2vs8 is going to be ultra survivor-sided

This gamemode was survivor sided before but the new 2vs8 iteration is going to be even more survivor sided. Rebuilding pallets? Gen repair speed increased per caged survivor? Picking up instead of trampling the survivor to the cage risks flashlight saves?
I'm staying away from queing killer and only queue up for survivor. The gen rushing was already insane before I don't need this on my plate.
Now killer queues are going to be faster
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Blight and Nurse in one lobby…
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When you have 400% BP-Incentive on Survivor and you STILL have 10 minute queues for Killer, you cannot really be serious that the mode was survivor-sided.
They HAD to make big changes to the mode. For Survivors, there was nearly no gameplay at all aside from holding M1 on even more Generators, while Killers had all the gameplay.
I wont play it, since I really dislike the mode (at least in the first version it was way too easy to win as Killer and not really worth it to play with 7 Randoms who dont repair Gens instead of 3 Randoms), but they had to do some improvements for Survivors.
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2v8 was not survivor-sided any more than the regular game is.
How "sided" the games are depends way more on the players in the match than anything else. A good player can keep a 70% kill rate with The Pig. A not good player will tell you how much The Pig sucks and is impossible to play.22 -
Excellent. This is what the community wants and needs.
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The gen repair speed increases when survivors are doing poorly, but also slows the gens down when the killers are having a hard time.
You forgot to mention that last part.
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God, I remember before the first 2v8 iteration went live, and there were a couple threads with people saying that killer queues would be instant and survivor queues would be overflowing because no one was going to want to play killer in such a survivor-sided mode… and I laughed (to myself) and they were insistent and lo and behold, killer queues were 30 minutes and survivor queues were instant.
Maybe the shine of playing killer with a friend will have worn off this time around and there'll be a balance between the two sides, who knows. But it is playing killer with a friend that's the novel part of 2v8. Survivors always play in a team, and 2v8 is just playing in a bigger team but without getting to use the perks you grinded for so long to unlock.
Killers became damn near uncounterable for a single survivor when they stayed together. It put survivors in unwinnable situations, and that was a big thing survivors complained about. Now, killers are encouraged even more to stay together as the counter to pallet saves and flashlight blinds.
I'm not making predictions on how it'll go this time around. I'm pointing out how it went before and possibilities for how it can go this time. What happens will depend on how players adapt.
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to be survivor sided mod became more survivor sided than before, then no no one wants it
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and survivors queues time would be 20min long cause there is no point to play this mod as a killer
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Which means instant queues for killers
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But problem would be the same just roles being reversed
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Then play normal mode
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Are you forgot that 2vs8 also make time for normal mode longer
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Sorry, but the queue times were absolutely not a reflection of the modes balance.
You could argue it was boring, but that's something different.
Who would A)want to play 1v4 killer when 2v8 is out?
Or B) play survivor when 2v8 is out?
2 killers. Let me reiterate, two killers. Two. Double the killers. No amount of incentives, BP, or gimmick was going to do ANYTHING about the queues in Dbd while 2v8 was here.
If anybody wanted to play 1v4, the only winning play was to take your advance warning and take a pre planned break from Dbd.
Now that the 1st 2v8 has come and gone, who knows where things will go from here.
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Nows its just roles reversed
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400% bonus for killers would make me willing to suffer…
Well, I will play Blight, so should be fine. I expect way more slugging tho.1 -
Queue time in 2v8 was not related to balance, it was the fact that there wasn't enough killers but also because MMR.
All these changes are absolute garbage, BHVR really have no idea what they are doing. The mode was fine, with a few tweaks but NOT LIKE THIS.0 -
Making gens faster is a lazy way to tip the scales and will likely just make playing killer with a friend (the whole point of the game mode) a miserable experience once you fet to sweaty MMR with survivors who are efficient on gens. Which was what made 2v8 killer miserable the first time, having 3-4 gens pop before you've got more than a couple downs.
What they should have done is come up with a novel way of allowing survivors to counter a double-team attack from killers. That's what was unfair for survivors and what made playing survivor miserable the first time.
2v8 needed to give survivors something new, and some kind of power that activated when being chased by two killers at once could have been interesting, and give them a chance in an otherwise no-win situation.
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The new 2v8 will fail in the same way that the return of Chaos Shuffle has failed. Everyone said they loved Chaos Shuffle and were looking forward to its return, but it has been ignored and they are playing normal mode.
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I don’t think 2v8 was survivor sided at all - by the time the mode came to close killers had learned to effectively work together to consistently tag team survivors and down them in very quick succession. They also figured out where the hooks would spawn and proxy camping /tunnelling came into play again. Unfortunately I don’t think the changes are going to discourage that type of behaviour but then that’s probably not what BHvR wanted anyway
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If there wasn't enough killers then survivor queue times would be long and the 400% incentive would be on killer. You have it backwards
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It wasn't that there weren't enough PLAYERS
It was that there weren't enough KILLERS
The inability to have duplicate killers with only 5 available killers made for insufferably long queue times.
Normal games had EVEN LONGER queue times than 2v8 did. 45+ minutes at times and that is WITH cross-play enabled.
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Oh you mean everyone wanting to play Huntress or Wraith? So it was a self imposed long queue time and I guess the devs are anticipating the same this time around
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rebuilding pallets seems OP
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2v8 needs more Survivors so Im fine with this, the queues were so awful that it ruined queuing in general across all modes, and 2v8 Survivor before was way too boring for me to enjoy.
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The big problem is that now Killers are forced to basicly stick together and that will cause a lot of crying on this forum and the subreddit about survivors going down instantly, it happened before and it will get worse this time.
