We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Seems like gens are going faster than normal

Sad that I have to run 3 nerfed gen regression perks right now just to be able to hold off survivors just sitting on gens. 1 bad chase loses you the whole game. Nothing new, been playing this game since 2017 but dang dude, 2 gens pop in succession when I'm at 3 gens all night last night and just as I start this morning


  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,447

    The community complained about games going on too long so it forced the devs to make games shorter. Unfornately survivors also hate short chases.

  • Rauy556
    Rauy556 Member Posts: 46

    The issue is that 10 seconds given for free to good survivors is a considerable buff to already good survivor players who before the patch did not have this issue as their time management was already efficient, this change aimed to target lower-mid skill survivors who are not as skilled with their time management and I think it did not do much to aid those players. A better change would have been a visible indicator on the HUD till the 2nd stage was reached and maybe a minor increase of 5 seconds but not 10.

  • SpitefulHateful
    SpitefulHateful Member Posts: 307

    There is no such thing as being good at the game lmao. Every trial is a matter of luck and opportunities given to players. Skills and competitive players are a joke.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,793

    There is nothing worse than a fast-paced trial. In DBD both sides need time to make their plays happen.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,164

    I'm gonna try gen defence tonight just for you, because you've piqued my interest. Maybe I've been crazy all this time, and gen defence is still the best thing ever. Or I'll have my point proven, and lose harder than if I just used chase perks with Rancor.

    The problem with the scenario you're suffering from is that you can't do anything to counter it. You're just hoping that you chase a survivor who doesn't know how to loop. I've had games, as I'm sure a lot of us have had, where I chase 1 survivor near shack, drop it because it's a bad chase and go to survivor 2, and leave because it's a bad chase to take at a jungle gym, go to survivor 3 who Sprint Bursts away, and then on my last hope with survivor 4 he gets to a god pallet/window at main. So where was my misplay? I detached until I found a good chase, except I didn't find one. Do I just accept the loss, because no matter what I do I'm engaging in a chase which wastes a game-losing amount of time? What was the game-winning play from the survivors, other than running to non-interactive tiles which waste a predetermined amount of time?

    So despite dealing with teams like that all the time, I'll try gen defense tonight. Use a shaman build, or a Eruption/Surge type thing. I'll try everything. But my experience has not lied to me, and so these matches will not be easy.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,164

    Yeah, I've had so many hooks lately which very clearly should have been 2-hooks, but even though the survivors took an eternity to save, "Wow!", they still got the save and suffered no additional risk or slowdown. Survivors can hook trade all game, and it's still a net positive on time for them, and that hook change just makes the strategy stronger.

    SOULWARRIOR71K Member Posts: 458

    How many games do you win or 2k out of every 10 games you play? My guess like the majority of players who play killer, your win rate is above 50%, you rarely 2k and you rarely flat out lose (3 out or better).

  • ChuckingWong
    ChuckingWong Member Posts: 372


  • dwight444
    dwight444 Member Posts: 405

    please include gameplay footage when using wild, cherry picked examples like this. First survivor got god pallet, next guy got jungle, next guy used SB, next guy god pallet lmao. Come on, what is this forum's infatuation with using extreme examples and basing terrible generalizations about the state of the game on said examples.

    In this 'real' example, it sounds like you were looking for a survivor to hand themselves on a platter to you and just wanted to drop any chase the second it required effort. Like you're dropping a chase just cause they reached a jungle gym? Just force the drop, break it and continue? That's what killers in my matches do. It would be really easy if all my killers gave up the second I got to shack, a god rock or a jungle gym.

    honestly, maybe some players are just not as good as they think. I personally suck at killer and rarely play it. When I do play, it absolutely feels like gens are flying relative to how slow it feels like my survivor matches progress. I get absolutely demolished no matter what slowdown/regression build I bring. However, I know that I suck at killer.

  • dwight444
    dwight444 Member Posts: 405

    go play several games of solo q and report to us how many games survivors did not stop working on a gen in order to go unhook immediately. You are rarely seeing a solo group make use of those 10 extra seconds, solo teammates love to unhook asap

  • Lost_Boy
    Lost_Boy Member Posts: 672

    I wish my teammates would actually do gens sick of looking at player icons seeing 3 people in chase at the same time & shortly after 2 of them going down. It's like every match tonight people just don't want to do gens. It's not even like they do well in chase either. I dont mind sitting on gens if people can at least run the killer for 1 gen but 75% the time they can't.

