Do you think we are due for a superhero/villain killer?

It would be cool if BHVR were to create an original supervillain type killer to add to the collection of killers. Or does that idea seem to far fetched or out of pocket for DBD?
A killer that looks like something you would see in a Marvel or DC comic/movie with its own twist that can be taken into the entity's realm. And we can finally get a city map :).
I'm not sure. Maybe if it fits the theme but most heroes and villains aren't exactly horror themed or horror adjacent, so it might look pretty goofy.
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We literally have someone like Trickster in the game already… c'mon lol.
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The only one I can think of is An adult BrightBurn but, he's basically evil Superman and OP
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You can always tweak the powers to make them playable. You don’t have to make it so it’s OP in his case.
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I think Batman or maybe Venom would be the best option depending on the Publisher they'd want. Both have solid enough horror roots that get embraced relatively infrequently.
It wouldn't be my number 1 choice for a chapter, but after DnD? Anything is on the table.
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If it's a horror-themed character like Scarecrow? Sure, it's pretty fitting.
Not quite horror but still darkly themed, like a spooky interpretation of Joker? I wouldn't really mind.
Something which is just a straight-up standard superhero/villain like Lex Luthor or Magneto? Now you've lost me.
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I've been of the mind that you could literally take anything and make it work in DBD
As long as they can find a way to tweak it to at least give it some horror spice, I'm on board with it. As someone above stated, Brightburn (which ruled by the way!) would work well. Plenty of villains with supernatural origins that would work well too.
I don't know if I'd love having a Superhero become a survivor though. Just because in order to make it work, you'd have to literally strip everything that makes them a Superhero away, in which case, what's the point of having them? Suppose though you could do Superhero Adjacent like Bruce Wayne or Mary Jane or Lois Lane or whatnot. But like putting Superman in the game as a hero and just nerfing him into the ground just strips him of everything that makes him Superman.
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Yea, and BHVR DOES tweak the OP out of characters to fit the Entity's Realm. Look at Freddy or Pinhead. Demons being dumbed down to fit the level of "just powerful enough" to chase four survivors. And that removes the essence of what those "killers" were once. No longer scary to anyone.
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DC:Scarecrow could work, Specter could work, Constantine, swamp-thing, deadman, etrigan, Grundy, Zsasz, Nekron, Trigon,
Marvel: Daimon Hellstrom, Jack Russel, Morbius, anything mojoworld, man-thing, punisher, Nightmare, Dormammu, Venom, Scarlet witch,
Other: Homelander….. Brightbrun, something from Invincible, Toxic Avenger, Hellboy, Ultraviolet, Spawn, Watchmen, Darkman,
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Here are some of my choices:
Carnage - A serial Killer combined with a Symbiote is probably The Entity's idea of a great time.
Scarecrow - The master of fear with a great potential for a crazy power, and a great look to boot.
Homelander - His backstory could be reimagined as Entity-influenced. A tortured and scared child that still resides in a sociopathic superhero.
Skyhook - A serial killer from the 1800's, brought back from death after being burnt at the stake, and now embodies a fearful form, converting children into monsters.
Zsasz - In a uniberse of crazy villains, Zsasz is a very human killer, which makes him all the more scary.
The Batman Who Laughs - Nightmare fuel, with Batman's intellect and Joker's chaos. Lots of pet Robins too!
Onomatopoeia - DBD have dabbled in sound, but this villain could allow them to bring sound as a true weapon.
Condiment King - Look ... if a guy with white underwear runs into a crowd and starts threatening people with ketchup and mustard, that's a crazy never to mess with. Plus, the skin!!
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wdym we already have batman billy
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Trickster is a man who seemingly snapped, became psychotic, and murdered a lot of people—which he then found arousing. He’s probably the most realistic killer in the game.
As for heroes and villains, wouldn’t Alucard/Trevor and Dracula fit this?
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Yes. SO I dont think it would be all too weird if BHVR added a killer that feel along those lines. We have Wesker in the game and he isn't exactly horror, just some type of superhuman with a mutation. If we have him then it could be possible to add a comic-esque character to the game.
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I love how EVERYONE has completely misinterpreted this question and just started listing various supervillains that could vaguely stretch to fit horror when your question was on BHVR creating an ORIGINAL chapter themed around superheroes.
So to add something that's actually on topic, we kind of got that with Skull Merchant, being obsessed with her father's manga that she started incorporating it into her actual life. Granted, it was done absolutely TERRIBLY, but it was something. An ACTUAL Killer (and potentially Survivor) that followed this idea is something that could definitely work if done right.
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Exactly. Trickster doesn't really fit in (visually), which makes him look quite goofy at times.
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Apart from the Hillbilly superhero skin, I 100% think it could work.
The superhero could be so deranged that they think they’re “saving” the Survivor by offering them to the Entity. I imagine them looking highly haggard in appearance with a really really psychotic face. The face would have to be so intensely done that it outdoes The Unknown somehow.
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Trickster looks goofy and doesn’t fit in but one of the killers is a child’s plaything. Another is a nude woman.