
It would be cool to see how many thumbs ups a player receives as well as by who as a little statistic. Possibly even win something after so many likes and maybe for having the highest score in the match. Charm, badge, or banner after so many thumbs ups and shards for having highest score.
Pointless. For killers props would only be given after letting survivors escape. For survivors it would just be for trading hooks at endgame.
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Not true in my case, I give props to killers who are good sports or play well in chases. I'm sure I'm not the only one who does similar things, and more would do so too if such a system change happened.
For other survivors I do think endgame altruism is part of it for me but it can also be if someone was nice in endgame chat and/or played well in the game or got a nice flashlight save or something like that.
I only started doing this in the past year or so when the system started getting discussed more, but it's fun to do and feels nice to say something good about someone. I'd love for this system to be pushed more in some way.3 -
@Ohyakno has a point. When a killer wins, that means that 3-4 survivors lose, so you have 3-4 survivors that might be salty, which means they wouldn't give props regardless of how the killer played. The same would happen if the killer loses. They would have a good chance of being salty, so they wouldn't give props to anyone.
There are exceptions of course but like with anything in this game, SWFs would benefit the most while others would struggle to get anything out of it.
I would still like it, if that feature did something. I have met many friendly players in this game and it's a shame, that you can't give them a token of appreciation, if they don't have a public steam profile, that you can comment on.
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Ur comment is pointless tf
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I've always wondered for what it was even added, I've never seen a way to look them up and they don't seem to tell you if someone gives you a thumbs up xD
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I've seen two other suggestions like this recently, and I think it's a great idea!
People have floated putting limits on the number of positive feedback points you could give per month, maybe limiting it to people who aren't on your friends list, and other constraints that make it a little less likely to be abused or just used for killers who let people go.