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95% of all survivors will not thank you if you play fair

Member Posts: 342

Quite the opposite. They will make fun of you and throw a teabag at you at the exit. If you don't have a problem with that, keep playing fair.

Otherwise: kill them all

The “thumbs up” option in the endgame screen, what is it? or rather, what is it good for? A useless feature and why the hell don't we have Art The Clown in the game yet? It's BHVR ... So money shouldn't matter after all.

I love this game, but sometimes I really wonder why I still do this to myself

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  • Member Posts: 1,152

    And that's exactly why you should use everything you can regarded to tunneling, camping and slugging except if you're okay survivors taunting you. I personally rather get taunted if I lost with everything I can use, that being said I don't chase any tunnel outs or camps too much, I just use what they give me.

  • Member Posts: 3,380

    If you give any weakness survivors will stomp you. Wreck them. Given the opportunity they would do it to you.

  • Member Posts: 972

    Uh dude didn't you just create a rage post where you demanded that tunneling be punished to the fullest extent of the law?

  • Member Posts: 843

    Consoles do not have access to chat either, even though I play on both ps5 and PC but mostly ps5 cause I rather not see salt mine chat end game and my ps5 is set to friends only message.

  • Member Posts: 3,138

    I almost always treat my opponents the way I would like to be treated (fairly, but not babying), and I don't really worry about how they take it, or whether they "thank" me for it. Most won't. I don't play ruthlessly (unless I am actively getting BM, not because the last team BM'ed) and I am often merciful. I just do it that way because that's the way I like to play, and playing mean and sweaty just doesn't feel good. I could win as killer a lot more if I did, but I wouldn't enjoy it.

    I have my chat/messaging disabled, so I don't get salt. I miss out on wholesome interactions as well that way, but I prefer to just not worry about it either way.

    If you're playing (or doing anything in life, really) solely for validation from others, you're usually going be angry and disappointed. If you want to play fairly because it's just how it feels right to be, keep doing it.

    And saying "they'll all just BM you even if you play fair" is just a rationalization to play selfishly all the time. And you can totally play selfishly, just don't blame others for the fact that you want to.

  • Member Posts: 390

    Please provide data to actually backup your outlandish statement otherwise cease with the ridiculous lies OP

  • Member Posts: 588

    That number seems pretty intense. If you could provide some kind of proof of it I think people would take it more seriously. That being said, I've been playing alot of killer recently and so far I've been surprised. I'm clearly still learning and I end up letting people go alot because I'm just trying to get better at chases. And once they realize they are actually really cool. They will run around a few times on one loop until i down them, then get reset and we practice again. I know this is just my personal experience, just as you're talking about your personal experience, but if I'm not hooking or if I only hook everyone twice, (playing nice) I have never had a survivor BM me or call me names after chat. I'm sorry that's happening to you. Sometimes a survivor doesn't want to play like that and they just continue to run at me and stuff but then I just chase them as normal and hook them as normal until they die cause I get they might not want to play a chill match like that.

    Hopefully you get some nicer games. Wishing you luck.

  • Member Posts: 2,367

    Most killers will not thank survivors who don't do gens running around with flashlights (which they miss 90% of the time by the way). Not using tactics, not bming when playing survivor, etc u won't be thank for any of this. Your opponent will not be grateful most of the time. You treat people how u would like to get treated in this game. You will lose games that could've been won. I don't BM/tunnel/camp much....hehe.. because i don't want to face that $hit neither

  • Member Posts: 1,013

    I play fair any ways. I don't slug. Don't face camp. Don't tunnel out singling out anyone. I don't know who will or who won't like my playstyle. But I'm still Fairplay. If someone gives me a nice reaction. How will I know it was meaningful. I don't know. But it would be nice if they just leave after gates been open and I'm no longer chasing anymore.