  • Anti051
    Anti051 Member Posts: 619

    Cook pressure with knockout and get hooks after you've created time to get them. If you get the opportunity to knock everybody down, take it.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,164

    They're not all-knowing and -understanding of what's best for the game. They can aim for a 60% kill rate, but that doesn't mean that's what the game should be. A 60% kill rate is an average, right? Do the potential math that leads up to that 60%, and you might end up with drawing 80% of your matches as killer. So the kill rate isn't to be taken as Gospel either, even though people do.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,164

    It's not cherry picked or extreme. It's well within the realm of possibility. It's why killer win streaks are a joke, because you can just go against bad teams 50 matches in a row and not suffer 1 loss. Kind of like what happened with me tonight. No, I'm not gonna include gameplay footage because I didn't take any, but here's what it was when I tried gen defence, which I constantly preach against as being weak. My builds, killers, and results:

    Ruin, Undying, Wretched Fate, Pentimento:

    Wraith 4k

    Clown 4k

    Pallet Freddy 4k

    Huntress 4k

    Deathslinger 4k

    Pop, Pain Res, Overcharge, Call Of Brine:

    Nemesis 4k

    Demogorgon 4k

    Dredge 4k

    Ghost Face 4k

    Xenomorph 4k

    So I set out to prove that gen defense doesn't do anything, and I just kept winning. But you know what was common in all of those matches? (Ding, ding, ding, ding!): Bad survivors. Either they had no clue what they were doing, or they were overly altruistic. I didn't include the maps, but 2 of those matches had Badham and Azarov's, 2 maps which the survivors can pretty much guaranteed win on, at least if they split map on Azarov's. I played with not so strong killers imo. No Nurse, Blight, or Spirit, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't experienced with each of the killers I did use. But this all goes to prove what I've said. At any time, the survivors could have just broken all my hexes in 30 seconds, put up a chase that lasted longer than 45 seconds, actually do gens quick, or run to the window infinite on Crotus Penn Circus main. They didn't do any of that because our lovely MMR system decided not to work tonight and gave me complete mismatches against noobs.

    And it's sad that the moment will pass, the moment of joy where I actually got to do stuff as killer and it would work, because I was facing a lower caliber. I can't remember the last time I was able to pull off consistent Slinger shots or Demo shreds, because the hitbox on those is usually pretty pathetic and the survivors take full advantage of it. I'm also not used to the gens not all finishing, because yes I usually don't use gen defence, but it's for the sole purpose that survivors who don't give constant downs turn you pressure with those perks to mush and completely wastes them. But I guess, tonight, all of a sudden I'm just a really good killer player getting all these 4ks? No. Of course not. I'm not bad, else I wouldn't have gone out on a limb to do this experiment, but I've played enough to see that it's not a lack of skill holding me back. There's just no tools for most killers to use to beat good survivors; you're completely at their mercy on whether they throw the game or not. Some matches you could've had 10 perks equipped as killer, and would've still got squashed like a bug from all the ridiculous stuff the survivors were getting away with because of their perks and maps.

    For once, in like 8 months, I felt like I had some degree of control in my killer matches. I'd like to experience this more often, instead of 1 in 100 games. Maybe your opponents' caliber is tied to the perks you're using? I'm gonna do whatever I can to stay at this difficulty level, because I don't want to go back to sweating every single match. Maybe I'll play like once a week to keep my MMR low, or lose a few on purpose. I've been told that's "smurfing," but I've also been told being put with lower skill survivors is just "the MMR putting you on your correct level." Whatever. Just keep me the heck away from good survivors. The game's not balanced for it.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,252

    What gen progression buffs work above and beyond 10s that didn't already exist during 80s gens (like Resilience)?

    Nearly every gen progression perk is net negative (Specialist spending 10s to gain 4s, losing net 6s per search, and more in travel time, Invocation taking 60s to gain 50s while also applying No Mither, Friendly Competition Co-oping to lose 15% to gain 5%), or has been nerfed (Prove Thyself 15→10%).

  • Devilmc90
    Devilmc90 Member Posts: 14

    just play for draw,tunneling hard,so the devs are happy with the genrush meta

  • Jacknalls_Paw
    Jacknalls_Paw Member Posts: 150

    "Buff to gen progression" ? I only remember gen kick buffed to 5%, gen tapping removed and PT nerfed.

    Can you please come up with an example or do you like to shoot buzzwords without any sense but only hearsay?

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 2,918

    The math doesn’t bear out; a 60% kill rate isn’t average and it doesn’t lead to 80% draws.

  • AmpersandUnderscore
    AmpersandUnderscore Member Posts: 1,693

    Literally the only "buff" in two years since 6.1.0 has been Deja Vu went from 5% to 6%. Mind blowing to get an extra 0.8 second less time if you work on the entire gen.

    Oh wait, quick gambit also got a rework, and it's still Z tier. I guess that also technically counts as a buff.

