We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Ok, this mentality need to stop. (Survivor players DC)

Grigerbest Member Posts: 1,630
edited September 27 in General Discussions

I don't know what is going on today, but today I wanted to do killer challenges and have some fun chases…

But as soon as I load up - there are 1-2 survivor players instantly leaving the match, it happening so often today, I know the reason why are they leaving, and I felt like… Let's have a "final" conversation on that part…

I'm not going to create anymore similar threads about it personally, and this is my message to this topic:

Dear survivor players - if you q-ed up to a match - be ready to face ANY killer from the whole cast of characters. Do not expect to face only killers that YOU like.

Leaving from a match as soon as you heard a hatchet, or saw a xeno's stations or etc - Is just bad, spineless, low and embarrassing towards your fellow teammates.

If you play as a survivor - first and foremost - you are a team player. Put your ego and preferences aside and think about other 3 or 2 players in your team and how your bad action is going to affect other players experience. If you don't care about other players in your team - don't play as a survivor, it's not for you.

Have some moral principles and basic respect to other players, not only other survivors, but also the killer. I'm playing both sides, I also have killers that I hate to face, but you will never find me DC as soon as I saw them, nor you'll find me DC if the match is going wrong. I have respect to other players and I want everyone in my team have a good time and I want to be useful to my team - this is why I play survivors regularly.

The mentality like this (DC first seconds of the match) - hurting the game. Hurting the experience, and creating a negative impression in new players about the game.

Pay some respect to other people that you play with. If you can't, don't want to, or don't care - don't play in a team, play as a killer alone.

Much love to all of you guys, sorry if I was a bit harsh, and have a beautiful day\evening. ❤❤❤



  • Grigerbest
    Grigerbest Member Posts: 1,630

    I know it, this is why I'm not addressing my message to developers. I'm addressing it to players.

  • iloveandhatethisgame
    iloveandhatethisgame Member Posts: 94
    edited September 27
  • JacobsLaz
    JacobsLaz Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 2
    edited September 27

    Then why is there a disconnect button?

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,376
  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,447

    The problem is the people who are rage quitting matches like this have a million of "excuses" as to why it's important for them to be quit at a moment's notice.

  • fussy
    fussy Member Posts: 1,537

    I wonder if they think it's too late to punish people harder for throwing matches, because they obviously spoiled community too much and for too long to start asking just play game they press "ready" button for.

  • Grigerbest
    Grigerbest Member Posts: 1,630

    I know what you are talking about - in dota it's called: - "Low priority system".

    But dbd just simply can not afford it due to player count, since Low priority is a different game mode with it's own q times.

    Dbd just doesn't have enough players to have a permanent different game mode. Unfortunately.

    This is why I'm just trying to bring some moral into some of players and encourage them to play the game for the sake of other players. Not ruin the experience of others in the match.

  • Grigerbest
    Grigerbest Member Posts: 1,630

    Sorry if my message seems like I'm asking the developers about this issue. But I'm not.

    I'm talking to Players. The developers already gave us what they could in this regard - DC penalty. Now it's on the players.

    I'm not the part of this community (I don't believe so) - but I do believe, that this community is full of people with high standards regarding a good sports in games.

  • Autharia
    Autharia Member Posts: 94
    edited September 27

    So you want an unfair game if someone DC's so its a 3v1 and unwinnable for the 3 with 5 gens up.

  • I_Cant_Loop
    I_Cant_Loop Member Posts: 457
    edited September 27

    I actually would prefer that ragequitters continue to DC so that they can get perma-banned and not be a problem for us anymore :)

    (Note that this is NOT encouraging players to DC, but rather a statement that I would rather have them do it to the point of being perma-banned than having them not be banned and still be able to do it occasionally!)

  • this_aint_h00die
    this_aint_h00die Member Posts: 80

    No? He's literally been stating how he wishes players to stop DC'ing, if people would stop and just play through the game then there wouldn't be any unfair games.