  • Member Posts: 76

    my swf frends sweat just as much as a lot of killers that is unfair to say. its not just killers and killers dont sweat more. everyone sweats. but i see ppl i play with be rude even if the killer wasnt sometimes. so its defintly more surivors beign mean than killers 'sweating'.

    wat even is sweating, just trying to win???? its a game why shouldnt ppl try to win however they want??? i dont like bein slugged but if the person just wants to win i get it.

  • Member Posts: 1,410

    i gotta agree with u on that

    i play fair and get tons of 4ks and when i dont they are too busy running away to T-bag

  • I had a game vs an Oni that killed us all at 3 gens. Someone gave up early and we never recovered yet I still had fun with the good chases that happened. I mannged to loop him in his demon dash and it felt fun. Again we lost and yet I had a good time and good gold on chaser emblem. I tried to message the Oni “ggs fun game” on PlayStation since I’m on console and he had his messages turned off. So take that info any way you want

  • Member Posts: 2,267

    I do think it is sad that playing 'fair' can often get you nothing but disrespected in return.

    I have been left feeling very angry after dealing with 'those' survivors and sworn I will never let another survivor go and I will not be nice again…. only to find myself letting the cute survivor go yet again in the very next match lol.

    I don't think I have the right ruthless mindset to be a true killer main for that reason

  • Member Posts: 4,903

    That's the opposite of my experience.

    I almost always get thanks and/or offering when I play fair as killer.

    If survivors "offerings" were collectible, I'd have a full hangar of them.

  • Member Posts: 390
    edited October 2024

    I mean what's fair is highly subjective tbh. What's fair about being camped to death by a Leatherface in the basement how is that fair??? How is being insta-killed by a tombstone+infinite evil Myers fair for people to play against since the only counterplay is hiding in lockers all game???? What you define as "fair" vs. what other people think as fair isn't set in stone. Getting upset over crouch spamming is a bit silly tbh. I'm not pretending survivor's have a skewed view of fair but killers have so many tools and free information perks at their disposal it's really hard not to be bias against killers sometimes

  • Member Posts: 113
    edited October 2024

    If you play fair I say gg in chat.
    If you show kindness I leave a comment in your profile.
    If you struggle but don't play dirty even when losing I may give you a free kill.

    The game would be much better without sweating for 4 kills/4 escapes every match.

  • Member Posts: 390

    I would like to see data that supports your claim of "95%" of the player base being like this. Otherwise I'm going to just assume your claim lacks any credibility whatsoever.

  • Member Posts: 6,226

    I play pretty friendly (not capitalizing on early possible kills, avoiding tunneling until lategame, going for 7 or 8-hook before I start killing people, reacting to survivor memes) and my experience has been the exact opposite. While I'll still get the occasional teabagger and ggez, I get a lot of dropped items and nodding at the exit gates, and friendly messages in chat. Sometimes survivors I gave an easy time to when I caught them in a bad position will lead me to a hook and pay it back at the end. I've legitimately only ever gotten one -rep in my entirety of playing DBD, and that person was also spamming pornographic links on my Steam so I do not exactly think it was a me problem.

    It's possible I'm just at a less competitive, salty MMR, but this generalization doesn't hold true for me at all. People do acknowledge it if they recognize you're playing fair.

    While this holds less true while playing survivor, since you have less individual control over the match, I've also seen the reverse happen in times I was nice to the killer (letting them down me again after I wiggled off if their game is going badly, giving a down if their game is going really badly, stopping to nod at a really good play.) This community can be a lot more relatable than we expect it to be if you put a positive foot forward.

  • Member Posts: 110

    This!! literally this.

    Make something like that. the reward could change maybe increased % BP for a short period or shards or a icon, banner maybe a charm?

    The old leauge had such a system. They changed and improved it

    Overwatch has it too

    This way we could reduce the toxicity of the game!

  • Member Posts: 1,749

    not gonna lie i'd feel awkward if someone thanked me in egc for playing nice. the tiniest sign of acknowledgement and appreciation would be more than enough, and it's completely okay if they play normally and do nothing nice or rude.

  • Member Posts: 451

    About 87% of the survivors won't say anything to you at all regardless of how you play, if that helps.

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