How do survivors want killers to play?

When gen regression was strong, survivors had an issue with that, and perks like corrupt, pop, pain res, ruin, and deadlock among others were nerfed.
When Hit and run was strong, survivors had an issue with that, and all mangled addons were nerfed, as was sloppy butcher
Now I'm seeing survivors all saying that aura reading is too strong and that needs to be nerfed.
I must ask, how do survivors want killers to play? What is your preferred style of game play with a killer? What perks and add ons are on the OK list?
I'm aware that killers have demanded nerfs too (the only three in my opinion that were justified and needed were Ds, DH, and MFT.) I'm not mad or trying to bait. I'd just love survivors mains to express what is their preferred style of gameplay against killers.
The old style of spreading hooks, I'd say. Back when BBQ had its BP stacks and the strongest slowdown perk available was Ruin.
That, in my opinion as someone who plays both sides, was the perfect killer meta.
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I mean, can we say "don't be an arse on purpose" and get the point across?
Generally speaking we Rulebreakers are fine with just about anything as long as its interactive and haven't seen it back to back to back to you get the point. Then again, we don't main a side…
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When gen regression was strong
1: Your use of the word strong. If anything is overpowered, that's an issue on its on.
2: Anything that grinds the game to a halt. The game is supposed to be tense, things like camping and old 3 genning ruin the experience.
Example: Back in the days before AFC the strategy against Bubba was just ignore the hook and do gens. I was in a few games like that, one survivor gets hooked, Bubba camps the hook, the rest of do gens and then leave. Wasn't fun to escape, wasn't fun for the person on hook, and doubt it was that fun for the Bubba. It was balanced, but not fun.
As a killer, you can play however you want. My issue is more with what I think BHVR should do.
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Survivors just don’t want killers to play at all.
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This topic is so tired.
Y'all ask the same thing everytime and get the same response, nobody cares what perks you run, everyone just doesn't want certain loadouts to be 99% miserable.
Give it up.
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Survivors did not enjoy the three gen meta. That is true. Fourty minutes where the killer refuses to advance the match, whilst doing the least skillful thing possible, and boring everyone to death in the process. Not exactly shocking that it would be unpopular.
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Survivors want to rush Gens in peace. Possibly loot chests or make totems (this is only a small part, the majority is too lazy for this) and best of all the killer should stand in the corner and wait until the exit gates are open. Then the killer should come to the exit gate so the survivors can teabag the killer and then write EZ GG in the endgame chat. Yes, I think that's how the survivors want it.
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I love reading the comments that come from the obvious killer mains when the question was at people who actually play survivor.
I agree with WolfyWood… I don't care what your perks are even if they give away how sweaty you are going to play. Its the playstyle that is the problem. Don't hard tunnel. Don't hard camp. Don't intentionally make the game miserable for the survivors.
"Don't be an arse on purpose" is the absolute best way to sum it up.
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The closest I've gotten to this these days is quad Hex Pinhead where the idea is to hook every survivor once then watch as Face the Darkness comes online.
I go out of my way to not tunnel and camp but that's still not enough so it's a fair question to ask.
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I mean, it's a pretty easy question to answer for anyone who has ever played a game with another person. Don't be a jerk and make a casual game as unfun as possible for the other players.
Like, someone asked me to play basketball 1 on 1 the other day at the gym. They're 5 inches shorter and clearly didn't have the same level of experience, so I took it easier on them.
Have empathy? I don't really know how else to answer the question.
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I can't help but be reminded that all three of these playstyles were buffed tremendously before they got nerfed back down a bit. (With the exception of Aura Reading, which got powercreeped a little bit more, instead of being brought back in line)
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Somewhat close, yes, but I don't think anything can really compare to the good old days. It wasn't just peak killer meta, no, it was peak Dead by Daylight.
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It isnt always a matter on how to play, its why kilelrs always have some busted things for years now, and have the need to combo this with the worst possible playstyles.
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Don't hard tunnel. Don't hard camp. Don't intentionally make the game miserable for the survivors.
