Why can't this be a thing?

So when I first started playing I remember you were able to attempt to get off hook when you were the last survivor. Why not still have that base-kit borrow time is a thing plus it gives survivors at least a chance of escape. It made sense before since the killer would just hit you so what's the point your going down automatically but with base-kit borrow time boom just allow survivors to try if they fail then they're sacrificed. I could be on zero hooks and be the last one alive and put on the hook so let me still have that small chance.
That change was to speed up the sacrificing of the final surv, to end the game quicker.
I wouldn't mind if you have Deliverance active when hooked as you describe to have that last chance to get off. Aside from that, I'm ok with how it currently works.
Post edited by JPLongstreet on2 -
Yeah, I remember that. As @JPLongstreet said, it was changed so the game would end quicker, but I wouldn't mind if it was brought back.
But then the base-kit BT and perks like Decisive Strike would probably have to be deactivated.
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I can see them messing around with those two disabling outside of Endgame and screwing up something else in the code as well. And prolly nurfing my beloved Piggly Wiggly too somehow! 😂🤣
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Worst of all, it wouldn't be the first time Pig gets nerfed because of something related to the Endgame.
I miss you Endgame Piggy… :(
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I know why they changed her traps for EGC, but yeah I miss that as well.
Since we're getting all nostalgic, here's some old DBD chewy goodness for ya:
Plus one of your bud:
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Thanks for the nice pictures, my friend, it is always a good experience to see the golden days!
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It was removed because the game is over. There's no point trying to unhook yourself when the Killer has zero reason to leave the hook. You'd just get downed immediately and put back on, which is a waste of time for all parties involved.
At least if you're the last Survivor but downed instead of hooked, you have the chance, as slim as it is, to crawl into the hatch, so it made sense that you wouldn't just die immediately upon going down. That doesn't apply in this scenario.
Even worse was when the last Survivor didn't attempt to unhook, and instead just sat there for the full minute wasting the Killer's time on purpose.
This was a good change.
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Omg… the pig tree. That map was Dark at one point?! WHY WAS IT CHANGED TO THE ABYSMAL, NON-HORROR LIGHT BRIGHT MAP IT IS NOW?!
A-hem. Apologies for that slipping out. < 3
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There's more than a few of us who also miss having fun out in the nighttime corn!
That was brought up in the most recent survey, so hopefully there's support for night variants.
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I want that back