2v8: Getting repair speed bonus on hook is a TERRIBLE idea, but can be fixed...
I will go straight to the point because people don't like long posts.
The repair speed that the devs announced survivors would gain after hooking a survivor will actually encourage tunneling more than anything else. Just think about this, assuming that each hook gives a 1% boost, if both killers play Mr. Nice Guy and hook every survivor once before putting any other survivor on the second hook, you would get an 8% repair boost. On the other hand, if both killers mercilessly tunnel a survivor out (which is much easier to do in 2v8 than in normal mode, and you don't lose much map pressure since the cage always spawns on the other side of the map) survivors would only get a 3% repair boost and their overall efficiency would permanently decrease by 1/8. Therefore, it is much more optimal to tunnel survivors in this scenario.
How to fix it? Simple, just give the repair boost on a KILL, not on a HOOK.
i don't get why killer is being punished for hooking survivors. shouldn't it be the survivor being punished for losing? Like shouldn't goal be to discourage tunneling and encourage killer to hook all 8 survivors? that design is literal opposite. your punished for engaging with entire team and encouraged to only engage with half the team. that is like same problem that 1vs4 mode has. that makes me laugh.
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If they give a repair speed bonus on kill insted of hook that would jist make the entire mechanic pointless and killer would just try anything I. Their power to work their way around this mechanic people are just going to tunnel 2 or 3 out then go after the rest without kill hook them easy and simple way to basically get around the entire system and the words they used so explain the reasoning to pit this in the game I. The first place was becasue people were using certian tactics if they did do ot it would of been implemented in the first place
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It's supposed to be a comeback mechanic, both the speed up on hook and the slow down on gen completion. They're aiming for the game not to tip too hard to one side or the other early on.
Whether or not it's properly tuned, I cannot say, but they seem to be open to mess up with the game mode, so most likely this is a temporary change that they will fine tune (or substitute) as the game mode gets more development time.
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I also don't agree with their mentality. In my opinion, both sides can snowball pretty heavily and that is ok. However, when I did this post I tried to wear their shoes and adopt their way of thinking. In that way, they aim to make the survivor experience more "enjoyable", but such a feature it would do the total opposite because it would incentivize tunneling more than anything.
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what is wrong with the game tipping in survivor favor or killer favor? that should be decided by how well each side plays…. not the game.
i agree. i think both sides can snowball pretty heavily and i found that to be the most interesting aspect of the game. i found that 2vs8 mode is strangely more balanced than 1vs4 mode because either side to could win and you never know what to expect.
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hand… holding
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It would incentive SLUGGING more than anything. You can kill everyone without hooking AND the gens slow down.
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I didn't say it was wrong, but a lot of people treated 2v8 as a "for fun" game mode in comparison to 1v4's more competitive nature, and comeback mechanics are one of the ways to keep for fun game modes feeling equal.
If a terribly bad team gets paired against a super skilled team, the comeback mechanic should give more chances to the losing team to feel like they never got truly stomped and they had a chance to win the game.
They seem to be trying to double down on 1v4 being the competitive game mode and 2v8 being the more casual and crazy game mode. This seems to be the mode they're aiming for a roughly equal escape/kill rate, disregarding any MMR concerns (where they try to discourage draws to keep matchmaking scores moving)
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punishing mr. nice guy gameplay, such a classic. if slugging isn't disincentivized killers will know what to do.
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Maybe incentivize hooks instead of making it work against the killers
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Ironically, I also kinda had the impression that 2v8 was more balanced than normal mode.
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On a fundamental level the idea of giving one side a bonus to doing their objective because the other side is making progress on completing their objective, especially when the other side has alternative ways of completing their objective (slugging), makes 0 sense.
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The devs said that buffs to survivor was to help encourage more people to choose the survivor role because the queue times for killer were so ridiculously long last time around. So we understand the rationale behind why this is being done. I think it will still be fine for the killer side because there were so many useless survivor teammates who refused to touch gens during the first 2v8 release. Gen repair speed buffs don't do anything when people altogether refuse to repair gens.
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I'm starting to think this mechanic will be tested in regular game as well.
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It doesn't really matter. They will tunnel and camp no matter what. That's what they do and that's what they will keep on doing. Every event, I get tunneled, camped or slugged. Devs don't do anything. I don't give a crap anymore. Pretty much about to quit the game altogether.
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It is not about the mechanic being balanced for killer. This is not the issue I wanted to discuss. The point is that this is a mechanic that makes it even more optimal to tunnel and punishes Mr. Nice Guy gameplay.
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Idk if I'm just not understanding, I haven't dived too deep into thr 2v8 info but does this not promote even more slugging?
I found myself slugging a TON more in 2v8. I'm usually an "insta picker" but 2v8 forces you to slug constantly due to sheer numbers. Nothing crazy, just breaking pallets and gens before hooks. This change would just make that way worse, would it not?
I'm not opposed to a mercy mechanic on principle if it helps drive engagement but idk if this is it
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They are adding a base-kit unbreakable in this new mode to counter slugging, along with flashlight saves and pallet saves, as now killers have to pick up, no more stomp hook. It’s interesting because in the 1st 2v8 there really wasn’t a legitimate reason to slug as no perks or flash/pallet saves were even possible, but now they’ve added actual legitimate reasons to slug-to counter slugging. Only time will tell if it works out, but enabling saves and base kit unbreakable seem to be the natural path for a solution. I’m sure if it goes terrible then they will change it again. I’m personally really happy they are making changes each time to ensure that when it does become permanent it’s been thoroughly play tested.
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its not basekit its a Class with unbreakable
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The live said survivors will be able to pick themselves up using their “active ability”. I don’t believe classes were ever specified or that this would only work for certain roles. I did just check the 1st pinned update on the discussion page that goes over the live and it doesn’t specify that the pick up ability is reserved for any class. I’m sure more clarifying details will come out soon.