I wish this was true. Even the most recent game I played from last night, I didn’t tunnel, I didn’t camp, I didn’t slug, I didn’t bring gen slowdown, I didn’t 3 gen. I got a 2K and what did I see in endgame chat?
“L lightborn user, touch grass and learn to play”
Yup. I brought lightborn like I usually do counter flashbangs, didn’t even end up using it that game, but no, I need to “learn to play.”
There’s no way to make survivors happy. They will always find something to complain about the way killers play.
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Yes because the game is so unbalanced. Blame Bhvr. for making the game feel so oppressive for survivors.
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I don't think most survivors have a high bar for what they expect from the killer. They just don't want to be tunneled, camped, or slugged for an excessive amount of time. I'm sure there are others that might add to the list. But in general, just realize that real human beings are on the other side of those pixels. Treat them the way you would want to be treated. Golden rule and all.
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Its really Bhvr's fault though. They are terrible at balancing, like the meme is true that it seems like they don't play their own game
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Players can choose to be jerks or choose not to be jerks. I will agree that this game has troll aspects and mechanics fundamentally built into the game. Perks like Head On, Boil Over, Blast Mine, and Chemical Trap are designed quite intentionally for survivors to be trolls. Mechanics like tunneling, camping, and slugging increase players bad feelings toward each other. But players can choose to let go of the anger. Just because players in your last game choose to be rude doesn't mean you have to take it out on the players in your current lobby.
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Off topic, do flashbangs have any effect on a killer that has lightborn?
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Nope, other than the aura reading given by lightborn.
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Lol I liked your will smith meme! In all seriousness though I am sorry about your experience. Getting yelled at for lightborn is crazy. I'm sorry about that. Of course, obligatory it's not one "side" that does this, I'm sure you've had plenty of experiences of survivors as you've described and I myself have had plenty of killers that do the same things. I got yelled out for using WoO so I get it. One "side" isn't inherently toxic, the people that are jerks on 1 "side" stay jerks on the other, always finding something to be unhappy about. Don't let it get you down. It's not all bad 💙I wish you better games in the fog
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Most of the time, survs don't want to feel directly and brutally hard focused out, what I would call hard tunneled. The other surv annoyances come from their fellow survs mainly.
But that feeling of being targeted for quick elimination, particularly very early in a trial, is the worst experience imo. The problem is that is exactly the surest strat a killer can use to gain victory, and many out there believe the only way against strong teams.
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I have a different but equally (if not more) valid set of criteria for killers that they need to meet to not go on 'the list':
- If you are playing Xenomorph, you must go into Crawler form and wait for me to throw my pebble before going to fetch it for me. Failure to return it will result in not being called a 'good boy'. Repeat for Demogorgon, Dracula in Wolf form and Chucky to an extent (he's too adorable, once you get over his swearing, for me to not consider him as a pet).
- If I start lifting up a pallet in front of you with Any Means Necessary, you must let me complete the lift and then drop the pallet on top of you again. This is because I find this funny.
- If you are the Pig, you must let me boop your nose. I will not be offering an explanation for this rule.
- If you are a Wesker, you must ensure that you infect me and allow me to pick up a Spray so that I can spam the animation over and over again in quick succession. This is because doing this tickles my funny bone.
- If mid-chase I run you to the cutouts at the Circus at Father Campbell's Chapel and crouch in on one of them, you must follow suit and pose with me. Failure to do this will make Maurice considerably upset, and you wouldn't want that on your conscience.
There are countless other rules but I seem to have misplaced the tome I wrote them all down in. I will have a look for it.
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Maybe people play both sides?
Otherwise I agree. The game is the most fun when both sides don't go out of their way to make the match miserable for the other side.
Sadly the opinion on what is miserable changes drastically from person to person.
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Unfortunately, as is nature in all multiplayer games, there will always be a "too strong" way to play. And this doesn't really take sides.
Regression is too strong, aura reading is too strong, self-healing is too strong, extra run speed is too strong… There's always something that people dislike, and when people that disliked that see those things nerfed and are happy with the gameplay, people that previously were okay with the gameplay might come out to hate on the new resulting meta.