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i didnt like having to wait and i dont want this mode again if it maeks me wait more. :(
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In which way was it survivor-sided? I played together with someone with around 100 hours and we won almost constantly (I had 2450 or something and I played huntress mostly and she trapper or wraith). Most people weren't able to loop at all, not that that's relevant on crossmaps mostly but still.
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The thing is, Chaos Shuffle this time is less popular because it is more sweaty than before. The big flaw in Chaos Shuffle was that players could sweat by bringing strong Items/Add Ons or Map Offerings. And this is now happening far more often.
In general, it looks like people play those gamemodes which should be FUN modes way too seriously. Which brings me back to my intiial opinion about those - they should just not exist. The Devs should stop putting time into Chaos Shuffle, Lights Out and 2v8 and rather focus on the regular gamemode. Nobody needs two or more gamemodes which are all a sweatfest.
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They did mention the killers getting classes now, which is why they probly had to buff survivors. They also mention generators slowing down if they are done too fast etc
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I never had this problem, my queue times were just as normal as before
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Honestly as long as they remove the Scout loadout from the previous iteration I'm looking forward to whatever they do. Dealing with 4 people having a 20 second cooldown sprint burst for everyone around them and pre-nerf Made for This felt so awful if you weren't playing Huntress.
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I mean… everyone thought the first iteration of 2v8 was gonna be heavily survivor sided too… and that aged like milk. Maybe wait to try it yourself first before assuming.
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scout was wall-hack person which is likely "pallet re-build" class. escapist was 3% haste and sprint burst every 20 seconds. apparently, escapist gets self-care as their bonus perk.
I am curious to what engineer, medic and scout get as bonus perks. I am going to take a guess that scout might get that Haddie perk that gives you flashlight from searching a chest. Medic might get something like plot twist where when they pick themselves up, they're healed. engineer…. maybe they get like Deadline where they get more skill-checks than other classes which would synergize with their 2% bonus skill-check innate perk and co-op gens does not incur gen penalty.
this is just me brainstorming their perks. they didn't say what other class bonus perks are, they only mentioned escapist's perk bonus perk.
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the game mode will not be in either's favor because there are SO many variables, the whole picking up a survivor before remote caging them in fear of getting flashlight saved, first since the survivors start with NOTHING, they will have to FIND one first. As for the re-building of pallets, BHVR can maybe reduce maximum classes to 3 for the survivors, but none-the-less a lot of the killers on most loops don't care about the pallets. Slinger can spear and drag around the loop, Spirit moves fast enough to mind game them, Blight can break them faster than they can rebuild, Nurse can….. well Nurse. Point is the only killer that really suffers from pallet rebuilding is Wraith but he can just resort to surprise attacking survivors on gens
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Explain why survivor sided is bad? Let's be honest... The role of survivor is getting more and more unpopular every month. All I ever see is blood point bonus for survivor. Now I understand your fragile ego can't handle not being able to sacrifice everyone every single game and honestly, I hope most killers are afraid of this mode. I'd be more than happy playing killer with a friend and not setting my pants over flashlights and raging of a good group gets away. But that's just me
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cause u need killers to play the game, theres 4 times more of us than them.
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ight you got my Curiousity…
how tf do you even track that kill percentage.. if ya don't mind me askin' of course.
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You saying the previous version was survivor side is why nobody in this forum is going to take ur opinion seriously XD
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I mean killer is meant to be the power role since its an asymmetrical game. if survivors had too much power, no killers would play and survivor queues would go up. This is less of an issue for 2v8 where we kinda need the killers to switch to survivor so queues can balance out lol
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This mode needs to be survivor sided so people actually have desire to play this mode
Last time killer lobbies were taking twenty minutes and survivors had 400% bp bonus
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Seems like they generally switche dup a bit of the gameplay. - Killers got roles now too, meaning they get an advantage in certain situations. - It's also not like survs can just pick up pallets; it needs to be unlocked as a class feature and is thus only available to a limited amount of players for a limited amount of time.
Idk, I'm excited to see how the changes play out in the mode. Could be super nice - could backfire horribly. Either way; they don't lean any particular way ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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I think there will be a lot of Blight nurse combos
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For me as killer as I'm sure it is for many, the order of events that will take place will be.
- Play fair (survivor handbook)...if that way doesn't work ie can't get kills or it's boring progress to step 2.
- Play dirty.... If playing dirty results in low kills and equally unfun gameplay for the killer progress to step 3
- Simply don't play the game mode
So time will tell how it will pan out but if it's overly survivor sided then it won't be good as it will result in either toxic gameplay by killers or it will have very very long q times from killers not wanting to play due to the imbalance and survivors not wanting to play due to "toxic" plays by killers.
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The devs basically admitted that they were buffing the survivor side a lot for this round of 2v8 to help with the killer to survivor ratio in the queues. I guess we'll see if they went too far the other way this time!
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Nightlight's website, you upload the final scoreboard and it mostly detects the results of the match, then asks you for any clarifications or corrections it needs. So as long as you consistently upload your matches.
Here is my stats, note that I am a Pig main, so I am not that good with other killers, but I tend to upload all my matches. If I only uploaded my Pig matches my Kill Rate would be higher.0 -
I've only played Chaos Shuffle since it came back and most of my friends aswell.
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Was it really survivor sided?400 bps bonus on survivor makes me beg to differ. Ever seen people like ayrun who camps Thomas house as huntress chucking hatches while your trying to dodge busted Billy or nurse? It's like facing 2.0 knight mains with pincers attacks and it was disgusting. Idk evey event for me has been killer sided since last anniversary. I Prefer idv 2 v 8 cause survivors actually have abilities to counter hunters double teaming somewhat. Hopefully all the sweaty killers go in 2 v 8 and 1 v 4 will be more manageable.
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I don't care as long as playing either side is fun.
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Play survivor then