Why did you kill Skull Merchant?

シャープ Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

Sorry, I use Google translation. I'm from Japan and I play Skull Merchant.

Why did they kill off Skull Merchant? She is healthy for the game but was killed in this update. I have been maining her since release. This shouldn't be made public! Please, don't release this. This is not good. This is the only killer I enjoy.


  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,962
    edited September 2024

    What's annoying is this often happens to more killers than just Skull Merchant.

    Clown, Wraith, Blight, Nurse, Hillbilly, even Ghost Face... even as I typed this message, queue popped and I got a game with an immediate first hook attempted SoH against Freddy. Needless to say I yoinked the baby back into the game and we all then got slugged to death for 4 minutes.

    Thankfully he went afk after that and I was able to report him for that. Worth it. Not even mad to be slugged for 4 minutes. I get so much more annoyed at Survivors who quit more than anything any killer has ever done.

    BHVR said Skull Merchant had a 68% killrate at mid MMR even with accounting for players dying on first hook against her. I'm not gonna be that guy who says "well you can clearly track it then", I know you cant go issuing bans without a truly infallible system.... but good lord I do wish BHVR would kick these quitting losers hard in the teeth with hefty multi day bans for this obnoxious selfish behaviour.

  • YakuzaIchiban
    YakuzaIchiban Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 5

    I feel bad. Skull merchant is not overpowered? Why she need nerf?

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,962
    edited September 2024

    I'm suprised you should think I would be less annoyed at a teammate who is willing to sell me and the rest of the team down the river and guarantee we all lose because they're a selfish entitled brat.

    Imagine playing football, and a player on your team deliberately dribbles the ball into your own net because they don't like the team you're playing against. Why did they even bother agreeing to play in the first place if that was a planned course of action for them?

    Getting slugged for 4 mins by the killer is annoying yes, but at that point the game was already lost from the attempted SoH. Why should I be less irritated at being forced to either quit myself, or play a man down for an even longer drawn out painful death? By trying to SoH, my supposed teammate is telling me to screw myself as much as they are the killer.

    SoH for anything less than giving hatch is extremely selfish, and totally unacceptable behaviour. Anyone who does it, if I had my way would be banned for days at a time.

    Going back to my football example, do you think I'd just let them do it? Hell no, I'd tackle them hard, and probably not be too concerned about going in too hard for a potential injury. I wouldn't try to injure them, but wouldn't care if I did. Far as I'm concerned, that's doing the game a favour by getting them to stay off the field and stop ruining games.

    When it comes to these players, either take chase constantly and try and score the rest of us as much time as possible, or at the very least have enough integrity to eat your damn DC penalty and give us a bot.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,882

    How would they tell 1 Freddy apart from another? He doesn't even have cosmetics.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,962
    edited September 2024

    Not to mention you can't suicide on hook if your aren't hooked... Freddy was playing normally at the start of the game. Hooked the Steve, and started another chase.

    Didn't ask him, but maybe he considered me and Jane bullies, as I've been told by people in this forum I should just let SoH survivors leave. Maybe he took issue with the attempted SoH and me and Jane denying it. He slugged us with the Dwight on hook, so he died on hook, and bled out the rest of us.

    I vehemently disagree on letting SoHers leave, it is always in your interest to unhook, but it's not inconceivable I got slugged for being "toxic" myself.

    I don't consider sticking up for a principle toxic however. I am more than happy to get slugged for 4 mins to ensure a SoHer can't quickly escape to go ruin more games.

  • OrangeBear
    OrangeBear Member Posts: 3,015

    The true answer is that her kill rate was too high, the developers consider a kill rate of above 65% to be too high and the skull merchant had around a 70% kill rate in mid MMR.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 3,322

    Is your position that this survivor is somehow responsible for the killer slugging everyone?

  • RawKin
    RawKin Member Posts: 7

    First off, I respect your choice in killer. Secondly Skull Merchant is hard to outsmart. That's why she got nerfed.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 6,150

    Her power is easy to use while its counter is tedious

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,960

    Skull Merchant definitely has her issues but this is not the way to solve them. They are giving her the Freddy special where they rework a killer, notice that the rework is terrible (although SM wasn't any better before that) and then nerf them so that nobody will even be able to notice how deeply flawed their power is because it's almost impossible to get any value from it.

    I strongly disagree that she is "healthy" for the game. All those dcs and hook suicides have to come from somewhere. However there is enough feedback for them to change the course and make her a bit more bearable without gutting her. It remains to be seen how much that will do though because there might also be some truth in people hating her because she is Skull Merchant. So there is a chance that any rework to this killer would still be met with disdain.

  • adam1233467
    adam1233467 Member Posts: 1,165

    Why there are people defending skull merchant now?

    I thought it was a common sense that she is a problem for the game and her power design is awful.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,763

    Wait, suicide on hook against Freddy?!?