In the end, some of the options the devs have is just throwing balance out the window and just try whacky things for fun, having a meta where your picks matter so little that people just run whatever perks so it's difficult for people to dogpile on a specific strong pick, or straight up accept that this is going to happen regardless and create a meta rotation (Ever seen how in games like League tanks are meta, then ADCs, then assassins so on and so forth and it always rotates?)
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"When gen regression was strong, survivors had an issue with that"
Yes, we had an issue with 40+ minute games, that is true.
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100% this. Play "fair" as survivors put it and killer gets t bagged at the gates by a group of survivors that then throw insults post match. "Get good" or complain about a perk being used as a crutch.
If survivors want no tunneling, camping or slugging then gens completion should take longer so the killer has time to spread the hooks. (They won't like that either). I actually used to spread hooks majority of my games, win or lose. That was until the gens started popping crazy fast and survivors attitude post game was generally awful match after match. Since then....I just do what I need to do to win and have fun regardless of what the survivor rulebook says.
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Funny how survivors had an issue with 40+ minute games then but yet they are fine waiting the 40+ minutes hiding out to get the hatch when it's 2 v 1
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Most of us aren't fine with that either
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As someone who plays both roles, both scenarios are valid.
Yes, I'm sure most survivors just want killers to not play like complete #########. For example I had a survivor game last night in Chaos Shuffle, a fun additional game mode with little real incentive for competition, in which one survivor had No Mither and another had Weaving Spiders. Killer immediately tunneled the two broken survivors. All I would have liked is if they didn't tunnel the obviously handicapped players.
However, it's also true that survivors exist that are simply never happy. That you can explicitly avoid tunneling and camping, even using perks that work against it such as Make Your Choice. You can even let survivors go, you can down a survivor you know is on death hook and leave them slugged instead of eliminating them, and then later watch the survivor walk out of the open exit gate, having passed up numerous chances to have killed them, and they will still hurl abuse at you after the game. I have plenty of first hand experience of this.
The attitude you're bringing here is tantamount to "not all
mensurvivors".It's very easy to say that "everyone just wants everyone else to play fair", bit that's disingenuous. Just as there are killers who will always tunnel and camp, there are survivors who will never accept anything less than killers throwing the game. There's also an additional factor in the games asymmetrical format, in that the killer has the agency to be able to play fair and is therefore expected to, meanwhile survivors are more subject to the actions of other players (killer and other survivors) and therefore lose more when playing fair. Which is why you never see survivors slowing down gens or offering up free hooks whenever it becomes apparent the killer is struggling. Killers are expected to play fair, but survivors aren't. Is that fair?
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I'd prefer you throw and let us win every time.
Why do you care what the other team thinks?
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I don't think all survivor players feel this way, but based on what we see on the forums, it sure seems like some do. These types of players likely have never played killer so they have no concept of what the other side is experiencing when they ask for killer powers, perks or playstyles to be nerfed.
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I don't really care about how killers play, I just want some goddamn resources on whatever map we're playing on. BHVR's map designers have been kicking survivors in the dick lately (and yet for some reason Garden of Joy and Preschool still exist).
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All I'd like is if people would stop tunnling, camping, and slugging. This includes the slugging the 3rd kill to make the game take 4 more minutes just so you can get 500more BP.
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in a game of hide and seek you should be required to use some skill to seek, as you are to hide. Perma wall hacks isn’t exactly difficult is it. Most people probably wouldn’t play killer if they didn’t have a constant visual of survivors.
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What perks give perma wall hacks and a constant visual of survivors?
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I don't really care what perks you bring. Just be respectful and don't insult me. Don't be a dick.
Examples: There is no need to tunnel and/or camp at 5 or 4 gens. You don't need to slug for a 4k to get a win (3k is enough for MMR) unless you have a challenge or do the adept. You don't need to wait for me to crawl to the exit/hatch only to pick me up 1m before I escape. Just sacrifice me and move next.