    Nothing really offsets the fact that prove got torched, mainly the BP bonus, and BNP isn't worth using anymore over extra charges. Those were both massive nerfs, on top of the base +10 seconds to every generator in the entire game.

    Some people just won't be happy until they get the gen kick meta back with no other changes to the current 60%+ Kill rate goal balance of the game.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,252

    Theoretically it can, however a 60% killrate (ignoring draws) results in roughly a 70% Killer winrate, which is far more 'normal'.

    If you have 5 matches, 20 results, 12 kill and 8 escape for the 60% kill rate. You can have 4 matches of 2K+2E, and a final 5th match being a 4K. That means the important factor here is Killer has 20% winrate, and Survivor has 0% winrate, or Killer has an infinitely larger winrate than Survivor.

    The most common result from my matches on both sides is 3Ks. The set of 5 matches with mostly 3Ks results in an 80% Killer winrate (3K1E 4 times) and a 20% Survivor winrate (4E 1 time). So the most common result is even worse than the average (ignore draws), with 4x Killer winrate in comparison to Survivor. I think it is important to stick to the average though, so ~69/~31 results in ~2.2x Killer winrate over Survivor.

    If we had balanced winrates (winrate = killrate), then Killer would win 1.5x more often than Survs, and IMO that should be the goal.

    If I wanted to abuse the numbers and claim 'Killer doesn't win enough' I would use the 4 draw set and ignore Survivor winrates (or falsely claim draws are actually Survivor wins). If I wanted to abuse the numbers and claim 'Survivor doesn't win enough' I would use my honest most frequent result of 3Ks for my arguments. Using the 'no-draw average' is the most fair assessment, as it is the least biased.

  • ratcoffee
    ratcoffee Member Posts: 1,400

    How do people keep making this argument? Unhooking immediately is almost always the better option and waiting until last second is even worse now. That's 10 more seconds of a survivor doing nothing sitting on a hook

  • GeordieKiller
    GeordieKiller Member Posts: 410
    edited September 21

    To calrify was not speaking about gen progression perks i meant Gen progression as a whole whenever there is a heavy nerf to gen regression for example Pain res is in it weakest form it has ever been pop in the weakest form it has ever been, that is a buff to gen progression and huge buff

    5% gen kick means you lose around 3-4 seconds of gen progression and that can only be done 8 times per gen so not really that strong when you look into it and its kind of convient you both left out toolboxes and BNP which the BNP there is no counter or reversing once applied same as innovcation (with innovcation at least there is a very strong cost

    Also if you have a look at the gen progression perks a vast majority while low value offer more of it consistently so for example take the new Quick gambit yes it was nerf from 8% to 5% but now it mapwide which means anyone working on a gen will get a consistent 5% gen progression buff plus whatever they brought in Toolboxes perks etc

    but all of this wouldnt really matter if the base game was in a more healthier place as here the thing if survivors are effiecnt then the gens will go in a instant even if they dont have gen progression perks or toolboxes that is fact the perks/toolboxes just make the situation even worse. If devs focus on the base game with meanigful changes for example base kit corrupt/deadlock which attacks the gen effiency then we can move this game in a healthier direction as killers would have more confidence in going for more chases which means more fun gameplay which means win win for everyone

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,520

    Luck is a factor yes, how ever its a skill in of itself to recognize opportunities.

    Saying that, is like saying Battle Royales take no skill just because luck and opportunities are also a huge part of it.

  • ratcoffee
    ratcoffee Member Posts: 1,400

    Quick Gambit deactivates for a full minute upon being injured

  • GeordieKiller
    GeordieKiller Member Posts: 410
    edited September 21

    but it still a consistent 5% of gen progression buff till a hit occurs and in some maps or survivors skill, killer skill etc at looping that can be a long time

    But again that wouldnt matter if the base game is healthier which is what im trying to say the gen progression perks/tollboxes are making the situation worse and the game regression perks is what was normalising gameplay but with each nerf its getting harder and harder to maintain a normal gameplay cause the base game issue hasnt been addressed

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,252

    Again though, what gen buff can even shorten 90→80s gens, or if it existing during 80s gens, made it faster than before? You need ~13% consistently to even negate the 6.1 gen buff. Quick Gambit is fair, and I think it may be a bit overtuned, however there are multiple facets to it.

    1. Quick Gambit lasts until injured/downed, so ~20-30s is about how long you can normally expect to benefit from 5% per genning Surv.
    2. Most of the game revolves around 1 person on gens, 1 in chase, 1 on hook/healed, 1 rescuing from hook/healing. So early game you might reach this theoretical 15% boost (3x5%), the majority of the time you actually get only 5%
    3. Nothing stops a Killer from dropping chase in a bad area, or from a giga-juicer. This means the strength of the perk is always in the Killer's control.
    4. All that being said, I'd be fine with pre-nerfing it down to 4%. The yellow bar making teamates stick to gens is more powerful than the 5% anyways. Also the teammate auras make sure you can go where the Killer isn't going to have as easy/rewarding of a time dropping chase.

