, it's bad resource management and it's how people lose their jobs. If players want BHVR to make cosmetics for a character, they have to vote with their wallets. And if not enough people purchase the cosmetics, BHVR won't make more. It sucks for the people who like an unpopular character, but that's how businesses survive.

    Maybe the people who like unpopular characters so much should form a group to do all the work of designing and modeling cosmetics for those characters for free. Perhaps BHVR could call them unpaid interns. Otherwise, these players are expecting BHVR to lose money over this stuff, and that's unreasonable. The people designing and modeling those cosmetics need their jobs, they need to be paid so they can afford basic necessities. The bullying I've seen on X (formerly known as Twitter) about this stuff is absolutely disgusting. I mean, 1. it's people's livelihoods, it's paying the server costs, it's making up for how cheap chapters are, it's not a charity; and 2. these are pixel outfits for fictional pixel characters.

    On a personal note, I don't like a lot of BHVR's cosmetic designs. They really need to go a better direction with their stuff. Legion gets some of the best cosmetics in the game (yeah, I specifically like Susie's style of '90s wear). Which sucks, because I don't play as Legion. But it shows BHVR could do better designs for survivors. The type of futuristic designs they do for Gabriel are ugly. They've done basically nothing but ridiculous outfits for Vittorio. And BHVR doesn't have to stick to any theme for a character, they could throw in at least a few off-theme outfits to mix it up. But BHVR does some really weird, inexplicable (and unattractive) designs, and I'm not the only one who feels that way because I don't see other people wearing those outfits when I play. So BHVR's designers need to move on from their own personal tastes (like the backpack obsession), because apparently a lot of the playerbase does not share their preferences. And when they do do outfits for unpopular characters, they need to actually do good outfits, because it does feel like a lot of those are set up to fail. Are they just testing to see if the players of those unpopular characters will buy anything? Are they avoiding doing outfits everyone will like on purpose? Do they not want to waste their good ideas on unpopular characters?

    It feels like the designers go dumpster diving behind failed movie studios to dress some characters. They should do cute cosmetics for some of the less-used characters; cute is popular. They could also try horror-themed more often, not just for Halloween. BHVR likes to call this a horror game, so they should treat it that way year-round.

  • Member Posts: 7,156

    She's one of the least seen survivors for me. I am struggling to even remember the last time I was in a match with one.

  • Member Posts: 3,007

    I think BHVR has moved on from Feng, now Mikaela is their favorite pet.

  • Member Posts: 326

    People don't play her because she has no cosmetics, which makes people not play her

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