Somehow managed to ruin silent hill map

Any ranged killer now suffers on that map. First time playing it today as singularity and it just feels bad. Zero line of sight and you didn't even fix the main problems people have with the map. Thanks for just removing one set of breakable walls tho. That trash was annoying. Make drop downs from middle of top floor as well


  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 2,972

    Singu was always bad on Midwich, same as Lery's.

    He likes to have nice big open spaces for pods to look over from on high, like Dead Dawg or Mount Ormond. Compact levels with a lot of tight turns is just not where his power can shine, and realistically I don't think there is any rework to the map to make it less hostile for him.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,239
    edited September 29

    isn't being ranged killer downside. i always find matches with huntress with first down to be very tedious. you move at 4.4 m/s making shift-w pre-running a total chore. The problem is likely even worse for deathslinger.

    In my experience killer that excel on this map tend to be killer that counter pre-running shift-w, like Nurse that can blink through floors and killers like wraith and dredge with their mobility. dracula with bat form.

    I dislike playing swf on this map that don't touch gens, just sit on corner of hallways and pre-run 24/7 and whatever floor your not on, they work on gens. Like your not getting gen-rushed on the map but your like… slow-losing. i have had some losses on this map entirely off this gameplay. hopefully survivor don't figure out to use blood pact+power of two on this map.

  • zarr
    zarr Member Posts: 934

    Well, for one thing ranged killers are not necessarily only projectile killers, I would consider any ability that can injure over range a ranged ability, which obviously widens the pool, including killers like Wesker and Chucky (or indeed Nurse). But regardless, not only aren't all of the projectile killers even 4.4m/s (Trickster, Plague, Unknown, (Pinhead)), but the issue with pre-running on indoor maps is that you regularly don't know where the killer is. They could be approaching from the right or left, and hell, they could even be above or below you. Pre-running whenever you get terror radius will not only waste a ton of your time, but you're not even guaranteed not to be running into their arms. This is especially true for killers like Huntress or Trickster which have lullabies that these days are non-directional and don't even convey proximity anymore. And if you don't actually have basically an entire corridor's worth of distance on killers like Huntress or Slinger, you are definitely at risk of getting hit.

    I think Wraith and Dredge excel on this map simply because they excel at the hit-and-run playstyle with their stealth and mobility, Dredge having lockers all over the place. Nurse excels here because basically the entire map is within blink distance, and while survivors have a hard time traversing the map due to limited ways to go up and down, she can obviously do so in the blink of an eye at any point. And I mean, Nurse excels most of anywhere anyway, and if she has Nowhere To Hide/Darkness Revealed/Ultimate Weapon or something, indoor is child's play for her. But yes, she and Dredge both also have an easier time dealing with survivors trying to abuse distance in the corridors, because they have "ranged" abilities. Luckily there are some line-of-sight blockers in there now that at least offer some opportunity to try and play around such abilities.

    While I like playing the map on both roles, it does not have a whole lot going for survivors. The map is small and yet traversing it takes a long time due to the limited ways to go up or down, the corridors represent chokepoints killers can use to camp pretty well as well as benefit ranged killers, the pallets in the rooms are 50/50s at best and that in isolation meaning hits will eventually happen unless the killer goes for an overly ambitious swing from the wrong side of the tile, a lot of killers have abilities that more or less make these pallets impossible for survivors to come out on top of altogether, the structure of the map makes it so that you often only know the killer is going for you when they literally enter your room, and all of this is on top of the issues indoor maps generally pose for survivors, such as lack of info as to where the killer and fellow survivors are, where gens are.

    I don't think two survivors running alongside one another using Blood Pact or Power Of Two is really optimal gameplay, but even if it would work out with some consistency, again, I think killers would usually simply be making a mistake if they were to try and commit to just running after them through the corridors. You disengage and try to get the jump on them later on, because they can't perfectly pre-run every time, hit-and-run works so well because you pretty reliably and easily can get the first hit, and two "first" hits are still (eventually) a down. If camping corridor corners and abusing distance and very slowly getting gen progress would actually work so well, I think we would see it in coordinated tournament teams more, but even there killers usually win on Midwich (including killers like Huntress, Pig and Hag). And most pub groups are obviously the furthest thing from coordinated, even pub SWFs usually have no real clue. I'd bet money that it's less than 5% of pub SWFs that even so much as have working clock callouts for Midwich, or any indoor map for that matter.