  • Grigerbest
    Grigerbest Member Posts: 1,630

    No, I don't want anyone to DC in the first place! I don't want to play with or against AI dummies! I hate unfair matches!

    I want to play the game fair!

  • Doxie
    Doxie Member Posts: 150

    Dear survivor...even though you paid YOUR money to play a game you have to play it the way killers want you to play it. Sincerely Killer

    Basically the same thing you said.

  • Rudjohns
    Rudjohns Member Posts: 2,015

    People take games way too seriously, gee

    Its a game guys, nobody in real life is gonna die because your game was ruined by someone else

  • Grigerbest
    Grigerbest Member Posts: 1,630

    Exactly! This is why I'm telling that if you have a rough match - nobody in real life is gonna die if you will keep playing!

    Oh wait…

  • Unknown2765
    Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,368

    But it waste the time of 4 other players, in about 50% of the games.

  • th3
    th3 Member Posts: 1,844

    Neat thing about this game is you can choose to play with your team and increase the overall chance of survival or strike out on your own and play for yourself

  • Grigerbest
    Grigerbest Member Posts: 1,630
    edited September 27

    Every time I hear: - "Play for yourself" when it comes to survivor gameplay - I always see it as a crouched Claudette hiding in lockers waiting for a hatch. :D

    I mean, even if you "playing for yourself" - you still need to participate in unhooking, repairing, taking hits for teammates, flashlight saves\pallet saves (if possible), etc. Team play - is the nature of survivor gameplay.

    This is how developers want us to play as a survivor.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,228

    Sometimes, the most dangerous Killers are Survivors! I've lost probably more trials due to others giving up than because of the Killer's ability or my errors.

    It's been mentioned before about low-priority lobbies - which I have also advocated for in the past - and note a reason given is the low number of players. Yet DBD has millions of players, and according to Active Player stats, it's averaging 2,000,000 per day:

    Before it's mentioned, these figures are not 100% accurate, but accurate enough to show the figures are around about that area. Should this be correct, would the argument that not enough people are playing to warrant a separate lobby is not applicable in this case?

  • Doxie
    Doxie Member Posts: 150

    If this is how developers want us to play survivor....they need to make changes to make it worth it. So far the only thing/changes I've seen is longer gens....responding hooks and nerf to distortion. Basically forcing people to either play for the tunneling or have a miserable game experience. Im talking about personal experience and friends who left the game for these reasons. Again, I paid a lot of money in packs, skins etc . Once again .. if I don't want to cater to killers, I don't plan on it. Again...this has nothing to do with disconnecting or advising to do so...

  • Doxie
    Doxie Member Posts: 150

    I believe this is already happening this all the survivor bonus I'm seeing these days compared to killer. I know others swear it's not true ..but it's been for since lve had a good killer bp bonus

  • Grigerbest
    Grigerbest Member Posts: 1,630
    edited September 27

    2m players? I don't believe it.

    Look - right now DBD has 50k on steam - that's accurate number. Even if PS, Xbox, Epic games or other platforms have 70-100% more players than PC steam - it will not go up to 2m.

    Just no shot. Very hard to believe, I think the numbers on the link are waaay off. It doesn't even feel in game - my q-times should be rocket-fast 24\7 if there are 2m players on average.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,228

    I suppose it depends on how many of that quantity are choosing to play which roles, alongside lobbies, lobby dodging, mmr not being great and so on.

    As mentioned before, I don't believe these are exactly 100% accurate, but when you consider CoD: Warzone currently has an estimated 14 million players averaging per day and GTA V averages 7 million, it's not so unbelieveable.

    However, I still believe there are sufficiently enough players for this game to have a low-priority lobby. They can have the longer waiting times, whilst those who play through consistently can get better lobbies with more reliable players. I feel this is something the devs could look into.

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 1,759

    Have some moral principles and basic respect to other players, not only other survivors, but also the killer.

