

"Tears of Ascension" - Fanmade Chapter by kDarko

Member Posts: 70
edited September 2024 in Creations

This is "Tears of Ascension", my fanmade DbD chapter based on the atrocities of the inquisition, specifically in Spain. An incursion to the most malevolent minds dressed with virtude, and the benevolence hidden between layers of rejection.


The "New" map is: CATHEDRAL OF ALTOS MUROS (Forsaken Boneyard)

A small and arid village of southern Spain, surrounded by graveyards and shadowed by a colossal gothic cathedral. Its interiors are glorious and luxurious, plenty of gold and monuments.


The "New" killer is: THE REQUIEM

A court of merciless inquisition monks trapped in the Entity's realm and forced to carry on their shoulders the undead corpse of the arch-bishop they blindly followed in their reality. Forced to eternally march as one only being, delivering moral and judgement to every soul lost in the Fog.

The Requiem's power is: CHORUS FROM BEYOND

A divine intervention will add to the trials certain tools which, if well used, can provide The Requiem with unlimited powers of judgement.


Hold [M2] to leave a trail of footsteps on your walk for a short time. That trail will stay printed on the ground for a limited amount of time before banishing.

While footsteps are printed, press [Ctrl] to release a flow of spears that will emerge from the trail and will injure any survivor crossing it.

After activating the attack, footsteps will banish and Grim Parade will get a 10 seconds cooldown.

Grim Parade can’t be triggered if near a generator, a hook, exit gates, etc.

Survivors can see the footsteps highlighted if they are at least 5 meters from them. 

If The Requiem gets hit by the spears it will suffer a brief stun.


10 unlighted candles will spawn around the map. Survivors can see their aura when they are at least 10 meters from them. Killer can’t see their auras as long as they are unlighted.

The Requiem must try to get all the candles lighted in order to trigger Sacramento whilst Survivors will need to make sure there’s at least 1 candle off, because if Sacramento gets started there’s no going back.

The Requiem can find and manually light the candles (with a cooldown of 1 minute between each candle) or by hooking a survivor, which will light 1 random candle automatically, or 2 candles if the hooked survivor is the obsession.

Survivors can turn off the lighted candles after performing a blowing animation. At least 2 survivors can blow a candle at the same time, speeding up the process.

Once Sacramento is triggered, all survivors will lose their ability of aura reading. The Requiem, instead, will get an increase of Grim Parade’s length as well as the footsteps and spears will stay longer on the environment, causing injuries to any survivor running across them.

During Sacramento, spears will no longer stun The Requiem, but they will banish if the killer walks through them.

Sacramento is permanent until the end of the match!


If Sacramento is activated, The Requiem gets the ability to execute any survivor in the dying state with a special animation.

The Requiem's perks are:


Each time a generator is completed, a dull totem will light up as a hex totem, and a random unfinished generator will get blocked by the entity. That generator will stay blocked until the hex totem is cleansed.

Only 1 generator can be blocked by Hex:Lacrimosa at the same time.

Any survivor going 5 meters from the blocked generator will get the aura revealed for 1/2/3 seconds.


If any survivor enters a locker, all generators will get blocked by the entity for 5 seconds and will automatically start regressing.

The survivor exiting the locker will get hindered effect for 10/20/30 seconds.

This perk has a cooldown of 30 seconds.


Exit Gate levers' progress start regressing if survivors stop interacting with them.

Obsession also gets a 30/40/50% speed penalty on gate opening interactions.


The "New" survivor is: ALFONSO CARRERA

Rejected and renegade even by his own family, Alfonso learned to become a masterful burglar and outlaw. He constantly traveled around the whole Spain as a way to evade the authorities and survive with the very few resources that life provided him. Yet now the Entity had a different kind of pursuers ready for him, and a very different kind of survival.

Alfonso Carrera's perks are:


After opening a chest this perk activates. Once activated, press secondary ability key to trigger a short sprint burst of 1/2/3 seconds which will not cause exhaustion.

During the sprint burst time you’ll be able to see all vaults auras highlighted.


Performing a good skill check while healing will cause the furthest generator not being worked to emit a noise alert to the killer.

This perk has a cooldown of 60/50/40 seconds.


After repairing at least the 70/60/50% of any generator this perk activates. Once activated, after getting hooked by the killer, all hooks in the map will automatically get sabotaged for 30 seconds and the perk will reset.


And this is all I designed for my first fanmade chapter. A chapter I had in mind since time ago but never gave it shape before. I wish you enjoyed my ideas and I am willing to read all your feedback!

I have more chapters in mind and ready to be worked on, so let me know if you like this kind of content and I should make more of this in the future ;). Peace!


Post edited by kDarko on

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  • Member Posts: 13

    I love this concept! It is so unique and interesting yet fitting for DBD. And I really enjoyed reading it.

    My only criticism is that maybe a little more could be added to the killer's power- something small that could spice up his gameplay… maybe something small like when a survivor interacts with a candle everything goes dark (for them) and they are deafened for a certain time after blowing a candle out. Or something big like the killer can make an additional different trail behind him (would be pressed by a different button than m2) that hinders survivors and keeps them still for a second. Mind you that this could be longer lasting (like pyramid head trails) or even permeant until a survivor walks in it. This could be used to basically set a trap in a loop or something, for example say the killer sets one down in a loop and then later when a survivor loops them there, they get slowed and gets hit instead of getting to the pallet. Now that I think about it that is basically Freddy's dream snares, but I am too lazy to remove it so I'm just goanna keep it lol.

    Also, I was just curious- what cosmetic ideas do you have for these characters?

  • Member Posts: 70

    Heyy! Thank you for your feedback!! Even if you were gonna remove it, you had some interesting ideas up there :)! Didn't think too much about cosmetics, but for the Requiem would be cool a Very Rare (or even Ultra Rare) set in which the monks are dressed with archetypical demon "costumes" and the corpse above is a real demonic skeleton on a hellish throne. Like if the entity fooled them in order to reflect physically what they actually were inside (kinda like in Oni's lore) :). Any idea from you is more than welcome too!

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 711

    A very interesting an unique concept! The character design is on point, too. As others have said the killers' main power could use an extra flair, as I feel it would currently result in a lot of hold-w gaming with the requiem having no way to catch up. The perk concept very interesting and actually useful (unlike plenty of recent examples), perfect burglary is easily my favorite since its so creative and true to the burglar idea. I'd note that its probably too strong though, being a blood rush+SB combo for one slot and opening a chest, while allowing you to still run said combo etc etc. I could see some really fun builds with it where you SB, Blood rush, and then perfect burglary for a ludicrous 9s sprint burst but it wouldnt be very fair haha. With some sort of drawback or maybe a slight nerf to the duration it would be perfect.

  • Member Posts: 70

    Thank you very much for your feedback and ideas! I really apreciate and take notes too! :)

  • Member Posts: 1,959

    I love the concept.

    The Requiem’s lore is interesting, and all the perks are good ideas.

    As for the power, Sacramento is a fantastic side objective. I adore it. Grim Parade is a nice form of anti-loop, but, as others mentioned, while the separate concepts are nice, they seem a bit too bare-bones to me. I’d like the power to have more flair and identity, while keeping the current ideas intact.

    Overall, great starting concept I’d love to see in game.

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