    Gen kicks rarely reach 8 events on a single gen, so the hindering aspect nearly never happens. Even if we assume you get 2 gen kicks per gen, that actually makes basekit gens 99s gens instead of merely 90s. We basically have 100s gens if you merely kick twice. Then you also mention BNPs/toolboxes, so I'll detail those.

    Old BNPs gave 25% of 80s gens over 5s. That is 20 gen seconds, however since you would work 5 seconds anyways, it really only gave 15s. New BNPs give a single skillcheck for -10 charges, or saves 10 seconds, and makes regression slightly weaker. How much weaker? Well Pain Res regressing 20% max gets rid of 18s on 90s gens, or 16s on 80s gens, so it only shaves 2s per Pain Res. For a BNP to be better now than before, that specific gen needs to be hit by 3 of the 4 Pain Res', and it only hurt the Killer 1s (15s vs 10s+2s*3 for 16s). So unless you are saying every gen gets hit with 3 Pain Res', BNPs were still nerfed/weaker than before.

    Toolboxes are often a false scapegoat for people, simply because they hasn't been touched in so long. For comparison, a brown Med-kit saves 8s, and a brown Toolbox saves 5.33s, and the Purple Engineer Toolbox saves 8s, so Toolbox complaints are red-herrings. Toolboxes haven't been meaningfully changed (for gens) since before 6.1, except one major flaw. My goshdarn Alex Toolboxes got nerfed from 24 charges to 18! What the heck was this nerf? I would 100% be on board with nerfing Commodious and buffing Alex+Engineer (the 2 Purples) to each be 24 charges. That would nerf Commodious/event toolboxes from saving 10.66s down to 8s, and buff Engineer up from 8s to 12s. A purple being 50% more effective than a Brown seems perfectly fine.

    Why do I keep pulling back to 6.1 standards of gens? Well I honestly think the games was in a better balance state before it (overall). Many of the basekit Killer buffs were fine to good to great (since they mostly buffed M1 Killers), but I was winning the vast majority of matches before it was implemented, and I played mostly Ghosty/Clown/Legion/Myers at that time (I still do, but Dredge and Singularity are also in the rotation). Skill is what Killers need, not more buffs. The game is only unhealthy at the moment, because tunneling is too easy right now.

    Finally why did Pop/PR/Grim/Deadlock get nerfed? Because bad Killer players were doing the same 4 slowdown stacking and forcing BHVR to nerf them due to inflated killrates, just like the horrible 6.1 Eruption/Call of Brine/Overcharge. Using those perk setups (pre-nerf) was effectively a free win, so something had to be done. Essentially, they (those bad Killers) ruined it for the rest of us. If they could have held back and only equipped 1 or 2 of the perks, they wouldn't have been nerfed. Personally, I would like gen slowdown perks to be boosted by 50% when being the only gen slowdown perk equipped. That way people will naturally only want to bring 1 gen slowdown. Specifically I would have this apply to Entity Block perks, and gen regression perks. Thana/Penti/Wretched Fate would be exceptions to this rule. (I wouldn't want 45% slowdown from a single Penti totem, although they might still need to negate the 50% boost for other perks.)

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 2,918

    Some forum members consider draws (as defined by 2E, 2K) a survivor win, somehow. I don’t get the thought behind this… how is this a ‘win’ for survivor but a loss for killer? I think it is said only to make it seem that survivors win more than they actually do. It is propaganda.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,252

    Yeah it is obvious delusional cope. The real reason is probably that they use 'winstreak' definitions so anything that isn't a win is a 'loss', even though everyone recognizes ties/draws exist in every other context.

  • Green_Sliche
    Green_Sliche Member Posts: 640

    That is pretty much a flame bait here. And you know that.

    OP : The current meta demands some gen regression or gen block perks to be used. The skill check mechanic is barely an obstacle to survivors so unless killer does disturb them, they can peacefully repair a gen on their own.

    It's the reason why many killers start hard tunneling a survivor at 3 or less gens after the first hook. The ratio of 1 hook = 1 gen is simply too bad and is not enough in terms of time. Often your best regression tool is fast elimination of one survivor from the game.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,303

    Do the potential math that leads up to that 60%, and you might end up with drawing 80% of your matches as killer.

    You could, but you're not going to. 2Ks are by far the least likely outcome, so that 60% kill rate will mostly produce 3Ks or higher.