disable hook invuln during egc

currently the endgame meta favours hard camping hooked survivors since allowing a save guarantees both survs escape by abusing hook invulvn for a free protection hit

i want to actually play the game during endgame but i'm forced to facecamp the hook to avoid more than likely losing both survivors


  • YuffieGreatestWaifu
    YuffieGreatestWaifu Member Posts: 198

    Then allow unhooked survivors ghost mode for X sec with a massive haste boost making sure they can get out of the area.

  • coldflame
    coldflame Member Posts: 9
  • Tits
    Tits Member Posts: 253

    I play both sides and have been there camping the hook at endgame but ive also been the one hooked and facecamped at endgame, even with the speed and invulnerability it is still tough to make it across the map to the door that might not even be opened while the killer hounds you down for being the last guy he chased its alredy a hard enough situation for that survivor, and the killer can very easily put the rescuer on the hook for trying as well. So currently i still see it as "fair enough" as youve alredy lost when they have enough people with the doors open to come make a train of bodies

  • coldflame
    coldflame Member Posts: 9

    imo it's not a question of balance or 'fairness', currently 1 hook egc is a snoozefest because both sides have entirely defined flowcharts to play the situation optimally. whilst this change does obviously tilt the needle towards killer it also makes the situation more interesting- killer can choose to risk it for the 2k whilst still having a chance of keeping their 1k, rather than right now where getting the 2k is basically impossible and also means they will almost definitely lose the 1k

    you also get a lot of stalemates as a result of the current game of chicken this encourages

  • Tits
    Tits Member Posts: 253

    Yes it becomes more interesting for the killer, but being the guy that was looping for the last gen now automaticly means you die without a chance to escape.

  • coldflame
    coldflame Member Posts: 9

    you already die in this situation since the killer is forced to facecamp you

  • alpha5
    alpha5 Member Posts: 329

    You stated in the OP that both hooked and unhooker are guarranteed to escape. Which is it?

  • caipt
    caipt Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 632

    While I disagree with OP position, it is extremely easy for the hooked survivor to escape endgame. The basekit BT already provides 44m of safe distance without factoring in the inevitable protection hits from teammates. its also quite easy to see where the gate is by seeing your teammates auras.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,746

    This would just make BT mandatory again which is exactly what making it basekit was supposed to fix. There's a reason that change was made.

    If you are in a position where you have to hook someone that close to a prepared/opened gate and they can get rescued and get out in 10 seconds, you've already lost.

  • Wezqu
    Wezqu Member Posts: 46

    I don't get what your point is. Go do what ever you want in end game if you so want. Nobody is forcing you to guard the hook. Still I don't see what else there would be to do as if you get someone on the hook in endgame collapse makes that your only pressure against the other survivors. Like if you leave the hook you are going to let them unhook and run to the other door. I don't know how this will do anything else than make camping the hook in endgame even more effective as thats the reason there is protection after unhook to give the unhooked survivor a chance to get tot he door. Like I don't get how this would make you be able "play the game during endgame". You are already playing the game during endgame as the guy on hook is the only pressure you have.

  • Royval
    Royval Member Posts: 603
    edited October 7
  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,970

    No, I dont see a reason to do this.
    If you do not manage to hook the survivors enough times during the entire game to die during enggame, then I think Survivors have already won. All you can do is hook trading at that point, in which if enough survivors are still alive they can more easily save the person or not. But I think the Survivors just won at that point and we as killers can scramble for whats left or take it on the cheek.

    The Game isnt made for endgame and I agree Killer gameplay during a lost game is pretty much just, grab a guy and hold him.
    But then again, they lost, so what do you want for them? Comeback perks? we got some already.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,746

    It was absolutely a necessary addition. Old BT was a bandaid to a problem the game had.