Which killers do you enjoy facing?

I see a lot of people discussing which killers they hate seeing, so what about the ones you do like? Which are you excited to see in your game?
Personal favourites for me are Oni, Pyramid Head and Unknown. Oni is genuinely terrifying (and outlasting his power feels great when it happens), and the latter two are just fun to dodge/evade. Good chase themes too.
I always like a match against Myers - I feel like it’s horror at its finest :)
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Huntress, Wesker, Demo, Bubba, Trapper, Billy, Blight, Xeno, Myers, Freddy, Wraith, Pinhead, Slinger, Oni, Chucky, Sadako and Singularity. There are some others I don't mind.
I used to enjoy playing against Nemi and Doctor as well but after their buffs I just find them dull both to play and play against.
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Assuming we’re at the same Skill Level and MMR isn’t being evil
- Nurse
- Whiskers
- Nemesis
- Blight
- Spirit (only when I had old SpineChill - how I miss thee😭😭)
- Bubba- especially the really good loopers with undetectable builds.
- Pyramid Head
- Demogorgon
- Pinhead
- Non-SM Myers - I enjoy facing Tombstone or infinite t3 and I enjoy playing as SM Myers but I hate getting jumpscared myself.
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It's more a playstyle thing for me. I don't have much respect for pub stomping in an unranked mode with loose matchmaking. It's weak.
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Nurse, Demo, Oni, Pyramid Head, and Singularity
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when it comes to unpopular picks I’ve always enjoyed playing against legion I guess it’s a the killer you main thing since I’ve been a legion main since 2020
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Pinhead and Dredge.
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Oh absolutely, any killer can be played in a way which is unfun or boring for the other side. Still, I'd much prefer getting chased by a sweaty Wesker over a chill Knight for example.
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Well, here is my Tier List:
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My favourites are those which really get the adrenaline pumping. Therefore, my top 10 are:
- The Oni
- The Executioner
- The Shape
- The Dredge
- The Unknown
- The Onryō
- The Hillbilly
- The Cannibal
- The Trapper
- The Nightmare
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To answer the question, The Doctor….
but only because he’s right here making me say it! help! ⚡️⚡️🩻⚡️⚡️😱😱😱
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That GG for you.
RIP @HerInfernalMajesty 💐⚰
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I don't mind the doctor since they made it so he didn't make you insane by simply existing. The passive madness gain was irritating
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🤣The old doctor was nightmare fuel. His face just appearing to cover half the screen randomly
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I forgot to mention I love going against Twins. I see them so rarely i forgot they exist. The sounds Little Vicky makes make me giggle every time.
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By (very) far the Alien. The only killer in the game where you need to set up against. Everything in it's kit is super armospheric from the beeping to the roasting.
Love Alien, love that it's in the game, to face and to play, best killer ever.
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You shouldn't ask this question so openly, you'll start to realize that people only like going against the killers that are bad that they can bully.
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Unknown, Pinhead, Alien.
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Nurse once in a while.
Myers\Ghost face.
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I like the stealth killers.
I used to like Billy.
Wesker can be fun.
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Wesker, Myers, Billy, Leatherface. Basically very dangerous killers who still can be looped. No bs killers like Alien…
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As long as i get variety it's all good
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Bubba, Onryo, and The Dredge.
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Billy, Pinhead, Unknown, Doctor, and very good Blights.
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I think the list of killers I don't like going against would be shorter.