Same goes for survivors too.
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It's not for the BP, it's for their ego. A 3k does not look as good as a 4k.
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That is why I play neutral/chill until someone is mean to me. Then I don't care about being nice anymore.
You are T-bagging as a survivor and I play a killer who can do the same? Yeah I will do that.
You want to desperately get into my face after getting unhooked? I will tunnel you.
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but yet you made a post about slugging for the 4k. Must’ve been a survivor but now a killer main suggesting all of this. I guess my hunch was right and you are one of the culprits that have made the game miserable.
Post edited by BoxGhost on1 -
Im still not sure how any people are to blame for "ruining" the game by simply playing the game. the killers objective is to kill the survivors before they escape. The survivors objective is to escape before they are killed. If people feel the game is "ruined" by these tactics then maybe the game isn't for you? I see a lot of complaints saying it's not fun for a survivor to be tunneled out .. just admit that you don't enjoy being a survivor. At least then you can make changes yourself to better things instead of relying on other people to change because you not having fun.
Changes you can make yourself include, learning to counter these tactics you find boring so you stay in the game longer and have fun, or changing to killer side? Survivor isn't for everyone so maybe you would have more fun as a killer instead. Or play a different game. No one forcing anyone to play the game and if you don't like how people play it then play a game that you enjoy more.
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Killers also complain incessantly about survivors doing gens. That's literally their only way to win the game as a team. That is the reason behind many of the nerfs over the past few years as well, and it's arguably exactly "ruining the game by playing the game" in your own words.
Survivor gameplay isn't meant to be only one thing, and that's where a lot of common complaints come from. You're supposed to spend time doing different things: doing gens, being in chase, going for rescue, healing/being healed, interact with the killers power (box/traps/etc), tome challenges, stealth, maybe even totems.
The only feedback the game gives you for match performance is blood points. And it feels insanely punishing and demoralizing to finish a match with 5-6k BP (or less) because you get tunneled out. That's the killers decision, but you don't get to have "diverse" gameplay. You get chase and that's it. Can't even go get the syringe to clear the T-virus.
And the game literally tells you that wasn't enough, you didn't do enough, maybe didn't finish your challenge, and better luck next time. And when that's every game the "diverse gameplay" gets boiled down to "you're just killer fodder for no reward" that's not good, rewarding gameplay at all.
So yeah, people are going to complain that the "optimal strategy" for the killer isn't fun, and the devs should look into fixing that. Because that's where the only solution can be found.
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you never see survivors slowing down gens or offering up free hooks whenever it becomes apparent the killer is struggling
While it may be rare, to say "never" is not true. My friend and I (duo with two randoms) went against a demo on toba that was having a hard time, was not able to catch us and ended up giving up after 3 gens popped. My friend and I gave them two hooks each and then got the two randos to do it as well.
Yes, this is rare. I have trust issues, I have gone against killers that act like they have given up, survivors offer up hooks only to be killed in endgame. So, is that fair? No. Can you blame us? No. Even in the above situation, I was still worried he was going to turn around and kill us in endgame.
Now, I will also say, I have very rarely gone against a killer that sees the team is having a hard time so they take their two hooks and let the survivors live.
I play both sides and can appreciate when a killer is having a hard time because I am not one of the a-holes people hate playing against.
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There are a lot of entitled people on both sides and unfortunately no matter how you play, someone will be upset.
Play killer without slowdown or info and go for 12 hooks - Someone will call you out for "abusing MMR" or something similar.
Don't go out of your way to be a dick and you're already golden in my book.
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I like how u try to work it strong wich is a joke it more then strong if more than 50 % of the community ity uses the same per ever game it OP at that point MFT wast eve overpowered BTW you just had to put on a perk to counter it their a ton of speed perks for killers no one want to put on a perk to counter MFT that why they complain not becasue it was op but becasue in order to counter the perk I had to use a perk basically what ever killer main now a day says about every base killer brain dead strat in the game of I get tunneling just run OFR same thing coud of been said for DS MFT