    But I do agree that Midwich can be rough for killers too, especially against coordinated teams of course. There is gameplay to be had on it for survivors, it's not as hopeless an affair as people can sometimes make it out to be, people should give things a try and play to the best of their abilities and think about things and figure out ways to succeed, that's the fun in gaming; players that just categorically don't want to play some map are always puzzling to me. I generally like loading in on it as survivor, as long as the killer did not bring the offering (because then it will be hit-and-run Wraith/Sadako/Chucky or Nowhere To Hide/Darkness Revealed Nurse and it's a bit of a foregone conclusion if they're somewhat competent and I'm not with a good SWF), but even then I will still try of course, and can still succeed. That said, it's still clearly killer-favouring, being in the top most deadly maps (and even the top most deadly map) consistently in official and nightlight stats. So the fact that they went and nerfed some of those already not-strong pallets is pretty crazy to me.

  • Sngfun
    Sngfun Member Posts: 250

    Buddy this Is a nurse nerf in disguise. Pay attention to the new line of sight blockers, they make nurses treat such walls as 50/50 and grants survivors potential dodges and won mindgames.

  • Gastongard
    Gastongard Member Posts: 121

    >plays one match on a map
    >comes to the forum to rant


  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,239

    but the issue with pre-running on indoor maps is that you regularly don't know where the killer is

    The problem is that swf knows where killer is. especially due to TR. even soloq, i am able to pre-run hallways fairely effectively.

    if you don't actually have basically an entire corridor's worth of distance on killers like Huntress or Slinger, you are definitely at risk of getting hit.

    The very top survivor are efficient pre-runners. I pre-run slinger's extremely easily on every map. Midwich being no exception. Huntresses and Slingers that follow me have very long hold-w chases in midwich. if i die on midwich, i am often last player alive as survivor in most matches. Midwich a map that is all about playing defensively pre-chases while aggressively pushing gens at the correct time. thanks to Bond, i am able to curve chases away from my teammates making sure that i don't interupt my teammates on gens while putting the killer in a strict lose/lose in time efficiency for chasing.

    the reason why killers like Dredge, Wraith, and Nurse are incredibly potent on this map is because their abilities allow them to mostly mask their presence while completely shutting down any attempt to pre-run. Like nurse can blink from floor 1 in the center to almost any gen so you can't really hear her TR. if she has that add-on that allows her to re-wind blinks, nurse is exceptional at hit & run in this map. It is like playing vs teleporting stealth killer.

    again, I think killers would usually simply be making a mistake if they were to try and commit to just running after them through the corridors.

    I could same for survivor. if a survivor team doesn't use hallways to their advantage, they're misplaying the map entirely. An entire team plays super defensively on midwich makes every chase take 2 minutes of running around hallways in a giant circle. that is plenty of time to do gens. As long your not 3 gen yourself, you''re near certain to win against a large portion of the killer cast.

  • zarr
    zarr Member Posts: 934
    edited September 29

    This basically has just come down to us disagreeing. Again, I don't think even full voice comm SWFs (a fraction of a fraction of the playerbase) have good callouts for maps like Midwich. They regularly have no idea where the killer is or how to call it even if they do. Let alone all the groups that aren't voice comm SWFs. Plus like I've also said, even highly coordinated and practiced tournament teams for which clock callouts on this map are the least of concerns regularly lose on it. The idea that you're "near certain to win" against a large portion of the cast just by "using hallways to your advantage" and playing very defensively/pre-running, well, if it works for you.

    I do generally agree that what you line out is how people should try to play on it, it's the one advantage survivors have on it that no other map offers quite in that fashion, leveraging that is important to success (especially because engaging in actual chases is not very promising a prospect given the sort of pallets and windows on the map). It's just not nearly as easy as you make it out to, not even for full SWFs on comms, and oftentimes downright impossible. Even if the killer isn't a stealth/mobility/ranged killer, and doesn't have stealth perks.

    But the specifics of it weren't my point. I think Midwich is a pretty decidedly killer-sided map, stats and tournaments also suggest this, and therefore I find it puzzling they would go and make some of its already mediocre pallets comically useless. I certainly don't see that the map is now "ruined" for killers, that's honestly a silly assertion to me.