    But he barely has anything.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,962
    edited September 2024

    What kind of asinine comment is that? No... of course not, that would be bloody stupid... and frankly boiling down everything I said into just that is just plain dishonest and disrespectful 🤨

    My point is the game was ruined by the Steve trying to SoH, so who cares about the slug? Game was written off anyway, and the only reason we were all in a position we even could be slugged is cause of this quitter.

    I of course don't condone the 4 minute slug, but I don't know you why you are so hung up on it. The only reason the slug was even mentioned was to emphasise how much more annoying SoH is by comparison for me. I don't care about the slug cause the game was already dead... You're focusing on the wrong part of the conversation man.

    That is the way I feel about it, SoH is a worse crime than slugging for 4 minutes... or am I not allowed to have that opinion? Have I gotta be a good sheep and say "SoH is fine cause there are unfun elements of the game"?

    At least with Slug all 4 players the dork ruining everyone else's game has to actually catch everyone, he didn't have to do nothing to do it, and while it's definitely lame at least an argument can be made the killer is against you. Spawn camping sucks and is just as lame and unfun as well, but they are at least your opponent.

    With SoH it's the opposite, the dork can literally ruin the game without any effort whatsoever, and they even say "screw you" to their own side in the process. Even against Skull Merchant it's unacceptable behaviour.

    If you can't understand that point, I have to assume you are a player who thinks it's fine to Suicide on Hook, and I can only hope this conversation sheds some light on perhaps why you shouldn't do it... cause you make this game more infuriating than the killer slugging everyone for 4 minutes.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,962
    edited September 2024

    Yeah I know... it's baffling why survivors think it's OK just cause they cba.

    I genuinely believe SoH is a blight on the game, and the Skull Merchant being butchered how she was just highlights how much of a problem it truly is.

    I understand the point of the 4% being in the game... and we lose a lot more than just those lucky successful attempts removing it... but seriously something has yo be done about the quitters...

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,347

    I never thought I'd be saying this when she first arrived on the scene, but there's actually some sympathy to be had for Skull Merchant now.

    She probably needed tweaking, but the nerfs she just took to the face were overkill. I don't understand reducing the drone beams from 2 to 1 at all, and whilst I could understand removing either the haste or hindered from the drones' areas of effect, taking nearly all of it away was quite brutal.

    She's now almost eternally cursed because of her beginnings (poor concept, even poorer power implimentation). Some still cannot separate her much more manageable playstyle from the disaster she was beforehand, which is a shame. She didn't deserve the severity this nerf gave.

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 2,233

    She is healthy for the game but was killed in this update. 

    She's not healthy for the game. It's as simple as that.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 3,322

    I’m asking questions because your initial comment implied you believed the survivor hooked first was somehow responsible for the killer slugging. You even stated it bothered you more that this survivor tried to die on hook than the killer slugging you and another survivor after you attempted to rescue this survivor (this detail came out later, it wasn’t in your initial comment). If you were trying to make a point about people dying early on hook (it seems disjointed from the topic at hand, and the game wasn’t even against a Skull Merchant. I think you’re backpedaling tbh) you did it in a very bizarre way.

  • Nun_So_Vile
    Nun_So_Vile Member Posts: 2,504
    edited September 2024

    Because this player base does not truly know what they actually want. Now, some of the same people that pushed and wanted her gone have become the first to defend her gameplay and wiggle their finger "Oh how could you" since the devs went through with the nerf. Lack of conviction.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,962
    edited September 2024

    I stand by exactly what I said, I'm not backpeddling at all.

    Feel free to look back at it and fact check. My original statement was in relation to the fact that survivors continually SoH against her got Skull Merchant completely butchered. She needed nerfs as the MMR win rate showed, but the behaviour of survivors in this case forced the action that was taken to completely neuter her. There are not a small number of people that believe SoH in this case was perfectly justified... despite the dangerous precedent it sets. Quit enough and get a killer destroyed.

    I was making the point that SoH was not isolated to SM; it happens all the time against various killers. We'vd already had a thread sayimg Chucky needs the same treatment. This is disgusting to say the least that people think this is OK. Then I anecdotally shared that as I was typing that comment, matchmaking popped and I got put in a game vs. Freddy where the exact point I was making occurred. Again, there are not a small number of survivors that don't consider SoH in scenario I've described as a problem (if they did, it wouldn't happen).

    I didn't say the survivors were responsible at all for the the team being slugged, what I stated was I don't know the motivation for why Freddy slugged, maybe he slugged Steve for SoH, and maybe he slugged me for preventing him. Maybe he slugged us all to be a douche, who knows?

    The point is SoH is a problem even irrespetive of SM, and was a major reason Skull Merchant got gutted the way she did.

    EDIT: And yes, the SoH player does annoy me more than being slugged for 4 minutes by the killer, as my prior comment explains. If you have a different opinion, that's fine, but for me personally SoH is a far, far more frequent and annoying problem.

    I can count the number of times Ive been 4 man slugged for 4 minutes on 1 hand. I've lost maybe 1 in 10 games to players SoH, so yeah... it annoys me far me more.