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Let's talk about Ghost Face

Member Posts: 3,936
edited October 2024 in General Discussions

So I know for a fact I'm not naturally gifted at this killer. I play Myers and Pig quite often, but I'm kinda clumsy and on those killers, as I've been getting paired with better and better players I dont have time to try and be careful and sneak up... more often my stealth gets found out anyway, and so it becomes primarily a means of just getting closer before the chase begins rather than truly attempting to sneak up on people. Basically I'm not great at getting angles on Survivors unseen… (honestly the times some survivors spot me is impressive).

With Ghost Face however, unlike Pig and Myers, his power literally doesn't work if you don't get angles unseen, and with the amount of clutter and line of sight blockers in a number of maps, I find it really tricky... but I can accept that is a skill/knowledge issue on my part.

However one thing that I do find often about Ghost Face... I don't know what to do if survivors keep swarming me... I need to stalk to become a true threat, but I can't stalk if people are hovering near me/swarming around me and baiting for chase. On Pig and Myers I can punish this since I can just stalk or exert pressure with my RBTs (messing with me is costing your team more time)... but with Ghost Face I'm just stuck as an m1 killer unless I've been able to build up stalk and bank it prior to this scenario, which can then snowball the game.

Ghost Face needs to be able to disappear after he hooks to keep doing Ghost Facey things... but with people floating around hooks, the moment I tap my button I get instant knocked out of power, and while I can usually fall back on my decent m1 killer mind games and skills, on maps with strong tile connections this can obviously quickly get out of hand so I lose the game....

This is my experience playing vs. Ghost Face as well, if survivors try and split up and do gens Ghost Face is quite strong, but if some survivors follow him around and gang up on him (I've seen many duos and trios not bother doing gens and just follow him around), he kinda becomes bully fodder...

He also has a pretty abysmal kill rate in, suggesting this is not a problem unique to me...

Does anyone have any suggestions to avoid this problem? Am I missing something? Or does Ghost Face need something in his kit to help combat this?

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  • Member Posts: 1,815

    I just dropped playing him, same as Hag, he is killer from a different DBD era, which doesn't belong at current game at all. He is too slow at everything, has way too many counterplay from survivors and nothing to help in chase at all.

    He is fun sometimes against potatoes, but he is hella unbearable to play as against half decent players. You marked survivor on 75% and be revealed you (through wall of course)? Oh go on another side of the map with 20 sec cd on your power I guess, or try to chase him anyway.

    Many people love his gameplay, so I don't think he should be completely reworked. But amount of buffs he should receive to be viable and not clunky killer is catastrophic.

  • Member Posts: 7,056

    Usually what I tend to do as him is trying to go to a higher point (main buildings usually) to try and stalk and 99 there. If you have some one hooked you can usually do so quite easily as you know some one is most likely gonna go for the save. If youre on normal ground, tiny gaps in walls is enough to stalk through (shack for example has holes on the opposite side of the window for example.

    Outside of that if youre outside of chase and youre not sure if some one is nearby, go in power and its sort of a win win in your favor. Either you stay in stealth and have a better chance at stalking or you get revealed and you now know where somebody is.

    As for the swarming part, you do as you would with any other killer. Split the pressure between all of them, get them all injured, and eventually some of them are either gonna back off or get too comfortable/close which will give you an opportunity. In most cases you can usually breathe enough at some point where you can at least 99 one person. If that's at the beginning of the game so be it, but the moment you recognize theyre just swarming, save em for last. Bait him out if they go for a save or body block and you have yourself a down.

    Now I make this sound as if its easy and dont worry, its not that simple. Recognizing these opportunities is something that takes time but you gotta just step out of your comfort zone from time to time and experiment with what works and what doesnt. Then the rest will come naturally.

  • Member Posts: 504

    Actually, Ghostface's kill rate on NightLight suggests he has a balanced kill rate with 0-1Ks being at 44.08%, 2Ks(which is the middle ground) being at 12.46%, and 3-4Ks being at 43.46%. This means that his average kill rates are balanced out and you, typically, don't have to do the maths for this by just simply checking to see how much his 2K percentages are in the middle of the bar and it is also why NightLight averages his kill rate out at 50.91% because it is just searching for the middle-point of his 2K percentage in all of that.

  • Member Posts: 1,914

    Ghost face is basically a killer who can insta-down, but with extra steps.

    We have a better insta-down killers… Yeah, they don't have undetectable… But much easier at their work…

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    in survivor mains eyes, Ghostface is most balanced killer in the game. a near perfect 50% kill-rate. Survivors would love if every killer was brought down to Ghostface's power-level.

    In the killer perception, Ghostface is among worst killers in the game. The player regularly badly loses over 45% their games having 3 or 4 escapes. you get 12% bare losses when you could won but didn't win and only win around 44% of matches.

