Us vs Them is getting annoying

yea I get it, you like winning but come on. Just cause a perk get changed cause it isn’t fair or fun doesn’t mean the devs favor the other side, I just saw someone say t-bagging should be a perma ban as well as tunneling. Yea they are not fun to play against but that doesn’t mean crack down on them like north Korea.
yes killer can be strong, some killlers are not fun to play against, but also some survivor builds suck, and some tactics suck to play against. But just because one in every like 10 people are jerks doesn’t mean you can use that hate on normal players. Most survivors are not 4 stacked with flashlights and DS and most killers are not gen regress sweats.
Its a vs game. Everytime some side speaks about their own or the other side its already a us vs them discussion. no matter the actual content. The only issues is that most people have no idea on balance for a fair game (even the devs have a twisted mindset on this topic). People complain but dont (want to) understand that theyre wrong, theyre completely biased for whatever reason. I can tell that the biggest part of players has not enough basic gamesense, and this goes even for no matter how much hours theyve played. I regularly see players with thousands of hours making bad plays, they shouldnt do at this level of playtime. And be honest, this game has not much depth getting used to on either side. and those arent even mistakes as a matter of actual skill. also many people are stupid and parrot everything some content creators sell them as "the real deal".
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Honestly, this is less a community, and more a complaints forum. Very few people want to comment on positive and inoffensive threads. But the deranged threads get lots of attention.
Sorry to say it, but I wouldn't come here looking for community. It's mostly just people screaming at each other.
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You got it :-)
But in fact this is one reason why this game is so successful.
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There's a couple of long running threads on here, that are to this day, still wholesome. I'm glad the tourists don't seem to find them. I'd hate to imagine what they would do to them.
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I don't have a negative opinion about the Forums, in fact I think the discussions here are a lot better and more civil than they used to be.
Especially if compared to 2021.
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We wouldn't have any "us vs them" posts if everyone actually played both sides. The "us vs. them" come from players who only play killer or survivor exclusively. You all know who you are.
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Or compared to steam forums… Whooo boy…
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Stay wholesome 👍️
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Imagine if this game had a random matchmaking system. It will never happen, but it would be an interesting experiment. 5 players go into a queue, and the game randomly decides who plays the killer and who plays the survivor.
I think if every player was forced to play the other side from time to time, there could be a bit more understanding for the other side.
It's usually the mains, the people who ONLY play survivor or ONLY killer, who shout "Us vs Them" the loudest.Maybe there will be random matchmaking as a game mode at some point … maybe ….
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No, it will be bad, coz it's "gating" a freedom of choice.
Choosing what character or what role to play - are the most important things on keeping your player happy. If you gonna "gate" that behind rng - most of the time players will be unhappy with what they've got.
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I feel like there'd be less Us vs Them if people understood that when it comes to balancing its a game of give and take. You see it in the people who constantly call for and are happy with nerfs to the opposite side, but then get upset when their own side cops nerfs a few months later. Then suddenly they're calling the devs x-sided. I've said it several times on this forum but be careful what you wish for. Taking tools away from one side can result in the other side getting too much success and needing to have their own tools taken away.
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I agree. We have had some disagreements on here but for the most it's pretty mature and actually really nice debating on some things.
Plus we have a few gems in our community like yourself, @CountOfTheFog, @Shroompy, @C3Tooth, @GoodBoyKaru and many others. My apologies to those I didn't mention but I'd be here all day if I was to list each of you beautiful souls. 😘
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It's just confirmation bias; people biased one way will always interpret updates as being unfavorable to them because that's what they're looking for. The only remedy for this would be for everyone to put equal time (not just playing the other side sometimes, but something approaching an even split) in both sides, but we all know that isn't going to happen.
As long as there are "mains", there's gonna be and us vs them narrative.
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Thank you so much, my dear friend <3