A possible DC deterrent?

TotesRider Member Posts: 22
edited September 2024 in Feedback and Suggestions

So as many people may know, there is bit of a DC problem in the game. I've seen it on streams, clips on Twitter and it's happened to me quite a lot during my killer.

While the matchmaking timer thing KINDA works, I don't think it solves the problem. So I was thinking of some potential ideas.

When Killer Instinct came out it had a little thing called Rage Quit jail. Where if you DC'd a lot you get a mark that's seen by anyone you play against and if you keep doing it, you'll be put into a the Rage Quit Jail which is just you being matched with other Rage quitters.

Now it wasn't perfect by any means so to have something like this it would take some tinkering to take into account stuff like "Player had to leave for an emergency" or "Power went out suddenly" to make sure it doesn't mark those players. Basically if you play ten games in a row and only DC'd during one of them. You're fine. But if you play those 10 games and DC during 7-8 of them. You'll be marked.

Also thought about something like when you're in a lobby a message pops up saying "Hey this player has been known to DC/Give up on first hook/etc. You and the other players may vote to kick them from the lobby" and put it to a vote between the other 4 players.

What do you y'all think.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,347

    As much as I dislike people who disconnect over the most immature of things, this isn't the answrr. As one person said earlier, we have just removed Prestiges in pre-game lobbies to reduce lobby-dodging, so bringing in another is problematic.

    However, what you stated about Killer Instinct having "rage-quit only lobbies" I would back, so people who keep disconnecting can be put with likewise players and maybe start to understand the frustrations it causes.

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,211
    edited September 2024

    I had seen it on Twitter and now I can't for the life of me find it again so I'll just kind of paraphrase it

    There should be "Rage Quitter" lobbies. Basically if you ######### and/or DC constantly from matches, you get put into Rage Quitter Lobbies where all the other players who Kill Themselves/DC constantly go. Maybe you'll learn a thing or two having to deal with others who constantly quit the game and ruin it for everyone else…

    I don't like the idea of having that happen with regular lobbies and just marking them as "quitters" since now everyone has to do the job of avoiding them. Stick them all in the DBD Jail as you put it and make them play a few matches in there before they get to come back into civilized society

  • doobiedo
    doobiedo Member Posts: 371
    edited September 2024

    Any sort of attempt to deal with this issue in a punitive way like that would probably actually kill the game. Its one thing to have a que like that in an actually balanced game but dbd is not that.

    Post edited by doobiedo on
  • CountOfTheFog
    CountOfTheFog Member Posts: 2,673

    Friday the 13th: The Game had queues for these players for a while called The Salt Mines...


  • TieBreaker
    TieBreaker Member Posts: 1,066

    The devs need to find some way to make solo queue more stable and consistent for survivors. You'd get less people giving up early, if they hadn't been through several catastrophic matches prior to loading in.

  • Lost_Boy
    Lost_Boy Member Posts: 679

    I suggested something similar a while back and it wasn't received very well. Mines was based on a karma system. If you go into negative karma you get prioritised with other people in negative karma and need to actually complete games with said people to build your karma back up into the positive to queue normally again. Cap the points so that it allows for a few genuine cases of DC etc. most people weren't interested. Not the players fault it's the Devs and toxic play etc etc

  • CrypticGirl
    CrypticGirl Member Posts: 813

    I can assure you that ragequitters have already been on the other side of it as well, so we don't need ragequitter lobbies to let them know how it feels. Yes, it sucks when they do that, but I understand the reasons for doing so, as well as others who have commented on this thread.

  • CountOfTheFog
    CountOfTheFog Member Posts: 2,673

    I don't know. They implemented it before Dedicated Servers and by the time I bought the game on Nintendo Switch in 2019 it was gone.

  • BlightedDolphin
    BlightedDolphin Member Posts: 1,920

    Yeah as much as I hate leavers, tunnelling really needs to be addressed before hand or alongside leaver punishments. Once tunnelling is addressed then we can address throwers because the majority of the remaining ones will probably be the petty ones.

    Once that’s done I think there are a few ways to deal with leavers and throwers:

    • Encourage survivors to stay by increasing survivor BP gain. Right now with how low survivor BPs can be there’s nothing really lost in leaving, so if you increase them then people will start to be affected
    • Then you can also add a “Bloodpoint Penalty” to those who leave frequently. Something like after DCing a few times you get a 75% BP reduction until you play 5 games without leaving.
    • Then find someway to stop giving up on hook. I think the best way to do this would be either make it so you can’t attempt to unhook yourself until at least 1 generator is completed or only if you have unhooked someone yourself (that way if you leave you’ve at least made some contribution to the team). They could go full into it and make it so you can’t unhook yourself unless you have a certain perk or there’s only 2 survivors remaining but that might be too much.
    • If you reach 3 AFK crows you get kicked out and replaced with a bot. This counts as a DC.
    • Fix other unhealthy game designs that make people want to DC such as giving survivors a bleed out faster option when slugged.
  • doobiedo
    doobiedo Member Posts: 371

    Ironically everyone with punitive ideas like this to "punish" rage quitters are expressing their own rage. What a cycle. I think a lot of the times when players "go next" its not even due to rage but just bordeom.