    This is my experience playing vs. Ghost Face as well, if survivors try and split up and do gens Ghost Face is quite strong, but if some survivors follow him around and gang up on him (I've seen many duos and trios not bother doing gens and just follow him around), he kinda becomes bully fodder...

    he is bully fodder. it is often worse bully fodder than Trapper who also get bully by survivor constantly disabling his traps and being unable to set any traps.

    Basically I'm not great at getting angles on Survivors unseen… (honestly the times some survivors spot me is impressive).

    The survivor instantly breaking you out should be standard. It is just that to this day, we still have survivor that complain that cannot reveal ghostface….. that is how we get that 50% kill-rate with some of the most abysmal stats for killer.

    Does anyone have any suggestions to avoid this problem? Am I missing something? Or does Ghost Face need something in his kit to help combat this?

    I mean killer does need buffs but killer like ghostface are just forgotten in the sea of 38 killers. the killer doesn't really get much changes because whatever buff gf does get, he'll never be remotely A-tier material. so him being like C-tier killer or what not is fine for whatever state he is in.

    There is way to play against SWF as GF but it involves a particular perk and specific play-style.

  • Member Posts: 1,716

    Having your own little stalker is difficult to deal with as ghosty. It is the most annoying thing that can happen as him, the long cooldown also doesn’t make that better. I for my part have not found out what to do against it and it is really frustrating. You just have to accept it.

    Leaning is another thing that can be really frustrating, I don’t know how it is for others, but my ghosty simply does not want to lean and it takes me too long to it and to find the angle.

    Ghost Face needs to be able to disappear after he hooks to keep doing Ghost Facey things... but with people floating around hooks, the moment I tap my button I get instant knocked out of power

    Directly getting into power isn’t really smart, because hooked survivors can easily stalk you out.

    I don’t think there is much you can do (if you don’t want to master him), he just needs some buffs.

    That are my suggestions for buffs:

    • You don‘t loose stalk progress through hitting survivors
    • You don’t get kicked out of power by hitting/downing a survivor 
    • Hooked and slugged survivors need twice as long to reveal you
    • Nightshroud cooldown shortened to 14s (was 20s, I think)
  • Member Posts: 504

    It's not just Ghostface sitting at roughly 50% according to NightLight- Roughly at least half of the roster sits around that point

  • Member Posts: 473

    I do better playing as Ghostface when I don't stalk at all, kind of playing him like Wraith. Enable Sloppy for slow heals, and thanks to his power you often get those nice and fast first hits. When I try to stalk I just get destroyed by good survivors usually.

  • Member Posts: 76

    my frned mains ghostface and says you have to come from weird angles and do something called 99ing stalk and u will do better does that help???

    i usuly win against ghistface so maybe he could use a lil buff. but i dont think his power is bad or unplayable. he is very fair and prolly doesnt need much. i think the issue isnt mid tier killers but OP ones that are too strong and can stop loops too well it should be about skill not perks or power.

  • Member Posts: 3,936
    edited October 2024

    EDIT: Sorry, don't mean to whine... it's been a tough couple of days for my Ghostie... wearing red cause fashion before meta probably doesn't help xD

    That's kind of my point... If you're not stalking, you're not getting your instant down, and if you're not getting your instant down, you're just playing as an M1 killer with Undetectable (and you dont even get that if you have a shadow)... and if you're stuck doing that, why play Ghost Face? At least with Myers when I come online I'm actually somewhat dangerous for a bit... like the potential for GF is obviously higher, but any mistakes or survivors playing well punishes you so hard...

    You're better off playing Pig with John's Medical, where you have a limited ability to ambush for an advantage at certain tiles, and if you do catch survivors, you have your RBTs to buy you much more time and pressure in the game. Or you can play Wraith, where you can cloak whenever you want, be impossible/harder to see until you get close, and can close down hold W distance on the map.

    This is effectively what keeps popping in my mind as Ghost Face... why do I want to play him over anyone else? I play Pig, Trapper and Myers as my mains, so I have passably good M1 skills, so I can function... but the whole time I'm doing it, I'm not using any of my strengths… if I can get a stalk off, amazing, but more often than not (and on certain maps), even if I know where survivors are, it's can be impossible to get angle without being seen, and I'm having to work really hard just to even try and use my power, and if I'm getting swarmed, I'm just stuck as an M1, eating body blocks and fighting around survivors downed under pallets and wielding flashlights.

    Again I accept there is some map learning curve for Ghost Face, but I honestly can't see how you really do anything if you get an unfavourable map or you face a decent SWF. A part of me wonders if he would benefit from at least having Killer Instinct on any survivors within 24m when he downs a survivor, so at least he can be aware of people potentially trying to save.

    In addition, if he downs a marked survivor, give him a basekit STBFL (25%?) and give him a 10s +10% speed boost just so he can either pick up fast or run at someone trying to get in his face to wound them (or if he got a God double stalk he is actually rewarded). It would allow you to actually go for hooks without constantly having to watch your back, and discourage people swarming you, which in turn means after each hook you can more often run off into the map and vanish to start being Ghost Face again.

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