is there anyone here experiences strange auto unhook from survivors even without deliverance perk?

I have many survivors have success their 4 chance unhook since last patch. I myself even got auto unhook once when playing a match. Is this normal?
There is an anti face camping mechanic in the game that could explain some of these. If the killer stays close to the hook for too long, then the hooked survivor can unhook themself.
I haven't really noticed anything out of the ordinary. What do you mean by auto unhook? Does that mean you were automatically unhooked without any input? That would be rather strange indeed.
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without any perks yes. I didnt even camp either. I have played many match as killer and always survivors got hook then i move away from them just a few sec and bam they unhook themselves. Maybe hack tool?
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It is possible that these are indeed hackers. But it's not likely. DBD doesn't have that many hackers anymore.
The anti face camp meter fills up pretty quickly when you're close and it has a max range of 16 metres. That is the more likely explanation but without records of your gameplay we cannot say for sure what was going on. Did they bring luck offerings by any chance? These do increase the your chances to unhook yourself successful as well.
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There's also the sable perk that if you hook them in the basement they can first hook. Sometimes just lucky, i've had games where 2 people have done it.
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When I was testing out a slugging build for about 7-10 days on all killers there was a huge increase in the number of people unhooking themselves without perks or offerings. No hook camping. I would often either slug for 4 downs or 3 downs before hooking and at least one person would unhook every 2 games. It actually happened so much that I would expect at least one person to be getting off the hook in almost every match. It was very consistent throughout the 7-10 days and I even managed it myself playing survivor in the same situation. I could put it down to RNG if it wasn't playing as much but that was over probably around 30 hours of game time so maybe like 90 games.
In theory the average chance of that happening if you're only hooking 4:times per match should be 1 in 25 games per survivor.
I honestly believe there is a hidden increase in luck if all survivors are hooked and its the first time they've been hooked. Maybe the chance increases per survivor or something but it's definitely a thing and I'm not entirely sure if it's bugged or intentional.
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That was exactly what I have experienced. Maybe the developers shadow increased luck on survivors
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Yeah unless we're both extremely unlucky with RNG. But now you have spoken up about it I'm almost convinced it's been shadow buffed and or bugged and we just don't know about it. I was actually going to make a post about it myself, but I've stopped using that build and it doesn't seem to happen as much when people aren't slugged.