  • CrypticGirl
    CrypticGirl Member Posts: 813

    Another thing to consider is that you don't really know that these "ragequitters" are serial ragequitters. They could have just been having a one-off bad game. It happens to all of us, and I can guarantee that everyone has gone next at some point. So I don't see this ragequitter lobby being utilized very much, even if it were implemented.

  • DarKStaR350z
    DarKStaR350z Member Posts: 767

    There’s a lot of talk about making the game more fun for survivor so they don’t bypass the DC penalty to go next, but how about when it’s not fun for killers?

    How many do you think would just walk out the exit or jump in a hatch if they lost 3 gens before first down or the first chase took too long? Not having that option to bypass the DC penalty seems to be working on that side. How about we give them an option to get out the game early without penalty and see how that goes, see if you are all arguing for the game to be more fun for killers or if you just want their way to bypass the penalty removed.

    It’s also funny to see that when it comes to survivors people say punishments don’t work and we should make things more fun etc, but when it comes to tunnelling the argument is never to make hooking different survivors a better option but always to remove it or punish killers for trying to do it. So carrot for survivors, stick for killers - seems fair and reasonable.

  • CrypticGirl
    CrypticGirl Member Posts: 813

    There have actually been plenty of arguments about making it more worthwhile to spread hooks.  (There are a few perks that do that already, but if someone really wants to tunnel, they're not going to use them.)

    I wouldn't oppose the idea of giving Killers a get-out-of-jail-free card if they're not having fun in a match, but that's not what this topic is about.

  • Gastongard
    Gastongard Member Posts: 156

    I see you guys posting tons of great idea, but im not sure tagging someone is the best solution. I had 3 consecutive games lastnight where killers just slugged everyone, even a nurse on midwich (she used the offering), the first two I dced, the third one i didnt because the penalty would have been like 15 min or so, so i just put the volume to 0, alt-tabed and worked on something else.

    What would really help here is something like Propnight did, give X amount of extra % to repairing each time a survivor is killed. A game shouldnt be over at 5 gens and 3 survivors because the last one was tunneled. With 3 survivors its ok to have a difficult match, but it shouldnt be imposible! Even slugging now, its starting being a really bad problem, just give survivor basekit unbreakable, with a longer time like 90 seconds, like a gen. Its really easy BHVR.

    I think thats the weakest point of the game and his design. From a gamedesigner perspective, i dont know any other game where if you loose a player in the first minutes the other players of the team are there just to waste their time, thats just bad design. And even speaking about %, I dont know any other game where devs just want that their 80% playerbase loose 6-7 out of 10 matches and consider it a fun game. Its ridiculous.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,347

    There isn't much evidence to support nor dismiss your claim. The only proof I can find comes from CoD and Fall Guys which have both done the same thing. CoD clearly is doing really well, and Fall Guys not so much. However, there's no evidence to say the successes or failures are down to this.

    I still believe it's worth trying, even if it's done secretly, so players don't know they are being sorted in such a way. That way, disconnecting players will more likely to play each other, whilst players who don't will face each other more, making less frustrating games.

    As you do point out, this hasn't been done on an asymetrical game before (or at least none I know of), so that is an unknown factor. I still feel the benefits outweigh the cons though.

  • doobiedo
    doobiedo Member Posts: 371

    I mean either way it shouldn't be done because it would just be a dick move. Essentially Bhvr. saying "yes we made the game essentially unwinnable for solo que unless the killer is playing nice, but then we're going to punish you for not being stuck in unwinnable games". Like how about Bhvr. balance their game. I just had 10 games in a row where the game was lost in the first 30 seconds. I'm sick of situations where there is literally nothing you can do which happens all the time now because there are no safe loops in the maps, just deadzones, every killer has an anti-loop power anyway, plus teleportation, aura reading so they get walllhacks. It's just ridiculous. And then you want to punish survivors for not wanting to stay in the killer torture chambers. Just no. Bhvr. needs to buff survivors, fix the maps, or something. Not punish survivors who supposedly make up the majority of the playerbase. I would hope if Bhvr. did try something that stupid that it would actually kill the game. And also on a related tangent, why is it when I lose like 10 times in a row it doesn't seem to put me in any lower mmr and I still get every sweaty killer who is such a loser they have to slug for the 4k.

  • doobiedo
    doobiedo Member Posts: 371
    edited September 2024

    They shouldn't do it anyway. This game is basically un-winnable for survivors at this point most of the time unless the killer is playing nice.(maybe slight exaggeration but not much.) I just had 10 games in a row that were over in the first 30 seconds. Bhvr. can fix their game first, then maybe I'll listen to complaints and suggestions like this.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,347

    Well, I hope your games improve, exaggerations aside.