Prove Thyself Doesn't stack?

I was playing with my friends in Chaos Shuffle and me and one of them was given Prove Thyself (There were three of us, including myself). Me and another friend went on a generator and the friend with the other Prove Thyself sat there by us because the friend who was on gen with me was insistent that it was making it faster. That's not how it works though? It made our bars yellow but I'm quite certain the speed didn't change because the perk can't stack. Is that just a glitch?

Best Answer

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,476
    Answer ✓

    The perk provides +10% repair speed for every other survivor within 4m of the survivor with the perk

    So even if they weren't working on the gen themselves they made it 10% faster just by standing close


  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,180

    If you were working with someone who has Prove Thyself, and another Survivor with Prove Thyself also comes along, what they do is give the perk boost to the individual who is equipt with Prove Thyself working on the gen.

    You're right that it won't stack with you, but the perk only affects other Survivors and not the one with the perk. Therefore, your other friend who was standing nearby was allowing his Prove Thyself to benefit your friend.

    So him standing there was helping. But you are right that it wouldn't stack to give you a double boost.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,213
    edited September 29

    Prove Thyself does stack, but so does the coop gen efficiency penalty:

    What this means is, if every survivor working on a gen has Prove Thyself, each stack is mitigated by the efficiency penalty, so you don't get increasing gen speeds.

    However if survivors are crouching next to the gen, they're giving you stacks of Prove Thyself, but they're not triggering further levels of efficiency penalty, so it will increase your repair speed above baseline, making the bar yellow and repairs faster.

    This is still slower than just having everyone repair then gen though.

    Fun fact: I once had a gen right next to a hook, upon which a survivor had Prove Thyself. I got the bonus and finished the gen faster with his Prove Thyself bonus while he hung there. In this one scenario this was probably more efficient as the gen was repaired right before the unhook, avoiding a tunnel attempt interrupting the gen.