    You're going up against human nature. You're asking people to maintain an activity they don't think is going to be fun because of people they do not know and will never meet.

    It's just not a realistic way to solve a problem. Especially because forum posts are a fraction of the community.

    Look - right now DBD has 50k on steam - that's accurate number. Even if PS, Xbox, Epic games or other platforms have 70-100% more players than PC steam - it will not go up to 2m.

    Those 50k players are not the same 50k players the entire day, it's people coming in and out of the game. That's probably in the range of 150 to 200k over the course of a day on Steam.

    And that's not counting the players on Epic. BHVR has said I think that PC is one third of the player base. So take the Steam numbers, add Epic, multiply by 3.

    And then for active players, you'd have to remember that people come in and out of the game. Lots of people only play a couple days a week. Active players don't mean 'currently playing the game' it means people who still playing it at least every now and then.

    DbD has a gigantic player base. It's spread out around the world, but its massive.

  • Rudjohns
    Rudjohns Member Posts: 2,015

    So if I kill myself on hook when I know the game is not worth trying anymore, this mentality doesnt apply right?

  • Grigerbest
    Grigerbest Member Posts: 1,630
    edited September 28

    I'll try to put my message in a few words: If you play as survivor and you're not being a team-player (not healing, not unhooking, not repairing gens, not taking hooks or hits, etc) — you will be considered BY YOUR TEAM as a troll.

    There's a reason of why it's called 4v1 - A team vs 1.

    Well you are free to have your own opinion tho…

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • mecca
    mecca Member Posts: 303

    Improve the survivor experience and reduce the power imbalance between killer and survivor and you'll see survivors wanting to stick around. Too many matches are simply unwinnable for the survivors. It's so simple.

  • Doxie
    Doxie Member Posts: 150

    I love how even in game you feel entitled.

    Let me explain it very simple like why you don't really have a right.

    Example one from my game today. I'm on a Gen. Killer finds survivor...downs him. I'm half way through... He is hooked. Second survivor gets hit .. goes down...I'm 3/4 done the Gen (thank you for making them longer). He is hooked. I'm forced to stop. I unhook first survivor.... Signal for him to let me heal him ...he runs away to the second survivor....by this time the third survivor goes down and is hooked. Unhook happens. He comes back to the hook ...downs the first survivor, does not hook, downs the second survivor. Yet you want me to continue because if not I'm letting my team down. Yeah. But this doesn't happen all the time.... Yeah, only about 4 out of 5 matches. So I continue on ... End game points…me 14k, the other three around 9 or 10...killer 35-40k.

    Now don't get me wrong killers....I toooootally understand why you want me to continue!!! It costs you a lot of points. That's why you see tunneling. I'm you get one out and then the second ...then it's...oh drop this pallet on me ok I will let one love. Yeah.

    Second scenario. Killer finds me first. Ok time to loop. Loop after loop, I stall.... Take a hit .. continue to loop .. eventually I'm caught. Look over ...not one person on a Gen …but yes ..if I decide to no longer play in a group I'm a lousy team mate. Again ...I understand your motivation..... Survivors owe you NOTHING!! I don't owe you a full game...I don't owe you a chase etc just like you don't owe me not tunneling or camping. It's the game. Again deal with it. Your points is not my concern and honestly that's the only reason for this post.

    So one of two things that led up to this.

    Killers are too strong or sweaty and the devs nerfing everything survivor favored (gens, respawn hooks etc) has tipped the balance or I'm getting higher ranked killers while being paired with lower end survivors. Either way .. survivor is unfun and that's the reason people do it. Me personally...just switched to killer.

  • Destaice
    Destaice Member Posts: 39

    To be fair there are probably a lot of people in bad weather thanks to the hurricane that may be queueing up for matches only to get instantly DCed. You don't have to be in the hurricane's direct path to see violent winds and power outages.